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yes the holacaust or sacrifice by fire was carried out by the swiss rothchild pharonic holy roman empire on mostly easten slavonic people(russians white russian ukrainians) about 30 million of them.
IN the morning we will march to remember them the victims of the great war. While people in the west get up turn on the telly and watch the news on how bad putin is being. Just remember the news show would more than likely be in german and you would even more oppressed than you are now if it wasnt for all that russian blood.
yes the holacaust or sacrifice by fire was carried out by the swiss rothchild pharonic holy roman empire on mostly easten slavonic people(russians white russian ukrainians) about 30 million of them.
IN the morning we will march to remember them the victims of the great war. While people in the west get up turn on the telly and watch the news on how bad putin is being. Just remember the news show would more than likely and you would even more oppressed than you are now if it wasnt for all that russian blood.

Thought so.
yes the holacaust or sacrifice by fire was carried out by the swiss rothchild pharonic holy roman empire on mostly easten slavonic people(russians white russian ukrainians) about 30 million of them.
IN the morning we will march to remember them the victims of the great war. While people in the west get up turn on the telly and watch the news on how bad putin is being. Just remember the news show would more than likely be in german and you would even more oppressed than you are now if it wasnt for all that russian blood.
Is david icke at the embassy?
Time to wake up nothing as been done about jimmy saville jersey and all the rest of it. paedophiles run fred west and thats the truth. You all sit there thinking russia some big gulag but more than likely you have never been there. The nonces like willie hague will end up in the hague hopefully and we can all live happily ever after.
But first we have to realise the extent of our brainwashing by these perverts. And lets face alot of this is deeply engrianed now. So lets realise the bigger picture lets get these nonces to fuck and acheive peace on earth cus that is all we want
yes the holacaust or sacrifice by fire was carried out by the swiss rothchild pharonic holy roman empire on mostly easten slavonic people(russians white russian ukrainians) about 30 million of them.
IN the morning we will march to remember them the victims of the great war. While people in the west get up turn on the telly and watch the news on how bad putin is being. Just remember the news show would more than likely be in german and you would even more oppressed than you are now if it wasnt for all that russian blood.

Can't you remember the sacrifices of jews as well as Russians?

c'mon... give us some translations of what is going on in Ukraine... ignore all this Jimmy Saville shit...
What are you just saying? Just say it ffs.

I'm just saying thayt
The site mentions the real/fake telephone call between 'Dmitry Boitsov' and Alexander Barkashov released by the Ukraine SBU, the former belonging to the RNE-linked Russian Orthodox Army/Orthodox Donbass group currently occupying the Donetsk government building. Here.

I don't know how to believe in any of that article from "Human Right's in Ukraine" it seems like another NGO which has turned to white washing Ukraine "patriots" yet demonizing "Russian Separatist's". That's not to say the group doesn't look like a Nazi organization, but it just seems like their is a few Ukrainian media organizations, academics and NGO's who are playing a game of our Nazi's are better than your Nazi's. For a human rights organization they seem to have a lot of articles which only seem to be aimed at increasing the national divide between Russian's and Ukrainians especially the ones on Odessa which like the US state department seem to paint the football hooligans as a crowd of innocent football fans set upon by a mob of Russian supporters.

The Peaceful football Hooligans

A few video's this guys organizations, plus it's not that much older than the groups involved in UNA-UNSO started in the early 90s and also look like SS.


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I'm just saying thayt

I don't know how to believe in any of that article from "Human Right's in Ukraine" it seems like another NGO which has turned to white washing Ukraine "patriots" yet demonizing "Russian Separatist's". That's not to say the group doesn't look like a Nazi organization, but it just seems like their is a few Ukrainian media organizations, academics and NGO's who are playing a game of are Nazi's are better than your Nazi's. For a human rights organization they seem to have a lot of articles which only seem to be aimed at increasing the national divide between Russian's and Ukrainians especially the ones on Odessa which like the US state department seem to paint the football hooligans as a crowd of innocent football fans set upon by a mob of Russian supporters.

The Peaceful football Hooligans

A few video's this guys organizations, plus it's not that much older than the groups involved in UNA-UNSO started in the early 90s and also look like SS.


I appreciate what you've said, but I've been specifically talking about people openly supporting Barkashov at the Donetsk government building, not anti-Kiev groups in general. They are the people I've been talking about over the last few days, following their own communications on VKontakte. What has been an issue for me is just how big they are and what influence they have in Donetsk (looks to be very small). Whoever wrote that article seems to have done similar but later (checking Russian language social media).

