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Unite General Secretary Election

From SG:
The announcement of the Turner/ Beckett ticket, along with the Gerard Coyne candidacy, now completes the Westminster Brigade. I am the Workplace candidate and will be standing to ensure the voice of Unite members is heard . The two other candidates offer no more than the settling of old scores and the interest of Westminster cliques . It is the Westminster brigade versus the workplace .
Beckett is out - excellent news. But he’s backing Turner which is odd given his desperate ‘trying too hard’ programme. I suspect Sharon Graham is about to be thrown under the bus here by the old (male) left bureaucracy;

Coyne suggests there that the other two remaining candidates represent CP and SWP

Is there any truth is this or is it just an attempt to smear them both?
Coyne suggests there that the other two remaining candidates represent CP and SWP

Is there any truth is this or is it just an attempt to smear them both?
Of course it’s a smear,, although it’s true that the cp back Turner and the SWP Graham
Of course it’s a smear,, although it’s true that the cp back Turner and the SWP Graham
Yeah, I remember someone (maybe hitmouse) posted a handy summary of who various left groups were backing, and both the CP and SWP were included in that.

I was just wondering if there was any closer link than that (and I'm not actually saying it would be bad if it was true, necessarily).
Yeah, I remember someone (maybe hitmouse) posted a handy summary of who various left groups were backing, and both the CP and SWP were included in that.

I was just wondering if there was any closer link than that (and I'm not actually saying it would be bad if it was true, necessarily).

Turner used to be in the Militant. I think it’s fair to say that since then he’s drifted into the orbit of the CPB sphere of influence but he’s not a member as far as I know. Graham and the SWP is a pure smear
Thinking about it, and at the risk of repeating myself, that "Graham = SWP" line is such an obvious, transparent lie if you know anything about either Graham or the SWP. Like, one thing that's come up on this thread over and over again is that Graham's focus is on prioritising workplace issues, and that speaking out about broader political questions beyond that is not her main priority. As has been discussed, there's good and bad sides to that approach, but it very clearly is not the way that the SWP seeks to use their influence in unions.
I mean, look at that chart made by a Beckett supporter from earlier in the thread - god knows there's a lot of things you can criticise the SWP for, but "they don't make a lot of statements about how left-wing political issues are important" is just not a criticism that you could make of the SWP or any of their prominent members.
Really interesting interview with Sharon Graham in the Guardian. Those of us in the union really need to get behind her campaign:

Excellent article and those of us who know how things work within the leadership of the union are probably not surprised at the antics. Hopefully Sharon Graham gets the support that she and ultimately the membership deserve.
I don't agree with the abuse but isn't it the case that she is splitting the vote. Assuming that Steve Turner has the better chance of winning. Not very nice position to be in but that's the voting system they have, no?

Happy to be corrected
I don't agree with the abuse but isn't it the case that she is splitting the vote. Assuming that Steve Turner has the better chance of winning. Not very nice position to be in but that's the voting system they have, no?

Happy to be corrected

Graham's pitch is that she will reach sections and new layers of the membership that the other two candidates won't. Remember that 90% of members didn't vote last time. Her campaign is attempting to reach beyond the full time and lay bureaucracy and engage members and stewards directly. This is particular the case in areas where the union has been seeking to organise and facilitate workplace activity. I think you are right to highlight the risk of a split vote letting Coyne in, and I share that, but I also think her campaign is the only one seriously talking about the workplace and empowering stewards.
I don't agree with the abuse but isn't it the case that she is splitting the vote. Assuming that Steve Turner has the better chance of winning. Not very nice position to be in but that's the voting system they have, no?

Happy to be corrected
It's not just about which candidate has a better chance of winning (and it's not clear that Turner actually has the better chance, despite that claim being made), it's at least as important to think about what each candidate would do if elected and also the sort of message that sends about the sort of union Unite wants to be.
Graham's pitch is that she will reach sections and new layers of the membership that the other two candidates won't. Remember that 90% of members didn't vote last time. Her campaign is attempting to reach beyond the full time and lay bureaucracy and engage members and stewards directly. This is particular the case in areas where the union has been seeking to organise and facilitate workplace activity. I think you are right to highlight the risk of a split vote letting Coyne in, and I share that, but I also think her campaign is the only one seriously talking about the workplace and empowering stewards.
Most Unite members I know have supported her, it's just a shitty electoral system. I guess if you believe she's the right candiudate then you've got to do what's right. Not you personally of course, though if it all goes to Hancock I will blame you and everyone else :D

I don't have a dog in the race since I'm not a member though.
Three candidates, Gerard Coyne, Sharon Graham and Steve Turner have received enough nominations and will be standing in the General Secretary election. From next week you will be sent your postal pack, this will include your ballot paper, the candidates' election addresses and a list of the branches and workplaces that nominated each candidate.

email sent out today

plus sharon graham's election message, presume it's ok to copy it here:
There is a clear choice at this election.

It’s the Westminster Brigade versus the Workplace.

I’m the Workplace Candidate and I don’t want more of the same, I want a Union that works.

How many calls from members have to go unanswered before we choose a different direction?

How many times must increases to the cost of membership be imposed when pay rises haven’t been delivered?

How many more news stories about smears, scandals or internal Labour politics do we have to see?

We can do better than this.

My first act as General Secretary will be to stop any plans to increase the cost of being a member.

My second act will be to freeze membership fees for a period of at least 12 months.

My third act will be to introduce a new, transparent system for membership rates, where:
  • No member will be asked to pay more every year.
  • Any increases will be limited to one raise every 2 years.
  • I will undertake a comprehensive and independent review into our membership rates.
This is a permanent not temporary solution to ensure Unite membership is affordable for everyone.

