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Undercover Policing Inquiry: SPYCOPS Mini Thread #1 - Trevor Morris AKA ‘Bobby McGee’ AKA ‘Anthony Lewis’


This guy's throwing up so much material, seems worth pulling stuff together in one place rather than constantly disrupting other threads.

  • Real name: Trevor Morris
  • Stolen dead child identity: Anthony Fitzgerald Lewis
  • Also known as: Bobby McGee (DJ name)
  • Herne Nominal: HN78
  • Date of birth: 25th December 1956 (now aged 67)
  • Born in a rural area near a mill town in Northern England
  • Middle child of seven
  • Met long-term partner in 1976, married 1984
  • Worked several jobs after school before becoming a mobile DJ
  • From 1978 toured US military bases in West Germany as a DJ-compere
  • Club DJ in West Germany
  • Store detective for a German private detective agency
  • Investigator for US Department of Defense's Army & Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES)
  • Returned to UK and joined Metropolitan Police February 1984
  • Trained at Hendon Police College before becoming probationary constable based at Rochester Row
  • Attached to District Support Unit (pre-TSG riot squad), deployed to various public disorder events including October 1985 Broadwater Farm riot
  • Applied and accepted to Special Branch, joining in July 1986
  • Initial induction training with C Squad watching the far left
  • First posting to P Squad (Ports) at Heathrow for about a year
  • Moved to A Squad (close protection) following specialist firearms training, staying for about a year and a half
  • Recruited to E Squad, working first the Libyan Section, then others including China, Palestine, Middle East, European Liaison, Sub Saharan Africa and The Americas
  • Recruited to Special Demonstration Squad by celebrated alumnus Bob Lambert, then a Detective Inspector on E Squad
  • Joined SDS February 1991 as a Detective Constable
  • Worked in SDS back office until deployed into the field as an undercover officer in July 1991 as a Detective Sergeant
  • Lived as ‘Anthony Lewis’, a professional DJ and freelance translator living in a shared house in Tottenham at 88 Mount Pleasant Road, N17 6TN
  • Drove a red Ford Sierra GL
  • Principally infiltrated the Socialist Workers Party and the Anti Nazi League
  • Member of Branch leadership in Dalston SWP
  • Also spied on group such as Panther UK, Hackney Community Defence Association (HCDA), Hackney Solidarity Group (HSG), Newham Monitoring Project (NMP), National Assembly Against Racism (NAAR), Rolan Adams Family Campaign, Winston Silcott Defence Campaign, Justice for Brian Douglas Campaign, and Justice for Joy Gardner
  • Attended ANL-SOS Racisme event in Paris, February 1993
  • Acted as an ANL steward at October 1993 Unity Demonstration in Welling against the BNP bookshop
  • Undercover SDS deployment ended July 1995
  • Redeployed to P Squad as a Temporary Detective Inspector at Heathrow
  • Seconded to Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) as a Case Officer in Counter Terrorism late 1997/early 1998-late 2001/early 2002
  • Promoted to full Detective Inspector in June 1999
  • Moved to National Public Order Intelligence Unit (NPOIU) in late 2001/early 2002 to set up Strategic Analysis Unit (SAU)
  • Returned to MPSB in mid/late 2002 as a manager in A Squad
  • Following October 2006 merger of Special Branch (SO12) and Anti Terrorism Branch (SO13) into Counter Terrorism Command (SO15), A Squad becomes SO1
  • Retired February 2012
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Undercover Research Group lists:
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Blood and Honour

Morris claims to have been “in contact with a search light [sic] activist who had infiltrated the Blood and Honour BNP group and who fed me information in my SWP role” (witness statement p39 - see document MPS-0742898).

Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 19.00.19.png

AFA/Red Action
Morris appeared to be trafficking tittle-tattle with a view to helping try to recruit a(n unnamed) Red Action activist (witness statement pp39-40, see document MPS-0245117).

Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 00.59.21.png


  • MPS-0245117 AFA Red Action report.pdf
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  • MPS-0742898 B&H report.pdf
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Detailed report from Undercover Policing Inquiry by COPS (Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance) cover the week of evidence around Trevor Morris's deployment, including ‘Jenny’ and ‘Bea’, whom he pursued for personal or intimate relationships whilst undercover:

The general characterisation of SWP/ANL standing behind police lines is hilariously accurate. Agree that the bit about the ANL actually getting a squad together is moonshine

But try as I might, I cannot find the exact document referencing a Searchlight asset inside B&H!
Now seen the reference it is this--the information he was given--that eludes me. [MPS-0245067]. Unless of course it was the stuff about the ANL picket? When C18 controlled B&H they tried to hold a concert in London (10/1/94) but were routed. Though by AFA not the ANL.

