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US election 2012

Sorry, youll have to ask your other mummy, or stop being lazy & look for yourself. Im not here at your beck & call. I dont do servant duties but your silly answer answers itself.

If you need a "link" (why do so many ignorant forum members across the internet assume all knowledge originates on the internet? Hello, turn of the computer & you might get to learn things too) then obviously you dont know the answer so what was the point in making your claim in the first place?

If you need help with your search try looking for a figure of around a 5 million increase in minority voters in 08 with about 2 million being black (of the top of my head).

Pickman's has raised a reasonable question though; registration rates in the USA are extremely low compared to most liberal democracies - and in the UK registration rates are as low as in the 40%s among sections of the urban demographic (the lowest are young people in rented housing). I'm really ignorant about the actual state of play about registration rates in the US but I am really confident they're lower than in the UK.
Ash mahay

I'm not asking for knowledge, which results from the analysis of information, i'm after the raw data. In the time it took you to post your reply you could have found a link, and if you were interested in the topick you would have posted it.
The same man is cutting medicare by $716 bn which will effect a lot of people, including some poor (& particularly some elderly).
The same mans health care bill doesnt even include some of the poorest people in the country.
The same man whose health care bill, which was one of the worst bills in history (even most pro-healthcare people admit that), has to be paid for in a country where the average persons wage hasnt increased in real terms for 15 years (thanks to Clinton, Bush & Obama) & where some people are already living in terrible conditions of poverty.
It might have been if it were ever the truth...
To "some" of those who need it? Yes, but not all & at a great cost.
You know Obamacare wasnt an act of kindness, but an attempt to win votes, dont you?
Thats why even the basic idea was changing so much before, during & after the election. It wasnt about providing healthcare, it was about motivating voters.
Im genuinely glad you are one of those who have benefited from it, I wish there was more, but please spare a thought for some of the poor who havent.


oh dear. it IS going to help all the poor people. When it actually goes into effect. I have benefitted because it already went into effect in my state several years ago, under a different name.
if you would like to know how it works, feel free to ask. I would be more than happy to explain.

as far as the cuts, it's part of phasing out the old system, making the parts that do work sustainable, and phasing in the new, more efficient system.

there's much more I didn't respond to obviously, not sure I can be bothered.

if you do have some time, please list some names of these universal health proponents who thought Obamacare was "the worst plan ever invented" or whatever you said. Thanks.
Ash mahay

I'm not asking for knowledge, which results from the analysis of information, i'm after the raw data. In the time it took you to post your reply you could have found a link, and if you were interested in the topick you would have posted it.

Cop out. If I could then surely so can you so why should I do it for you.

If you had any interest you would have known the answer and wouldnt be so lazy would you?

For the record, over the last ten years blacks have actually been the fastest rising minority, in terms of voter registration, hence my hello Mr 1982 comment & if you cant be bothered to find that fact out dont suggest its because Im not interested in the subject.

My interest in a subject isnt measured by your lazyness.

FYI I was typing on a small screen touch screen phone, on a bus yesterday, on the way to do some work, so why the fuck would you think I should be running around after you when you were probably more capable than me at the time of finding the answer for yourself?

Seriously what did your last slave die of?

Its amazing how often the facepalm is used on this site before a bad post...

oh dear. it IS going to help all the poor people. When it actually goes into effect.

No, it really isnt and even many Dems have admitted as much.

Try reading the report on the issue comissioned by Jim Doyle (Democrat Governor of Wisconsin until 2011), for example, which highlights how many poor people will recieve worse healthcare because of the legislation.

This isnt universal healthcare.

I have benefitted because it already went into effect in my state several years ago, under a different name.
if you would like to know how it works, feel free to ask. I would be more than happy to explain.

Thats ok Im already familiar with how it works, are you?
Pickman's has raised a reasonable question though; registration rates in the USA are extremely low compared to most liberal democracies - and in the UK registration rates are as low as in the 40%s among sections of the urban demographic (the lowest are young people in rented housing). I'm really ignorant about the actual state of play about registration rates in the US but I am really confident they're lower than in the UK.

