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The people hes risking his life defending in south eastern Ukraine are predominantly slavs..or subhumans..as the Kiev administration refers to them .

Again i strongly suggest you take the time to listen to what Johnny foreigner actually has to say on the issue of race before you open your gob again and lazily compare him to a Bosnian nazi sympathizer simply because hes from a Muslim background.

And if you have any proof that Russia has actually invaded i suggest you show it to NATO pronto..as they could certainly do with it having been unable to substantiate their own claims . Then you can share it with us later .
My highlighting and in this case your words, none of the above has been said by me.

As for proof that Russia has invaded or at least is providing the rebel side with large amounts of hardware (which then leads to the question of where did the rebels find enough operators) how about the presence in the east of Ukraine of variants of T72 and BTR82 that are only used by Russian forces?
The people hes risking his life defending in south eastern Ukraine are predominantly slavs..or subhumans..as the Kiev administration refers to them .
Oh and if I recall correctly the last time a powerful country used race as an excuse for land grabs, the race in question was referred to as Aryans. Also I do believe the (then Russian led) Soviet Union was very pally with the nation in question initially and partook in a bit of nation carving too.
They don't have a great deal to do with each other apart from a shared religion but I never said they did, did I? .

Doesn't stop them playing along when needs demand though, and they also make for good propaganda on occasions.

They certainly did/do sympathise with a few of the aims of the Nazis though and, especially the Bosnian contingent, had shared enemies.

If a Ukipper came out with that sort of generalized dross thered be a melt down on this site.

its pretty clear youve been referring to Muslims in general throughout your posts and regard them as an amorphous bloc of useful nazi idiots ...past and present. Personally i dont really think the millions of Muslims accross the globe from diverse nations and continents ...many of whom served in the British and French empires armies and fought the axis powers from Asia to Europe... were or are today all that fond of the nazis .

Basically regardless of your backpedallng after being challenged... your posts on this particular subject have been uniformly rancid and could just as easily come straight from any one of a multitude of anti Islamic thinktanks.

Not to worry though..regardless of your views on Muslims youre on the right side as regards ethnic Russians so theres no danger of any outraged liberals piling on . Youre well covered.
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It's the popular masses of eastern Ukraine who have risen up and turned the tables on a regular army so quickly. Not regular Russian forces aiding a collection of militias fighting for a self-appointed 'government' containing fascists.
Doesn't stop them playing along when needs demand though, and they also make for good propaganda on occasions.

They certainly did/do sympathise with a few of the aims of the Nazis though and, especially the Bosnian contingent, had shared enemies.

If a Ukipper came out with that sort of generalized dross thered be a melt down on this site.

its pretty clear youve been referring to Muslims in general throughout your posts and regard them as an amorphous bloc of useful nazi idiots ...past and present. Personally i dont really think the millions of Muslims accross the globe from diverse nations and continents ...many of whom served in the British and French empires armies and fought the axis powers from Asia to Europe... were or are today all that fond of the nazis .

Basically regardless of your backpedallng after being challenged your posts on this particular subject have been uniformly rancid and could just as easily come straight from any one of a multitude of anti Islamic thinktanks.

Not to worry though..regardless of your views on Muslims youre on the right side as regards ethnic Russians so theres no danger of any outraged liberals piling on . Youre well covered.
I mentioned 1 example of Nazi/Bosnian collaboration in addition to your 1 example of Nationalist Russian/Afghan collaboration. Now I have the feeling maths isn't your strong point but I'll try and make it simple for you:

1 + 1 = 2

got it so far?

2 is not singular, it is in fact plural, therefore the correct way of referring to these 2 cases is to use the plural "them" and "they".

The dragging out of other ethnicities is very similar to UKIP/EDL practices of "We're not racists, look we have a token Sikh!"
"its pretty clear youve been referring to Muslims in general throughout your posts"

Really? Please quote me as saying this. Again you are using your twisted interpretation of my posts to try and attack me rather than actually come up with an argument. I don't bite at your ranting, so just poke it you pathetic example of a human being.
Oh and if I recall correctly the last time a powerful country used race as an excuse for land grabs, the race in question was referred to as Aryans.

well hardly a powerful nation by any means..but im strongly reminded of a situation in western europe n 1969 70 were a certain government and its forces comprised of outright bigots went on the rampage against a section of their population it regarded as ethnically inferior ... who then rejected the governments writ... pushed the police and paramilitary reserves out and declared autonomous zones. And a certain other government under severe domestic pressure to act feeling it was dutybound to intervene to protect what it regarded as its fellow countrymen and women from slaughter and persecution within a neighboring state.