Of interest here is Browning/Sargent were arrested January 1995 during his deployment over racist CDs: not mentioned

Would in general be good to cross-compare what these spy-cops leave out that was really important.

Somebody directed me to the book 'Black Ops' by 'Carlton King' (on Amazon). I originally though this total fantasy but actually bits overlap with the Morris CV so this is quite possibly him?
Morris seems quite angry in saying that he had to sleep with women at the time.

The criticism was made at a public inquiry on Friday by Trevor Morris, who deceived two women into sexual relations while he infiltrated leftwing and anti-racism campaign groups.

He said the apology issued last month by Sir Mark Rowley, the Met commissioner, was “outrageous”, and he defended his own deception of the two women.

... During sharp exchanges, Morris was asked twice by David Barr, the inquiry’s KC, if what he did was completely wrong. He replied: “I am not accepting that it was completely wrong.”

He also said: “When you are in that role and in that task, and in that circumstance, and you have got nothing that is protecting you in any shape or means, then it’s a completely different kettle of fish.”

... Barr said Bea had testified she would not have consented to the relationship if she had known he was an undercover officer. Morris replied: “I don’t know that … People can say things in the cold light of day, but is the reality that?”

Asked again by Barr if he was asserting that she would have consented, he answered: “I am not asserting anything. I just don’t know.”

On Monday, Jenny said: “I think sex without consent is rape … I did not consent to sleep with Trevor Morris.”
Somebody directed me to the book 'Black Ops' by 'Carlton King' (on Amazon). I originally though this total fantasy but actually bits overlap with the Morris CV so this is quite possibly him?

Yesterday at 12.44 p.m.: Trevor Morris aka "Anthony 'Bobby' Lewis" aka "Bobby McGee", also known as "Carlton King", and the host of the "Carlton King Black Spy Podcast" and author of "Black Ops: The incredible true story of a British secret agent"


... then, as "Anthony 'Bobby' Lewis" also known as "Bobby McGee"


... and now, as 67-year old Retired Detective Inspector Trevor Morris


... and as author "Carlton King".​

In 1996 Bob Lambert put Morris forward as a candidate to mentor ‘Dave Hagan’.

‘Hagan’, known also by the nominal HN81, was being inserted into left-wing groups in London, principally Movement for Justice (MfJ) - though he also spied on the SWP, Class War and Movement Against the Monarchy (MA'M) - from then until 2001 or 2002.

It was ‘Hagan’ who was tapped for information about what the family of and campaign around Stephen Lawrence were thinking and planning during the MacPherson Inquiry into the teenager's murder (and into the botched police investigation) by then-Met Commissioner Paul Condon. Condon had the Met's Lawrence Review Team, in the person of Det Insp Richard Walton, to secretly meet with ‘Hagan’ (whilst he was still actively undercover) at Lambert's home in August 1998.

When this was made public with the release of the Ellison Report in March 2014, Walton was by then at the rank of Commander, and in charge of Counter Terrorism Command (SO15 - the merged Special Branch and Anti Terrorism Branch). Within a day the Met realised it had to suspend him. An review by the Met into Walton's conduct was begun, then buck-passed to the IPCC, which a month after the Ellison Report had come out announced it would launch an investigation into Walton for discreditable conduct and breaches of honesty and integrity, as well as “inconsistent accounts to Mr Ellison's review team”; and into Lambert and then-Special Branch Operations Commander Colin Black for discreditable conduct.

In response to this, the Met itself announced that Walton would be reinstated to full duties in December that year, unless the IPCC turned over any new evidence to it. Walton then retired early, in January 2016 - approximately a week after the IPCC had communicated to Scotland Yard that there was a misconduct case to be had. The IPCC was finally published in March 2016.

Meanwhile, in his witness statement to the UCPI, Morris is adamant that he knows nothing about ‘Hagan’ or mentoring:
“I cannot remember now who this was and I have no recollection of performing the role of mentor...I cannot remember attending any of the mentors’ meetings arranged for 1996 and 1997. In may well have done but Ido not recall them. I have no recollection of mentoring - If I did, and I accept the documents suggest I did, I am worried that I cannot remember this. I am not able to assist as to the role because I have no recollection of performing this role.”

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[see document MPS-0245965]


  • MPS-0245965 Lambert - N81 - mentoring.pdf
    2.2 MB · Views: 0
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Silas Loom
Apologises for my rude response yesterday...bad day...but no excuse for being so arrogant and shitty.

equationgirl and others liking posts

Sorry for derailing an important thread.

I don't agree with with people about this but do see the other side of the argument.