Of the top of my head (these morning posts are often on buses so no other sources available) I cant give you exact registration figures (a reason why I suggest anyone with a genuine interest looks them up), but in general terms (across all races) post-Kennedy there was a general malaise & a down turn in voter registration & turn out over the following decades.

I dont have time to cover 50 years of electoral history so lets skip forward to 1982 (the Reagan era).

Today Reagan is considered a near god by conservatives for his policy of tax cutting, but in reality he raised taxes as many, if not more times, than any other modern President.

At the time many of the biggest protestors were actually poor Republicans (the Dems were considered a bit of a joke at the time) & with the Dems being so useless at the time & with many people unhappy at Reagan, this accelerated the down turn as an increasing number of people felt unrepresented.

This all ties in with what I said earlier about these two parties not being left & right in the UK sense.

This malaise continued until around 10/15 years ago when campaigns were launched to increase voter registration amongst minorities (interestingly that included some federally funded initiatives so even Bush chipped in).

Since then blacks have been the fastest growing minority, in terms of voter registration & as I already pointed out that includes a rise of about 2 million at the last election alone.

So if you're after disenfranchised groups then African-American isnt the one for you.

Probably at the moment the largest & fastest growing disenfranchised group would be poor working class rural white Americans (the same people mentioned above & usually dismissed as ignorant, racist rednecks based partly on propoganda).

Im not sure how many people here are actually interested in the working classes, or are aware of the conditions that many of these people live in, but the situation is dire for many of them & has been for decades (hence their protests against Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II & Obama).

Many of these people (hundreds of thousands) live below the poverty line, & indeed below the standard of living we get on benefits over here.

As I mentioned above there are people working 50 hour weeks, people with wives & kids, who earn less than a single man gets on benefits in this country.

Seriously, forget the Thatcher years, the conditions many of these people are living in makes living as a working class Brit. in the 80's look like middle class living & theyve put up with this for decades (hence the protests against Reagan too) & as I point out in another post in real terms its been getting worse, year on year, over the last decade or two.

Have you ever heard of economic flight?

Thats when you get so dirt poor that you cant actually, humanly afford to live where you live anymore and your forced to abandon your home and move hundreds of miles away and go live in a hostel or something.

This is whats happening (& has been for years) to hundreds of thousands of Americas poorest over the last few decades & of course such an exodus has knock on effects because the smaller the population of a community the larger the share each individual has to pay to maintain infrastructure etc. to the level where whole communities are abandoned, where as others are forced to offer free land, or other incentives, in a futile attempt to try and attract new residents in an attempt to survive.

This is a serious, serious issue. People are dying, communities are dying, they literally have no more to give & yet the Democrats will smear them as middle class racist rednecks, despite many being amongst the poorest people in the country, & the fact that the majority are not racist, & the fact that were not just talking about white people here.

Thats why I responded to Vintage Paws post.

Im sorry if he was offended by my assumption & I know that to assume is to make an ass out of me and u, but reading his post it was a logical assumption based on his innacurate portrayal of Dems as the saviours of the working classes (when true understanding of the American political scene shows that both parties are very dangerous to the poorest in society and in some areas Dems are the more dangerous - where as the GOP is in others) & also because I would have thought that anyone with the credentials that he seemed to be hinting he had (whatever they are) would have been aware that such schemes of out reach as he was advocating have in fact been tried many times before & met with condemnation as ill conceived & ignorant by both Republicans & Democrats & some might wonder why the Democrats might slam a little help of that kind but its for the reasons I mentioned above.

They are just as aware as I am that racists, crooks, paedophiles & other assorted nasties can be found in their ranks, just as easily as in the GOP & therefore universal advocacy can be pretty offensive at times.

I mean seriously imagine being a black guy and getting a letter from some ignorant Brit telling you to vote for David Duke, or some guy living on welfare being told to vote for someone who defrauded your state, or a mother being asked to vote for someone who helped a paedophile get a pardon.

Can you see how you might be offended?

These parties are not left & right.