Putin finds hmself pretty much in a situation very similar to this ...and shades of Nazism as an inspiration for actions doesnt figure at all in either . Not that id compare Putin to a cowardly wretch like Jack Lynch for an instant.


“The Irish Government can no longer stand by and see innocent people injured and perhaps worse

an infinitely weaker tny ramshackle state against a vastly superior opponent..but still facing the same principles that determine action . Nothing to do with a pining for nazi conquest .



well done for using the Hitler trope against Putin though...i can see we are nearing the bottom of your particular barrel.
While the riots continued, the introduction of British Army troops in the Falls area of Belfast, and around the Bogside part ofDerry from mid-August under Operation Banner protected the Catholic communities from further such attacks. Therefore the planning of Exercise Armageddon into October 1969 was superseded by events and did not reflect the reality on the ground.
I mentioned 1 example of Nazi/Bosnian collaboration in addition to your 1 example of Nationalist Russian/Afghan collaboration. Now I have the feeling maths isn't your strong point but I'll try and make it simple for you:

1 + 1 = 2

got it so far?

2 is not singular, it is in fact plural, therefore the correct way of referring to these 2 cases is to use the plural "them" and "they".

The dragging out of other ethnicities is very similar to UKIP/EDL practices of "We're not racists, look we have a token Sikh!"
"its pretty clear youve been referring to Muslims in general throughout your posts"

Really? Please quote me as saying this. Again you are using your twisted interpretation of my posts to try and attack me rather than actually come up with an argument. .

your actual posts as opposed to your backpedallng when challenged are plain as the nose on your face for anyone to read. As i said theyre pretty rancid portrayals of Muslims as a group throughout .

I don't bite at your ranting, so just poke it you pathetic example of a human being


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While the riots continued, the introduction of British Army troops in the Falls area of Belfast, and around the Bogside part ofDerry from mid-August under Operation Banner protected the Catholic communities from further such attacks. Therefore the planning of Exercise Armageddon into October 1969 was superseded by events and did not reflect the reality on the ground.

yeah..they well and truly protected the fuc out of the Catholics of Belfast and Derry



youre safe now paddy..we are here to help you.
the likes of you are never done helping some poor bastard whos misfortune is to be from a small and militarily weak country . Not very good at helping Russians mind .
Murmansk? Ring any bells?

wasnt aware youd served in the merchant navy as well uncle Albert

But ...the delivery of American supplies to assist the Russians do the job of actually saving you lot from the german army notwithstanding...what i was actually referring to was the British armies earlier unsuccessful and disgraceful attempt to invade a very weakened post revolution Russia and save Europe from the scourge of Bolshevism between 1918 and 19 ...as per usual when fighting anyone more dangerous than Zulus or Maoris... as part of a much wider military coalition . Giving the RAF the dubious distinction of having been the first western military power to use poison gas against civilians..often Russian jews..in eastern europe . Hitler revived this Churchllian crusade 20 years later with a lot more success mind. And ts hs followers you lot are backing in Ukraine today .

Doubt very much the Azov battalion would thank you for Murmansk. But im sure theyll thank you for the high spec offensive military equipment NATO has just announced itll be supplying them with .
wasnt aware youd served in the merchant navy as well uncle Albert

But ...the delivery of American supplies to assist the Russians do the job of actually saving you lot from the german army notwithstanding...what i was actually referring to was the British armies earlier unsuccessful and disgraceful attempt to invade a very weakened post revolution Russia and save Europe from the scourge of Bolshevism between 1918 and 19 ...as per usual when fighting anyone more dangerous than Zulus or Maoris... as part of a much wider military coalition . Giving the RAF the dubious distinction of having been the first western military power to use poison gas against civilians..often Russian jews..in eastern europe . Hitler revived this Churchllian crusade 20 years later with a lot more success mind. And ts hs followers you lot are backing in Ukraine today .

Doubt very much the Azov battalion would thank you for Murmansk. But im sure theyll thank you for the high spec offensive military equipment NATO has just announced itll be supplying them with .

