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US election 2012

true, but Mormons aren't real Christians (so most American Christians think) but it could get messy if they start accusing Obama of being a Muslim

Well, I don't think it's as easy as saying that him being of one of the tricksy (heh) denominations means he'd be fair game. The whole 'freedom of religion' thing still plays an important role, despite the shouty loudness of evangelicals and others. Attacking someone for adhering to the tenets of their religion (unless they are one of those furrin muslims) would make a lot of people uncomfortable.
A Romney presidency may just end my interest in U.S politics. He'll be eaten by his own party when he inevitably heads towards the centre ground, falls out with his vice president and has the same gridlock problems Obama has had for the last four years. The Democrats will try and swing around behind Clinton for 2016, but there's too much baggage there.

Continuing polarity of debate, and a Republican Party that's terrifying to even conservatives. America, I am disappoint.
Ryan wants a tilt at the presidency, and is young enough to wait until the end of a Romney presidency - he won't kick up a fuss - he'll disappear, be an anonymous v.p - maybe he'll be thrown a few biscuits now and again and go on the telly - or make a high profile foreign trip.
I guess the biggest worry for many is Supreme Court nominations. 3, I believe, will be up during the next 4 years.
The hypocrisy of an anti-Obama propaganist/christian fundamentalist has cost him his job. These guys are amazing.

The conservative scholar behind a high-grossing film that condemns President Barack Obama has resigned as head of an evangelical college.
The King's College in New York announced Dinesh D'Souza's resignation Thursday. Its board had been meeting about the school president and his relationship with a woman who is not his wife.
The evangelical magazine WORLD reported that the long-married D'Souza was also engaged to the woman. WORLD reported that he brought the woman to a Christian values event last month and introduced her as his fiancee. D'Souza filed for divorce in California a few days after the conference.
Perhaps it's because it's a dodgy path to go down, considering he was doing the standard Mormon 2 years overseas missionary thing. It's one thing to attack someone for dodging military service, but then it means having a go at their religious adherence? I'm not sure they would want to go there.

From memory he's not vulnerable on this one. He deferred the draft to do missionary work and then took the draft when he returned but didn't actually get drafted (i.e. he took part in the draft but wasn't chosen).
Latest gynaecology update from the campaign
Tea party-backed Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) suggested on Thursday that exceptions to abortion bans were not necessary to protect the mother’s health because science had advanced to the point that pregnant women can’t die.

In their final debate before the November election, Democratic challenger Tammy Duckworth noted that Walsh did not support “exceptions for rape, incest or life of the mother” and he “would let a woman die rather than give a doctor the option to save her life.”

“That’s not fair,” Walsh complained.

Following the debate, the Illinois Republican told reporters that abortion was “absolutely” never medically necessary to save the life of the mother because “with modern technology and science, you can’t find one instance,” according to WGN.
Science is great isn't it?

Fucking hell.

I can never get my thoughts sorted properly over the way all these elected officials are able to blatantly lie and not be held accountable for it. I don't mean the usual kind of political manoeuvring or fudging numbers to further an ideological position - I mean the outright lies. It seems far more prevalent over there than here. Jon Stewart summed it up nicely with the idea of 'truthiness' - it's all about who can speak with conviction in order to hit the right buttons of their electorate, and as long as it sounds like it could be true, that's good enough. It seems like it's lying on a different scale and of a different type to what we're familiar with here.
mentioned this before, but Romney doesn't seem to be getting much stick about dodging the Vietnam war by moving to France and being a Mormon missionary - seen a bit of chat on Twitter about it - democrats could attack him on this easily as Obama is too young to have served in Vietnam

Bill Clinton did his best to avoid the draft, the Democratic president before him pardoned draft-dodgers as one of his first acts in office, and the Democratic nominee before Obama was one of the most prominent critics of the war, so it would be more than a little strange for Democrats to attack Romney for not serving in Vietnam.

But if Romney was a Democrat, the Republicans would no doubt have a lot to say about military service: When other men his age were getting drafted, he was learning French, and he didn't inspire any of his five sons to serve their country, even though they were prime military age during several wars.
Bill Clinton did his best to avoid the draft, the Democratic president before him pardoned draft-dodgers as one of his first acts in office, and the Democratic nominee before Obama was one of the most prominent critics of the war, so it would be more than a little strange for Democrats to attack Romney for not serving in Vietnam.

But if Romney was a Democrat, the Republicans would no doubt have a lot to say about military service: When other men his age were getting drafted, he was learning French, and he didn't inspire any of his five sons to serve their country, even though they were prime military age during several wars.

not sure that would fly. Going to France was not something young Mittens volunteered to do, they kind of just say "Ok, you're going now, pack your things." It's like being drafted for the church, iyswim.
:) but it seems some are being swayed by the debates no?

I'm not a huge believer in the polls. The undecided vote is too small to have the swings in the polls that they're reporting. They can make them say anything the pollster wants them to say and a tied race sells more newspapers.
Absolutely not. Its time to have the freaking election already. FFS, this had gone on for 18 months. If someone hasn't made up their mind by now they must be terminally stupid.
aw, come on, the debates are the only redeeming factor of election season. I've never been into sports, but watching the debate with some friends and beer has got to be close to watching a really good game...no?
aw, come on, the debates are the only redeeming factor of election season. I've never been into sports, but watching the debate with some friends and beer has got to be close to watching a really good game...no?
Politics is about the only "sport" where the outcome matters. Since this one will be on foreign policy, it should be easy for Obama to clobber Romney by tying him to Bush since most of his (Bush's) foreign policy advisers are from the Bush admin. Expect Romney to play the tough guy & accuse Obama of being weak & apologizing for America.
Politics is about the only "sport" where the outcome matters. Since this one will be on foreign policy, it should be easy for Obama to clobber Romney by tying him to Bush since most of his (Bush's) foreign policy advisers are from the Bush admin. Expect Romney to play the tough guy & accuse Obama of being weak & apologizing for America.

Can we expect any gaffes from Romney or will his time in France mean that he is a polished performer on things non american?
Can we expect any gaffes from Romney or will his time in France mean that he is a polished performer on things non american?
He was pushing his goofy Mormon cult back then. He probably won't make gaffes but will emphasize how he'll never apologize for the US & will be real tough with Iran & stand by our ally Israel. And the Libya thing is sure to take up too much time.
Obama is fucked because he waves the flag but can't wave it as hard as Romney.
Don't know about that. O. waved the flag pretty hard. Don't they all? And I don't think the typical conservative flag waving will do it for them this time. R. is such an empty suit whose strings are pulled.

Immediate media consensus seems to be that O. "won."
The "and we don't have the same number of horses and bayonets" was a bit of a populist, but killer blow, and knocked Romney off his perch. Round 3 went to Obama IMO.
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