Personally Ive never liked the idea of putting loyalty to a party above policies and beliefs & therefore I cant be as enthusiastic about the Dems as some here appear to be, as I know the very real impact that such support could have upon some of the poorest people in the country.
Pickman's has raised a reasonable question though; registration rates in the USA are extremely low compared to most liberal democracies - and in the UK registration rates are as low as in the 40%s among sections of the urban demographic (the lowest are young people in rented housing). I'm really ignorant about the actual state of play about registration rates in the US but I am really confident they're lower than in the UK.

Of the top of my head (these morning posts are often on buses so no other sources available) I cant give you exact registration figures (a reason why I suggest anyone with a genuine interest looks them up), but in general terms (across all races) post-Kennedy there was a general malaise & a down turn in voter registration & turn out over the following decades.

I dont have time to cover 50 years of electoral history so lets skip forward to 1982 (the Reagan era).

Today Reagan is considered a near god by conservatives for his policy of tax cutting, but in reality he raised taxes as many, if not more times, than any other modern President.

At the time many of the biggest protestors were actually poor Republicans (the Dems were considered a bit of a joke at the time) & with the Dems being so useless at the time & with many people unhappy at Reagan, this accelerated the down turn as an increasing number of people felt unrepresented.

This all ties in with what I said earlier about these two parties not being left & right in the UK sense.

This malaise continued until around 10/15 years ago when campaigns were launched to increase voter registration amongst minorities (interestingly that included some federally funded initiatives so even Bush chipped in).

Since then blacks have been the fastest growing minority, in terms of voter registration & as I already pointed out that includes a rise of about 2 million at the last election alone.

So if you're after disenfranchised groups then African-American isnt the one for you.

Probably at the moment the largest & fastest growing disenfranchised group would be poor working class rural white Americans (the same people mentioned above & usually dismissed as ignorant, racist rednecks based partly on propoganda).

Im not sure how many people here are actually interested in the working classes, or are aware of the conditions that many of these people live in, but the situation is dire for many of them & has been for decades (hence their protests against Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II & Obama).

Many of these people (hundreds of thousands) live below the poverty line, & indeed below the standard of living we get on benefits over here.

As I mentioned above there are people working 50 hour weeks, people with wives & kids, who earn less than a single man gets on benefits in this country.

Seriously, forget the Thatcher years, the conditions many of these people are living in makes living as a working class Brit. in the 80's look like middle class living & theyve put up with this for decades (hence the protests against Reagan too) & as I point out in another post in real terms its been getting worse, year on year, over the last decade or two.

Have you ever heard of economic flight?

Thats when you get so dirt poor that you cant actually, humanly afford to live where you live anymore and your forced to abandon your home and move hundreds of miles away and go live in a hostel or something.

This is whats happening (& has been for years) to hundreds of thousands of Americas poorest over the last few decades & of course such an exodus has knock on effects because the smaller the population of a community the larger the share each individual has to pay to maintain infrastructure etc. to the level where whole communities are abandoned, where as others are forced to offer free land, or other incentives, in a futile attempt to try and attract new residents in an attempt to survive.

This is a serious, serious issue. People are dying, communities are dying, they literally have no more to give & yet the Democrats will smear them as middle class racist rednecks, despite many being amongst the poorest people in the country, & the fact that the majority are not racist, & the fact that were not just talking about white people here.

Thats why I responded to Vintage Paws post.

Im sorry if he was offended by my assumption & I know that to assume is to make an ass out of me and u, but reading his post it was a logical assumption based on his innacurate portrayal of Dems as the saviours of the working classes (when true understanding of the American political scene shows that both parties are very dangerous to the poorest in society and in some areas Dems are the more dangerous - where as the GOP is in others) & also because I would have thought that anyone with the credentials that he seemed to be hinting he had (whatever they are) would have been aware that such schemes of out reach as he was advocating have in fact been tried many times before & met with condemnation as ill conceived & ignorant by both Republicans & Democrats & some might wonder why the Democrats might slam a little help of that kind but its for the reasons I mentioned above.

They are just as aware as I am that racists, crooks, paedophiles & other assorted nasties can be found in their ranks, just as easily as in the GOP & therefore universal advocacy can be pretty offensive at times.

