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US election 2012

If Obama wins the Electoral College but not the popular vote (which is possible) - maybe then there will be calls to change the system - the republicans seemed to forget to do anything about this when Bush lost to Gore on the popular vote, but won on the Electoral College.

There's already an effort to gets laws in place, state by state, that would award that state's electors to the winner of the national popular vote. It would change the Electoral College system without changing the Constitution. If Obama wins the EC, but not the popular vote, I'm sure it will motivate the Republicans to change it. They really haven't had in incentive in the past because its benefitted them.
Oh, that's actually genuinely awful. He's in the UK and can't believe it's supposedly so close. Stands around smoking while muttering to himself about Republicans.
Certainly the EC system is showing its shortcomings here... for example, BO's polls in certain non-competitive states have dipped lately (eg California and Texas, two very populous states where a lower vote share than anticipated would definitely have a big impact on his share of the national vote).

Still at least is usually works out by electing the popular vote winner as President... compare with our bonkers system of awarding 'majorities' to candidates and parties who win less than 40% of the popular vote
Oh, that's actually genuinely awful. He's in the UK and can't believe it's supposedly so close. Stands around smoking while muttering to himself about Republicans.
Southern liberal huh? I pulled one of those by ranting at her about Dubya and the war. Poor lass didn't meet many people like me in North Carolina at the time :D
Just done my sums. 303 EC votes for Obama, 332 if he bags Florida.
I'm toying with the idea of staying up for this, what sort of time do the results start coming in? and when would a result be likely?
Think the east coast polls close around 1am our time. Expect a clear idea around 3/4am I guess once the MidWest tallies are coming in
East coast polls close later than that, but they wont matter, all the states are (basically) decided already. Ohio polls close at 12.30. Unless it is desperately close the result will be known ten minutes later, tho it'll be a couple more hours before anything is close to confirmed
Southern, liberal, democrat, university lecturer, gay, black, married. BINGO!

New Hampshire is another one Romney wont get.

Obama will win - 1-3% national lead. About 300 EC votes. He'll get Ohio but not Florida.

corrected for you
true - but it will be interesting if the reverse happens and the hanging chads fuck the Republicans this time
You Yankees (and a surprising number of other posters) are really getting excited about all this aren't you ! As if it actually mattered ! Sure there is the Healthcare issue to divide them -- but even there, Obama's Healthcare Bill is pretty shit, let's be honest - handing all that new money to the same old private sector crooks. And don't tell me that at least Obama's some kind of liberal ... he's too busy with new authoritarian law creation and drone strikes for that to have any mileage.

FFS, Romney is indeed a religiously eccentric, billionaire asset-stripping, job destroying, poor-people-grinding toerag, for sure........but what about Obama, how much better is this now proven stooge for Wall Street's interests ? Sorry, but the man and his party are also utterly corrupt upholders of US capitalism in general, and the interests of the superrich in particular. OK, unlike Mitt, Obama doesn't appear to be a stone bonker.. but even in bourgeois political terms he's no Roosevelt is he ? Not the man to face up to Wall Street and the fat cats in the wider real "national interest of the average family" -- just yet another master of empty sonorous feelgood rhetoric. Whichever guy wins, the US and world economies are longer term toast, as the continuing crazed priorities of the Financial sector and the superrich lead us all into ever greater banker-led speculative upheaval, and ever greater World Depression.

My advice is to chillax and just take a rest from the news till its all over. US policy is determined by the US capitalist ruling class on a very long term strategic basis, with only tiny detail differences of emphasis allowed between potential presidents like Romney or Obama. Your entire US "democratic process " is simply a manipulated sham nowadays. Get over it. Move on.
Whatever happened to that bloke who used to be president before Obama? Haven't heard much from him in this election.

They're keeping him under wraps because he proves to be too much of a reminder that the narrative about Obama shafting the economy isn't quite right, because he left a steaming pile of dog turd in his wake as he left.

Also, a few days ago he was giving a key note address at a Cayman Islands investment seminar.
I've taken Wednesday off :oops: I love election programmes :D

I'm pulling an all-nighter. I studied American Politics at university, why the fuck wouldn't I stay up and get excited? It's like watching a film, that is in turns incredibly exciting, nail-bitingly anxiety-producing, and skull-crushingly boring :)
My advice is to chillax and just take a rest from the news till its all over. US policy is determined by the US capitalist ruling class on a very long term strategic basis, with only tiny detail differences of emphasis allowed between potential presidents like Romney or Obama. Your entire US "democratic process " is simply a manipulated sham nowadays. Get over it. Move on.
Well wave a fucking V mask. Perhaps, you know, some people are concerned about immediate differences - access to contraception and abortion, say, or employment rights, or disaster relief.

But they're only Americans eh? What do they know about American politics? Sheep, the lot of them.
I'm pulling an all-nighter. I studied American Politics at university, why the fuck wouldn't I stay up and get excited? It's like watching a film, that is in turns incredibly exciting, nail-bitingly anxiety-producing, and skull-crushingly boring :)
as you know, I studied American Politics at university too! and was at college over there in the 80s - the Reagan years :facepalm:
You Yankees (and a surprising number of other posters) are really getting excited about all this aren't you ! As if it actually mattered ! Sure there is the Healthcare issue to divide them -- but even there, Obama's Healthcare Bill is pretty shit, let's be honest - handing all that new money to the same old private sector crooks. And don't tell me that at least Obama's some kind of liberal ... he's too busy with new authoritarian law creation and drone strikes for that to have any mileage.

FFS, Romney is indeed a religiously eccentric, billionaire asset-stripping, job destroying, poor-people-grinding toerag, for sure........but what about Obama, how much better is this now proven stooge for Wall Street's interests ? Sorry, but the man and his party are also utterly corrupt upholders of US capitalism in general, and the interests of the superrich in particular. OK, unlike Mitt, Obama doesn't appear to be a stone bonker.. but even in bourgeois political terms he's no Roosevelt is he ? Not the man to face up to Wall Street and the fat cats in the wider real "national interest of the average family" -- just yet another master of empty sonorous feelgood rhetoric. Whichever guy wins, the US and world economies are longer term toast, as the continuing crazed priorities of the Financial sector and the superrich lead us all into ever greater banker-led speculative upheaval, and ever greater World Depression.

My advice is to chillax and just take a rest from the news till its all over. US policy is determined by the US capitalist ruling class on a very long term strategic basis, with only tiny detail differences of emphasis allowed between potential presidents like Romney or Obama. Your entire US "democratic process " is simply a manipulated sham nowadays. Get over it. Move on.

you are indeed a wise man , we will all 'chillax'
You Yankees (and a surprising number of other posters) are really getting excited about all this aren't you !

To my knowledge, there's only one Yankee on the board and she's from Boston. I, sir, am a Midwesterner. We are culturally unable to get excited, with the possible exception of college football. We tend to be suspect of anything too exciting. It might be fun.
Three of us at mine - pizza, tea, coffee - laptops, Dimbleby. Im going to nap from five till ten, then drop off four till seven. Hopefully catch the show.
Surely Obama has got this in the bag. He has his faults, but fuck me, President Mitt Romney. Can somebody just shoot the cunt if he wins.
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