Yes, with a foreword by Alain Soral.

According to Amazon his book is bought alongside Alain de Benoist and Generation Identitaire, a milieu from which a few former associates/clowns who are now part of some tiny Eurasianist-inspired groupsicle are currently strolling around Donetsk in military fatigues.

We've been over this before about Dugin and Russia (and butchersapron is better informed about this sort of politics more widely) but read this, which again is a part of this decent book (posted it a few months back). Laruelle is good on contemporary Russian nationalist politics.

CR has sprinkled a recent post with Mackinderese (whether he's picked it up from Team NATO or Team Russia I don't know) so try this for some background. Also relevant to Dugin. Lastly, an interesting area of Russian thought.

It's not about being 'highly educated ' (I hate that exclusive-type shit). It's about being informed, something you can very easily do.

You want to understand Russia and Russian thinking and you post up two papers from the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars and other western scholars. I will give them a read. I suspect I learn more about western perceptions of Russia than of Russian thinking like most books I have read from westerners writing about Russia.

All this under a massive picture of a fascist in a graveyard. Really, do you want me to post up the uncompromising pictures of western intellectuals and then claim this is some sort of conclusive proof that the entire intellectual basis for NATO foreign policy is rooted in 20th century Nazi ideology?

The final book is entitled Russian 'Messianism', a made up word to ram home a racist premise. I will not read this. I really did not think you ascribed to this "all Russians love dictators theory (Ivan the Terrible innit), its their culture" bullshit.
I don't know what you mean. Have you got any of Lev Gumilev's texts in English? I cannot find any of the most important.
Isn't Dugin like Tony Blair or something?

And you mean with Gumilev you have followed on from my post a few months ago. Like it or not, western and liberal or not, English-language texts on Eurasianism (and importantly by Eurasianists themselves) aren't around that much to the non-specialist.
I know enough to know that Lev Gumilev's work is central to understanding Dugin's views on ethnicity and Russian eurasianism more generally. It might be unfair, and certainly misses a lot of useful information, to dismiss Gumilev as an antisemite.

Dugin simply tries to find some 'third way' (or, as he claims, fourth way) between conflicting ideologies when it is a dead end (not to mention his harking back to feudal hierarchy). The fact he is probably racist means nothing when the same can be said of many (western) ideologues.
Dugin isn't a fascist? Sure that term requires some qualification, but he just allows one of them to write the foreword to a book of his? The kind that makes an anti-Semitic gesture at a Holocaust memorial in Berlin.

The nonsense about the Giddens Third Way and Dugin's neo-Eurasianism was part of my piss-take of your confused shite earlier, and also with regard to the recent offensive Quenelle japery (one disgusting prick had a photo taken outside the former camp). When reading your posts (nay, attacks) it's been a bit 'Er...Yeah' really.

My offering of Larurelle was because it is the only comprehensive introductory book on Russian Eurasianism recently published in the English language. It deals with the classical emigre Eurasianists, Panarin and Gumilev in the Soviet Union, and Dugin. Sure, she isn't perfect (politically, what?), but you possess critical intelligence. Use it.

As for Stalinism, well, that's kind of my hobby and it's the revisionists who have helped me a lot in that, and if a certain poster was still around he would be yelling STALINIST at me if the subject came up on a thread and I contributed. And I'm nothing of the sort.

Dugin is probably racist? It means nothing? You've been tripping up on those clown shoes a bit lately.
the rabidly anti Kremlin Foreign Policy magazine does an interview here with the commander of the neo nazi Azov battalion . No real surprises mind except for the fact its another source for the repeated claims ive seen for quite some time that large numbers of Russian fascists are fighting on the kiev side.

"people with a European identity fighting with Sovietness."


seen a smaller number of similar claims Ukrainian Anarchists have followed suit too .
Dugin isn't a fascist? Sure that term requires some qualification, but he just allows one of them to write the foreword to a book of his? The kind that makes an anti-Semitic gesture at a Holocaust memorial in Berlin.

Dugin is probably racist? It means nothing? You've been tripping up on those clown shoes a bit lately.

Of more relevance, though, is the importance Dugin's flirting, in terms of practicalities, with western Europe's far-right. Why do you think he would select one of them to foreward a book of his?
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