I mean seriously imagine being a black guy and getting a letter from some ignorant Brit telling you to vote for David Duke, or some guy living on welfare being told to vote for someone who defrauded your state, or a mother being asked to vote for someone who helped a paedophile get a pardon.

Can you see how you might be offended?

These parties are not left & right.

Personally Ive never liked the idea of putting loyalty to a party above policies and beliefs & therefore I cant be as enthusiastic about the Dems as some here appear to be, as I know the very real impact that such support could have upon some of the poorest people in the country.
Jesus, what a dick. And yeah, all that was really written on your small phone whilst on the bus.

I note you were unable to back up your claim that Ryan had been a 'left' anarchist.
Jesus, what a dick. And yeah, all that was really written on your small phone whilst on the bus.

I note you were unable to back up your claim that Ryan had been a 'left' anarchist.

Im sure the mods here have access to user data & whilst they cant confirm whether Im on a bus or not Im happy for them to confirm my posts are typed on a phone.

But then the truths never really bothered you has it?
Let's say that you're not bullshitting this time then, you can type a 1000 word post but not a handful of words into your browser?
Im sure the mods here have access to user data & whilst they cant confirm whether Im on a bus or not Im happy for them to confirm my posts are typed on a phone.

But then the truths never really bothered you has it?
Nothing about Ryan's left anarchist past yet?
Of the top of my head (these morning posts are often on buses so no other sources available) I cant give you exact registration figures (a reason why I suggest anyone with a genuine interest looks them up), but in general terms (across all races) post-Kennedy there was a general malaise & a down turn in voter registration & turn out over the following decades.

I dont have time to cover 50 years of electoral history so lets skip forward to 1982 (the Reagan era).

This malaise continued until around 10/15 years ago when campaigns were launched to increase voter registration amongst minorities (interestingly that included some federally funded initiatives so even Bush chipped in).

Since then blacks have been the fastest growing minority, in terms of voter registration & as I already pointed out that includes a rise of about 2 million at the last election alone.

So if you're after disenfranchised groups then African-American isnt the one for you.

Well that was a massive post but mostly not about registration rates apart from the bits above. My point was only that (as Pickman's Model said) you can't really discuss turnouts without knowing what registration rates are and in the US they are proper low, especially among certain groups. The fact that the Democrats were able to go and mine down a couple of million votes among African-Americans alone just in one election year is actually evidence for just how low the base rate of registration is.

Your thumbnail sketch of registration rates roughly tallys with what I've heard - which is that by and large rates fell steadily until about 2000/2004 when they started rising again as a result of Democrat realisation that there was a handy windfall for them there - the reason I know this, is that the Labour Party here have basically picked up on this and started the whole "Community Organiser" thing - they kicked this off a couple of years ago and - as so often - it was based on US research etc from the Democrat party.

But I'd still like to see some figures - if I had to bet I'd bet there aren't any good ones. Registration rates are massively harder to calculate than is obvious - even in a relatively well-integrated society like the UK, in the chaos that is the US, god knows. I mean they haven't really got a clue what the populations is. What about issues like the millions of illegal immigrants who are paying tax but cannot register? Or the millions of ex-cons permanently barred from voting? I'd call these part of the unregistered population but if you wanted to be legalistic they're not.

I'd also love to see some evidence for the Ryan = left wing anarchist claim, if only so that I can track Butchersapron's future path to right-wing conservatism. ;)
ashers said:
Since then blacks have been the fastest growing minority, in terms of voter registration & as I already pointed out that includes a rise of about 2 million at the last election alone.

So if you're after disenfranchised groups then African-American isnt the one for you.

Perfectly possible to have a rising rate of voter registration for one group and for that group to also be historically or relatively disenfranchised. That's what happened after the civil war for example.
I'd also love to see some evidence for the Ryan = left wing anarchist claim, if only so that I can track Butchersapron's future path to right-wing conservatism. ;)
That sort of line is normally the cue for some other comedy genius to step in and say yeah, you can go so far left you come out on the right. Fancy it ash?
Well that was a massive post but mostly not about registration rates apart from the bits above. My point was only that (as Pickman's Model said) you can't really discuss turnouts without knowing what registration rates are and in the US they are proper low, especially among certain groups. The fact that the Democrats were able to go and mine down a couple of million votes among African-Americans alone just in one election year is actually evidence for just how low the base rate of registration is.