But that won’t solve the problems with the service our members receive.

That’s why within the first 100 days of taking office, I will announce a new fully costed Unite Member Guarantee, which will include:
  • All questions from Members’ answered within 24 hours.
  • Radical improvements to our legal services to make the right support available to members when they need it.
Finally, I will be the most accountable General Secretary in the history of Unite:

  • I will publish all of my expenses online.
  • I will hold weekly online surgeries open to all members.
And if our members have a complaint, I want to hear it first. Therefore;
  • I will open a new General Secretary Hotline within my office.
I will take personal responsibility and not play pass the parcel.

My mantra will always be more and better support for our members where they need it most, at the workplace.

That is why I am proud to be standing to become General Secretary of a trade UNION not an internal wing of the Labour Party.

I’m not doing this to settle old scores or to rerun battles that will do nothing but cripple our Union again.

I stand for positive change.

For Jobs, Pay & Conditions at the Workplace.

I am not supported by any group of MP’s. I don’t have the machine.

I have not promised anything to anyone. No deals for votes.

I won’t sign blank cheques for any politician or political party.

That's because my campaign is about serious change, not tinkering.

At 17 I was forced to lead my first walk-out to stop casual workers being exploited.

From that day I knew that Unions were a force for good.

And it taught me that the role of a Union is to stop bad bosses where we need to and negotiate good deals for members - not play games.

That is why I am standing.

So that our members can take their Union back to the workplace.

I don’t court the media and you won’t see me hanging out with politicians. I’ve been in the workplace with the members instead.

For over 20 years I have led and won, supporting workers when they need it most.

I have a 100% track record of success
, including:

  • Defeating ‘Fire and Rehire’ at Go-Ahead bus
  • Leading Crisis Leverage at British Airways
  • Victory over the BESNA in construction
  • Stopping the end of wage bargaining at Yorkshire Ambulance
Unlike some, I haven’t tried to take credit for the work of others.

Thousands of Unite Reps are supporting my programme for change in the teeth of opposition from bureaucrats.

“Without Sharon 20,000 Unite Members at British Airways would have faced ‘Fire and Rehire’. It was her campaign that got the company back round the table.”

Jeff Fernandes and Dolores Lee, British Airways

“Sharon is the change we need. It was Leverage supporting our action that delivered an end to ‘Fire and Rehire’. If you want to protect your job, pay and conditions, vote for Sharon.”

Colin Hayden and Sam Harvey, Go North West Buses

“When Yorkshire Ambulance de-recognised the Union it was Sharon who got wage bargaining back, delivering better pay and conditions for members. That's why we are backing Sharon.”

Kel Hurd, Yorkshire Ambulance

If elected I will be the first female General Secretary of Unite.

I will make sure that this means a better deal for all under-represented groups, including women.

I understand the barriers and I won’t be afraid to tackle equality issues head on at the bargaining table, rather than just pass motions at conference.

I will end discrimination within our Union and make sure that posts are open to all, not just the chosen few.

Our Retired and Community Members will also have an important role to play.

I want both sections to be campaigning and I will make sure resources are available.

This will include a £10Million State Pension Campaign Fighting Fund, which I will personally lead to raise the value of pensions across our nations.

Every Unite member deserves dignity in retirement.

I will also introduce a Mentoring Programme so that our younger activists can draw upon the experience of our Retired Members.

And I will make free Digital Training available to all of our Retired Members.

Unite’s Community work has not reached its potential.

We will campaign against cuts to Schools, Hospitals and Social Care.

Issues that matter to all Unite members’.

I’ve been trolled, threatened and smeared.

But this is not just because I am a woman. It’s because I will transform Unite.

I am the Workers’ Candidate and I will not bow to the Westminster Brigade.

Change is made from the bottom up, not the top down.

Together, we can take Unite back to the Workplace!

Thanks for your time.
I’ll give Coyne one thing: he’s absolutely shameless.

Masssive LOL at his membership of the Sandwell Branch. For those not familiar Sandwell is one of the poorest parts of the West Midlands whereas Coyne lives in one of the most affluent areas of the West Midlands and miles away from Sandwell. Of course, he also fails to mention that in his previous role - the senior boss of the West Midlands for Unite - he was in precisely the same Branch as Turner63687836-49C5-446B-9777-39B6EA66FBAB.png and Graham.
Just got my ballot paper and will send it off when I head down the shops.

And, in astounding shock news, Len has officially endorsed Turner.

I expect mine to be at home when I get back. If Len had any sense he’d refrain from anointing anyone…
The apparatchiks/talking heads of Unite Ireland have really been quite shameless in their vilification of SG. They are obsessed with Beckett.
The apparatchiks/talking heads of Unite Ireland have really been quite shameless in their vilification of SG. They are obsessed with Beckett.

Yes, Beckett embodies a particular form of politics within both the lay and full timer bureaucracy of the union which can be summarized as 'talking left but acting right'. He also personifies a particular top down form of politics that sees the union as a vehicle for their own particular brand of politics and the activist base and membership as a 'stage army' under their direction. Their industrial strategy is a dead end and their strategy will continue to erode autonomus shop floor activity and organisation.

Graham, of course, also comes from the same strata. But, given the vitriol currently being meted out to her, she is clearly - at least - asking some of the correct questions by highlighting the conservative nature of the complacent tops in the union.
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The Irish lot are peculiar. Headed by Jimmy Kelly from SW Ireland, who are supposedly supporting Graham. But they’ve put some right nasty stuff out.
Jess Philips has come out in support of Coyne. Unfortunately for him she has done so by sending out messages to people whose details she had via her work in the Domestic Abuse Bill. So it is a clear breach of the data protection act. A breach of which also happened last time Coyne stood and led to him being sacked as an official.
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