I know very well what RNE is. Remember Moscow, 1993? (Mind you, I was only 12 at the time).





Red and Brown.


I appreciate what you've said, but I've been specifically talking about people openly supporting Barkashov at the Donetsk government building, not anti-Kiev groups in general. They are the people I've been talking about over the last few days, following their own communications on VKontakte. What has been an issue for me is just how big they are and what influence they have in Donetsk (looks to be very small). Whoever wrote that article seems to have done similar but later (checking Russian language social media).

I know very well what RNE is. Remember Moscow, 1993? (Mind you, I was only 12 at the time).





Red and Brown.



The thing that I don't get, correct me please if you think I'm wrong, but Putin for years has been cracking down on these groups so it wouldn't make any logical sense for Putin, or important figures in the Kremlin to be openly supporting these groups. Now that's not to say these groups are not getting black money from the Kremlin (just enough to mobilize on a defensive level), or the Kremlin is attempting to control these groups on the group, international relations and especially imperialism is always a dirty business. However, in my personal opinion it would be somewhat self-destructive to channel large amounts of funds and give open support to militant groups who are suppressed in your own country and it seems like these groups are in a sense working independently at least without direct orders from the Kremlim.


Anyway they seem to have gone underground since 1999 onwards after their Moscow office was closed, so it's hard to exactly find out what happened to the organization. Nonetheless, I fail to understand why Putin would openly support an organization that could one day turn it's guns on him.
I don't believe Putin is using these groups, not even indirectly, particularly the feeble Nazis in Donetsk. From the looks of it so far they aren't well-funded or equipped, just youngsters making VK pages (you've seen them yourself, putting out appeals for male volunteers and money), local dreamers at the regional government offices who will soon be crushed or run away if pro-Kiev forces come into contact with them. I don't think Putin cares how many of these 'patriots' burn. I'll eat my hat if this isn't the case, but they are unimportant to the Russian elite, I think.
I don't believe Putin is using these groups, not even indirectly, particularly the feeble Nazis in Donetsk. From the looks of it so far they aren't well-funded or equipped, just youngsters making VK pages (you've seen them yourself, putting out appeals for male volunteers and money), local dreamers at the regional government offices who will soon be crushed or run away if pro-Kiev forces come into contact with them. I don't think Putin cares how many of these 'patriots' burn. I'll eat my hat if this isn't the case, but they are unimportant to the Russian elite, I think.

Well that's the same theory I've had all along. Putin is a Eurasianist and the Kremlin foreign policy is very Eurasionist, but the Putin ideology is very different from the Limonov, Dugin or this Barkashov who advocate the restoration of the USSR, Russian empire, or Russian ultranationalism. These groups are a direct threat to Putin's power, so it would only seem logical that the Kremlin would be reluctant in giving these groups any more than verbal recognition. However, it seems that the Ukrainian ultranationalists in Kiev seem to be going to extraordinary lengths to create a Kremlin-East connection, which can be either argued is a justifiable accusation, or needed to justify the crack down, or intentional to gain power. Personally I'm sticking with the later that this is intentional on the part of Kiev based ulranationalist groups.
I don't believe Putin is using these groups, not even indirectly, particularly the feeble Nazis in Donetsk. From the looks of it so far they aren't well-funded or equipped, just youngsters making VK pages (you've seen them yourself, putting out appeals for male volunteers and money), local dreamers at the regional government offices who will soon be crushed or run away if pro-Kiev forces come into contact with them. I don't think Putin cares how many of these 'patriots' burn. I'll eat my hat if this isn't the case, but they are unimportant to the Russian elite, I think.

This is interesting, it turns out in the 90s Barkashov's Russian National Unity was being funded by the late Russian-British Oligarch Boris Berezovsky and the pain in Putin's ass media tycoon and fellow Russian Oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky.

The project to create a bogeyman really started under Gorbachev during the late Perestroika years, when he was losing support. The KGB created Newsweek-ready Fascist pinups like the anti-Semitic costume-fetishists from Pamyat. Interestingly, the man who helped create the anti-Semitic scarecrow was Filipp Bobkov, who headed the KGB's Fifth Chief Directorate, responsible for all domestic "counter-intelligence," until 1991. After that, he left to head up security and intelligence for future-oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky's Most Group - that's right, the same Gusinsky who eventually headed the Russian Jewish Congress, and who convinced much of the American opinion-makers that Putin's attack on him in 2000 was part of a dark anti-Semitic plot. Wilson reveals that both Gusinskii and Berezovskii funded neo-Nazi scarecrow Alexander Barkashov's Russian National Unity party in the late 1990s, the same ones that "Clinton found so alarming."