I wouldnt argue with that, rates were incredibly low, but pickmans comment were they were becoming increasingky disenfranchised which completely wrong & as far from the truth as you can get seeing as they are the fastest growing, not the fastest shrinking.

Your thumbnail sketch of registration rates roughly tallys with what I've heard - which is that by and large rates fell steadily until about 2000/2004 when they started rising again as a result of Democrat realisation that there was a handy windfall for them there - the reason I know this, is that the Labour Party here have basically picked up on this and started the whole "Community Organiser" thing - they kicked this off a couple of years ago and - as so often - it was based on US research etc from the Democrat party.

No doubt brutally basterdized & bodged if its anything like most of the policies snatched across the Atlantic.

I havent been back here that long & cant say Ive examined the UK system enough on this issue to know how much Labour have ballsed it up.

But, yes, a lot of it was frankly shameful race mining (exploiting racial sensitivites to solicit cheap votes) but thats not actually uncommon on the otherside of the Atlantic where the whole race industry is big bucks.

But I'd still like to see some figures - if I had to bet I'd bet there aren't any good ones. Registration rates are massively harder to calculate than is obvious - even in a relatively well-integrated society like the UK, in the chaos that is the US, god knows. I mean they haven't really got a clue what the populations is. What about issues like the millions of illegal immigrants who are paying tax but cannot register? Or the millions of ex-cons permanently barred from voting? I'd call these part of the unregistered population but if you wanted to be legalistic they're not.

My ex wont be voting for either Obama, or Romney, not because she has no interest in politics but because she had an interest in cannabis...

It is ridiculous that someone can be debarred from voting just because they enjoy a smoke or two but such is America.

I'd also love to see some evidence for the Ryan = left wing anarchist claim, if only so that I can track Butchersapron's future path to right-wing conservatism. ;)

I cant tell you that much about his anarchism (to the best of my knowledge weve never met) but when I can (not sure when it will be) will root around and try & find a soundbite or quote for you about it.

I did rather cheekily just check wikipedia (well you never know...) but they mention the objectivism but not the anarchism.

As for the route taken Ive touched upon it in another post about how the libertarian movement grew out of the anarchist movement & the two are not completely divorced so at a guess thats how the jump would have been made.

Although the two countries are incredibly different, as are the politics, one thing thats constant for both is that "unpopular" politics are often very short of active participants so its not uncommon to find common speakers, or members of one group attending events of other groups.

As an example at an event in San Francisco (pro-Tibet iirc) I can recall anarchists, libertarians, a handful of Dems & a bunch calling themselves the bay area national anarchists (iirc) who were "white nationalist anarchists".

Under such circumstances its not hard to find people drifting from one side to the other, although last time I mentioned this some one from this site, with an anarchist avatar popped up telling me it was all bollox (no actual counter argument to something Ive witnessed with my own eyes just an assertion I was wrong), so if a self-claimed anarchist from this country is that unaware of the history of anarchism in America (& that unwilling to engage & learn about it) Im not wholly surprised that this link is not that well known about over here.

Actually in Texas there used to be an Anarchists for Ron Paul group in the early days of his political career there when he was trying to hitch his wagon on the tax protestor movement.

During the 80's there was a lot of anarchists in the tax protest movement because the issues I mentioned above hadnt been as buried & misrepresented by then.

Its strange to think that a movement, heavily supported by anarchists, to protect some of the poorest & most exploited people in the country is now routinely dismissed as middle class & racist, but there you go again, exploiting race in America is common place, & especially in the digital age.

If you can coax one person, in any grouping, into saying one insensitive thing and then bang it up on youtube you can fool a lot of people into thinking everyone in that grouping holds the same view & then use it to manipulate & exploit peoples voting intensions (& to solicit large sums of money).

What I know about Ryans early politics are not much more detailed than I mentioned in my first post but its really not that big a jump.

Id imagine he was a "soft" anarchist, met objectivists and then went from there.

