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urban landmark: the 10 millionth post is nearly here!


Blimey. The post total is currently standing at 9,997,090 posts, so the landmark will probably be hit by the end of Sunday/Monday morning.

Of course, the real total is way higher than that anyway (years ago we had to keep deleting posts to free up server space), but 10 million is one hell of a lot of posts!
of course there is!
look at number of newest post and - whatever tis showing at the bottom now, then work out which will be the 10 million and should be sorted
Spookyfrank got the last landmark talking about tractors or some such pish, iirc. Can't remember which landmark it was though.
Is there a prize for the 10 millionth poster?

<goes off to calculate what percentage of the ten mill total is represented by my 8218 posts>
Spookyfrank got the last landmark talking about tractors or some such pish, iirc. Can't remember which landmark it was though.

I can't remember what landmark that was either but I'm sure my post was fascinating, tractor-related or otherwise :p
I have a good mind to constantly post the word "cunt" all day long in the hope I get it.
I'd like to point out that this would be the 10millioth post if fridgemagent could do his job properly!!:D

I want a wee. And an ice cream. But all I'm being offered is the "count the green cars" game, some orange boiled sweets that are shit once you suck the icing sugar off them, and an "I-Spy" book of power stations. :(
The prize for getting the 10 millionth post should be the right to permaban another poster of your choosing. :cool:
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