As a person of colour, I tend to hold other people of colour to a high behaviour standard in regards to racism and can not fathom how a person of colour can behave like this to anti racists in order to further their personal gains.
He behaved despicably to gain approval/career advancement/ money of and from those above him, who are mainly white. In short he (a person of colour) abused other people of colour.

I feel the same in the attitudes to women and Lgbtq+ community. If we know what racial hatred feels like who the fuck are we to dish the equivalent out to others?

It's in these circumstances I use the term.

But I have no wish to piss off those who are on the same side as me on most important issues so will not use it here
I don't agree with with people about this but do see the other side of the argument.
Now that's what I call a dangerous concept :D

Fair play for your post, I get where you're coming from.

In a related story, there's an anecdote shared in a memoir written by a Black British former police officer who claims to have been a member of the Special Demonstration Squad, about when he was a uniformed officer in London in the mid-1980s before joining Special Branch:

Black Ops_._ The incredible true story of - Carlton King - p61.jpgBlack Ops_._ The incredible true story of - Carlton King - p62.jpgBlack Ops_._ The incredible true story of - Carlton King - p63.jpgBlack Ops_._ The incredible true story of - Carlton King - p64.jpgBlack Ops_._ The incredible true story of - Carlton King - p65.jpg


  • Black Ops_._ The incredible true story of - Carlton King - pp61-65.pdf
    524.5 KB · Views: 5
comrade spurski appreciate the self-reflection on this point, you're right in his misuse of power towards other people of colour, he's very much part of the problem even though he's now retired. So I can really see why you used the language you did to describe him.
He does seem like a particularly egregious old school copper, even by old school standards. I was particularly appalled by his opinions on undercover relationships, of which he appears to have had a number of whilst undercover, possibly while in a relationship in his 'real' life (it's not clear). Just proves what a deceitful unrepentant piece of crap human he is.
Now that's what I call a dangerous concept :D

Fair play for your post, I get where you're coming from.

In a related story, there's an anecdote shared in a memoir written by a Black British former police officer who claims to have been a member of the Special Demonstration Squad, about when he was a uniformed officer in London in the mid-1980s before joining Special Branch:

View attachment 436493View attachment 436494View attachment 436495View attachment 436496View attachment 436497
This is definitely Morris btw: the pictures at the back underline this
Interestingly, the book by Morris/King on p.164-5 refers to how SB/SDS infiltrated violent sections of the far right. So where are these assets? The UCPI doesnt seem to cover this group much but frankly they interest me most
Here's a hypothetical...

Perhaps someone who was interested in the issues around undercover policing became aware of ‘Carlton King’ in the mid-2010s, because he dropped a certain phrase into a podcast he appeared on.

Perhaps, because of the mix of claims about the many different organisations ‘King’ claimed to have been in, that someone was not 100% convinced at that time that this was not a fabulist - yet by the time they read the book that ‘King’ self-published in 2016, they sensed that at least some of it rang true, and put it on the back burner, occasionally poking at certain aspects, checking for additional audio or video, corroborating elements of his story.

Perhaps if you fast forward several years to late July 2024, someone takes their kids on a camping holiday (during which they teach them, among other things, that the fundamentals for creating fire are heat, fuel and oxygen) and then returns home on the first of August, to discover that the witness statement of Trevor Morris was finally published the day before, and that he is giving evidence today and tomorrow.

Perhaps, on watching some clips of his evidence, they think that not only does he look remarkably familiar, but also his voice, accent and gestures seem familiar.

Perhaps, on speed-reading through the 204 pages of Morris' statement, it became apparent that a significant number of elements chime with elements previously read in the ‘King’ book.

Perhaps someone then swiftly compiles a side-by-side comparison of various of these elements into a spreadsheet and before the day's session ends sends it via an intermediary to lawyers representing people spied on by the SDS to draw their attention to the similarities between the accounts provided by Morris and ‘King’.

Perhaps the impact was almost immediate. Perhaps it turned out that the Inquiry staff knew about the ‘King’ book and knew that ‘King’ was Morris but had tried to prevent public disclosure of this - presumably through a Restriction Order granted following its request in September 2017 (a year after ‘King’ self-published the book and promoted it hither and thither) judging by the reference to the application being “supplemented by closed evidence, which is not to be circulated wider than the Chairman and the Inquiry team”.

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps. One day those who did wrong, those who trained them, those who enabled them, will finally be held to account. But, it seems, not yet.
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Meanwhile, here's the Year Zero of #spycop whistleblowing, Peter Francis - who was a contemporary of Morris, and who was at Welling in October 1993 representing Militant & YRE at the same time as Morris was there with SWP & ANL:

Hopefully theyll find this cunt floating in a canal or something one day. IDK how he can live with himself and his bullshit.
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