I think perhaps the surprise for some comes from the much more constrained & reactionary view of anarchism in this country. It means many UK anarchists are less aware of the fact that there isnt a definitive anarchist and that anarchy has always been a broad church with quite a large spread in it, so they can be amazed at a "soft" anarchist becoming a libertarian, becoming a small government republican, where as in America anarchy was more revolutionary than reactionary & therefore less constrained by dogma and more open to evolve in all sorts of directions.

It is actually interesting to note though, in this digital age, that with people being able to reach out around thd world there are a growing number (although probably still small) of Brits encountering various American anarchists and finding them quite fresh, exciting & revolutionary compared with their more reactionary domestic brand who are being increasingly seduced.

It will be interesting to see what impact that has over here, although personally I think the differences between the two countries makes it something people need to think about.
No it isn't & it's got lots of problems but it's a huge step forward for the US. Wouldn't be a huge step for most advanced countries but for the US it is.

In a lot of ways, for a lot of people it is a huge step forward but it should never be overlooked that it produces winners AND losers, amongst the working classes.

I hate to say what Im going to say next, not least because I dont like the person Im about to mention, or the fact the comment will attract a lot of heat (& Ive seen one or two dishonest types around here who I know will ignore context, misrepresent it & make spurious claims based on what I say) but when Romney was challenged on his opposition to Obamacare, when it was built on the foundations of Romneycare, he did say it wasnt suited for every state and much as I can taste a little bit of sick in my mouth as I type this he was actually right.

The structure of America isnt best suited for Obamacare.

This issue of structure & suitability though has actually come up before (Obama wasnt the first person to want to change health care in America) & it is difficult.

In this country a universal health care system was relatively easy to introduce because everything else was pretty universal too but thats not so in America so there are other considerations.
In a lot of ways, for a lot of people it is a huge step forward but it should never be overlooked that it produces winners AND losers, amongst the working classes.

I hate to say what Im going to say next, not least because I dont like the person Im about to mention, or the fact the comment will attract a lot of heat (& Ive seen one or two dishonest types around here who I know will ignore context, misrepresent it & make spurious claims based on what I say) but when Romney was challenged on his opposition to Obamacare, when it was built on the foundations of Romneycare, he did say it wasnt suited for every state and much as I can taste a little bit of sick in my mouth as I type this he was actually right.

The structure of America isnt best suited for Obamacare.

This issue of structure & suitability though has actually come up before (Obama wasnt the first person to want to change health care in America) & it is difficult.

In this country a universal health care system was relatively easy to introduce because everything else was pretty universal too but thats not so in America so there are other considerations.
Everything was not pretty universal - it was pretty much was all done by means test and particular local tests until the NHS (what on earth do you think the 30s fights were about?) . That was the whole point of the NHS, to get rid of bloody means tests and make it universal.
Everything was not pretty universal

Compared with America it was. Our counties do not have the same powers or structures as the states.

Our north/south divide is nothing compared with some of the variances over there. Broadly speaking we were introducing to one single tax structure and one single economy and one single set of legislation. That is not how it is on the other side of the Atlantic & thats a game changer.
Compared with America it was. Our counties do not have the same powers or structures as the states.

Our north/south divide is nothing compared with some of the variances over there. Broadly speaking we were introducing to one single tax structure and one single economy and one single set of legislation. That is not how it is on the other side of the Atlantic & thats a game changer.
Compared with the US is irrelevant in evaluating your claim that "everything else was pretty universal" in the UK. It wasn't. There are a whole range of things that you could introduce to explain why the NHS was introduced in the UK and not the US - but the prior existence of universal entitlements is most definitely not one of them.

Any progress on this Ryan stuff?
Yes, assumptions do make an ass out of you.

It's amusing watching your aggressive bravado tear through posts reading what you want to read and ignoring what you don't.

My post that seems to have kicked all of this off was amazingly sparse in any kind of detail, just a few throwaway lines about my belief in the importance of getting people involved and engaged with local politics, with a few words on the distracting culture wars that act to cover up a whole host of other policies and politics. From such scant words, all of this. I'm not offended by you, Ash, I find it rather amusing.
Yes, assumptions do make an ass out of you.

You & me. Im sure you know its a play on words.