Correct me if I'm wrong but Gusinsky owns RTVi which is traditionally anti-Putin and was the former owner of NTV before Gaspron confiscated the channel following his fraud case which was also anti-Putin. What I find interesting about this is it turns out that Vladimir Gusinsky also operates another channel called TVi based in Ukraine which had a critical approach to Viktor Yanukovych.

A few references to Barkashov and Russian National Unity in Wikileaks cables:


One thing is clear from the vague information in the Wikileaks cables is RNU is closely linked to the Russian Orthodox Church and to a degree the government. However, if there is truth to the information above these government links, which not mentioned in the emails probably comes from the anti-Putin Oligarchy.

RNU and its sub-groups are actually illegal inside Russia, but it is still pretty strongly tied into the government and society. The main RNU group
is tied into the Russian Orthodox Church (*groan from me*) and promotes all things white and Russian. They have large numbers in Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania and Ukraine.

Also the Omsk and Ryazan branches were branded as terrorist organization.

Other unusual entries included the Omsk and Ryazan branches of the Russian National Unity whose leader Alexander Barkashov said by telephone that the ultranationalist group never had branches in those cities.
It also seems judging from a mixture of articles the organizations peak was 100,000 members in 1999, went into somewhat obscurity until seemingly gaining popularity again during the Chechan war and subsequent famous beheading video. And then went into somewhat shadowy obscurity once again in 2007 following the states crack down on Neo-Nazi groups after the Chechan beheading.

Now the big question, who's been funding the group since 1999? and why does a Russian Oligarch have ties to funding a Russian separatist group who also funds a pro-Ukrainian nationalist TV channel?

I get the impression their is a large amount of government "white washing" and "black money" going into fuelling a "civil war" with the strategic objective of achieving a war of attrition, that will result in the break up of the Russian Federation. Would be interesting to see if anyone can find answers to the questions above, but I can guess and say the money funding these pro-Russian separatists and those pro-Kiev nationalist comes from London under the full knowledge of the EU and US state department.
Here's a piece, interesting for this:

Some supporters of the Ukrainian organisation, Borotba (meaning Struggle) and the Russian Left Front claim that they are attempting to do the same things as the anarchists did at Maidan, that is, direct protest towards social demands. But AntiMaidan has no structures of direct democracy, not even distorted ones. It quickly adopted the model of hierarchical, militaristic organisations. The AntiMaidan leadership consists of former police and reserve officers. It does not attempt to exert influence through the masses, but with military power and weapons. This makes perfect sense, considering that according to a recent opinion poll, even in the most pro-«federalist» area of Lugansk, a mere 24% of the population is in favor of armed takeovers of government structures. That is, AntiMaidan cannot count on a victory through mass demonstrations.

Whereas at its essence Maidan was a middle-class liberal and nationalistic protest, supported by part of the bourgeoisie, AntiMaidan is purely counter-revolutionary in tendency. Of course, AntiMaidan has its own grassroots level. One could attempt to intervene, but an intervention by joining would mean supporting a Soviet, imperialist approach. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Borotba, the Russian Left Front and Boris Kagarlitsky have all joined this Soviet chauvinist camp. Intervening in Maidan made sense only as long as the enemy were Berkut police forces and paid thugs. When the opponents are mislead AntiMaidan participants, it no longer makes sense to fight in the streets.

Have we seen anything else on the composition of the 'antimaidan'?

(incidentally, i remember writing to the author when he was in prison many many years ago)
the composition of the anti maidan is just ordinary people in no groups or organisations shocked by what is happening to them anyone would be the same surely in ther position
RT are reporting one of the Ruptly Agency workers has been shot in the stomach amidst fighting with tanks etc, in the city of Mariupol
Here's a piece, interesting for this:

Have we seen anything else on the composition of the 'antimaidan'?

(incidentally, i remember writing to the author when he was in prison many many years ago)

Just pointing out that this article was written by a Finn (so probably has friends in Western Ukraine and relatively fewer in Eastern Ukraine).
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