It's amusing watching your aggressive bravado tear through posts reading what you want to read and ignoring what you don't.

Ive noticed a lot of that around here, with plenty of insults thrown into the mix, its the sort of welcome that might encourage a man to retaliate, or join in.

Any specific reason for singling me out?

My post that seems to have kicked all of this off was amazingly sparse in any kind of detail, just a few throwaway lines about my belief in the importance of getting people involved and engaged with local politics, with a few words on the distracting culture wars that act to cover up a whole host of other policies and politics. From such scant words, all of this.

If somethings wrong its wrong isnt it? It may be short on details, it may be scant words, it may be throw away but if its wrong its still wrong isnt it?

& lets imagine that someone could see another side, one that hurt a lot of people, many of them hard working poor people, should he say nothing?

Im not really sure what the thrust of your post is here aside from the fact you appear to draw amusement from posts highlighting the real poverty effecting some people & the dangers they face, or something like that.

I'm not offended by you, Ash, I find it rather amusing.

Im glad youre amused. Anything to add, perhaps in relation to the subject?

Having informed me you have some sort of credentials that make you some sort of expert on American politics or something like that Im surprised you havent actually addressed my posts or are they broadly correct?
Yep, my belief in the importance of local politics and an awareness of the propagandising of the culture wars is a way of me laughing about people who are in poverty.

That's sarcasm, by the way. I think you're having a lot of trouble assessing tone. Understandable, the written word will do that sometimes.

Your reply above is why I won't debate with you. It's pointless. You have an idea in your mind of what you think people are saying, but it bears no likeness to reality. Have fun banging your head against a brick wall.
Yep, my belief in the importance of local politics

Fancy words, they almost sound good until we consider my comment came because you hadnt considered local politics and was just comming out with an ill concieved broad stroke policy...

and an awareness of the propagandising of the culture wars is a way of me laughing about people who are in poverty.

That's sarcasm, by the way. I think you're having a lot of trouble assessing tone. Understandable, the written word will do that sometimes.

Youre right as you clearly failed to assess the tone in my post.

It was kind of taking the piss.

Your reply above is why I won't debate with you. It's pointless. You have an idea in your mind of what you think people are saying, but it bears no likeness to reality. Have fun banging your head against a brick wall.

You know I actually thought you appeared to show more promise than most around here but youre fast showing me I gave you far to much credit.

You wont debate with me because of my bravado then, mr. Ive got wicked credentials so you better back off?

You wont debate with me because I cant guage your tone, mr Ill misinterpret your post?

You wont debate with me because you care about local politics, mr your not even talking about local politics and actually got a huge sulk on when I pointed out local concerns?

I really didnt think youd be the sort of petulant wanker who, having stolen a failed policy from the Guardian, would go into such defensive mode when someone pointed out a few genuine pitfalls to that policy & instead would rather toss out a few thinly vieled lame insults in lieu of adult discussion.

I really thought, based on other posts of yours Id seen youd possibly be the sort of guy capable of saying "thats interesting I didnt know that & hadnt consired that, perhaps we should discuss it more?".

I certainly wasnt expecting the "you better back off cuz my credentials is well wicked" approach, followed by the "OMFG you didnt back off, I hate you, Im not talking to you!" line of debate.

Im dissapointed in you.
God, who was that poster who also used to try and 'win' arguments by wall of texting the most awful contrived bollocks? It wasn't me was it? :(
Cop out. If I could then surely so can you so why should I do it for you.

If you had any interest you would have known the answer and wouldnt be so lazy would you?

For the record, over the last ten years blacks have actually been the fastest rising minority, in terms of voter registration, hence my hello Mr 1982 comment & if you cant be bothered to find that fact out dont suggest its because Im not interested in the subject.

My interest in a subject isnt measured by your lazyness.

FYI I was typing on a small screen touch screen phone, on a bus yesterday, on the way to do some work, so why the fuck would you think I should be running around after you when you were probably more capable than me at the time of finding the answer for yourself?

Seriously what did your last slave die of?
you fucking hypocrite.

so you don't have to substantiate your claims cos you're typing on a phone? What makes you think you're the only one? Twat.
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