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I'd have thought, given the mention of how "they might just walk in, Anschluss-stylee", the context was pretty obvious, i.e. a "soft" annexation based around the fact that elements of the regional state apparatus and the local populations facilitated it.
If you're so historically-ignorant that the first thing that springs into your mind on mention of the Anschluss is Hitler, then take that up with the idiot who purported to teach you history, or with yourself for being an ignoramus on the subject.

Bravo, your contortions are incredible. applause etc.

Anyway, on with your nice unquestioned assumption that Putin obviously wants to annex parts of the Ukraine beyond the bit that has that big fat old single Russian warm-water naval base in it. Let's call this the Automatic Russia framework shall we, in light of how Russia automatically wants whatever FOX News sez it wants.

Let's continue the thread by exchanging theories about how Putin thinks brushing his teeth in the morning will help Automatic Russia grab chunks of Wales.... which they obviously automaitcially want because Russia.
Bravo, your contortions are incredible. applause etc.

Yes, that's right, they're contortions, because obviously what you believe is the correct interpretation, and nothing else counts.
At least if you lived on Bizarro-World, anyway.

Anyway, on with your nice unquestioned assumption that Putin obviously wants to annex parts of the Ukraine beyond the bit that has that big fat old single Russian warm-water naval base in it.

Christ, but you're an idiot.
It's not an assumption. All states have plans for such acts. Give me a good reason why Russia wouldn't do this (or Ukraine wouldn't, either), and you might have an argument, instead of the bleating noise you keep making.

Let's call this the Automatic Russia framework shall we, in light of how Russia automatically wants whatever FOX News sez it wants.

Let's continue the thread by exchanging theories about how Putin thinks brushing his teeth in the morning will help Automatic Russia grab chunks of Wales.... which they obviously automaitcially want because Russia.

1) I don't watch Fox.
2) I didn't make assumptions about what Russia will do, I offered a possibility but no probability.

BTW, I broke the habit of a lifetime and reported your post with the massive pic. So very clever to post a picture so large that it eats both bandwidth and graphics resources on peoples' phones, tablets, desktops and laptops.
Yes, that's right, they're contortions, because obviously what you believe is the correct interpretation, and nothing else counts.
At least if you lived on Bizarro-World, anyway.

Christ, but you're an idiot.
It's not an assumption. All states have plans for such acts. Give me a good reason why Russia wouldn't do this (or Ukraine wouldn't, either), and you might have an argument, instead of the bleating noise you keep making.

1) I don't watch Fox.
2) I didn't make assumptions about what Russia will do, I offered a possibility but no probability.

BTW, I broke the habit of a lifetime and reported your post with the massive pic. So very clever to post a picture so large that it eats both bandwidth and graphics resources on peoples' phones, tablets, desktops and laptops.

As SAMCRO would say: Fuck'n Rat

For the rest of your post, have another one of these> :rolleyes:
Well, it's what we have at the minute and was carried out on the ground in the east - i think part of would be making the host pollers unknown. It does tally with past polling - that is, large distrust of new govt, large support for united ukaraine (diff set up though) minority support for annexation. I'm sure they can get things wrong - but wrong by that much? To get things wrong by 40%+?

We would need to see the questions, change the questions, language and then do a few more surveys before we can make a decision like that ("they got it wrong/right"). Just look at responses to wording on Scottish independence. I cannot imagine how these problems will affect surveys in bilingual and polarised regions like Donbas.
We would need to see the questions, change the questions, language and then do a few more surveys before we can make a decision like that ("they got it wrong/right"). Just look at responses to wording on Scottish independence. I cannot imagine how these problems will affect surveys in bilingual and polarised regions like Donbas.
Do you know how they actually did it to assume that they didn't meet the required steps? I'm not suggesting that we should argue that they did - but we have to assume at least professional competence to carry out the poll? If not, let's not talk about it.
Do you know how they actually did it to assume that they didn't meet the required steps? I'm not suggesting that we should argue that they did - but we have to assume at least professional competence to carry out the poll? If not, let's not talk about it.

I am not saying the poll is wrong, and as you have pointed out, there are a range of polls (mostly from western and western Ukrainian organisations (I think there may have been one from a university in Donetsk or Kharkiv)) which suggest these results are what is to be expected.

I would just like a commentary into the methodological issues of conducting a survey in the Donbas region under current circumstances. Saying there would be none would be less plausible than saying the poll is complete rubbish, in my opinion.
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Has anyone put this link up yet? Very damning about Right Sector in Odessa and that the seperatists with red bands were provoceteurs from the Right Sector (and probably the government given the Minister for Internal Affairs was present).

This piece butchers posted earlier and this post by DairyQueen suggest to me that anything Borotba have to say ought to be taken with a massive dose of salt.

Just to follow this up. I have no idea of Borotba except what is written on their webpage.

Borotba are posting up messages of solidarity from Athens mainly.

On Friday, May 2nd, supporters of the fascist government in Kiev backed by the neo-Nazi’s of the “Right Sector” burned the building of the syndicates in Odessa, where antigovernment protesters, in their majority left-wing fighters, were located, in their attempt to defend their city against the fascists marching in. Those who tried to escape the flames were beaten to death by the neo-Nazi’s; the latter went on to complete their work by a pogrom in the streets, conducting targeted attacks against specific homes. Final countdown: 46 antifascist protesters killed and dozens of people injured.

We, the Antifascist Coordination for Athens-Piraeus, would like to send our deepest condolences to our comrades from Borotba Union that count one dead and many people injured by the armed neo-Nazi battalion squads.

As an action of solidarity, we will hold a demonstration in front of the Ukrainian embassy in Athens. It is our belief that labourers’ and the democratic rights of the Ukrainian people can only be protected by a unified internationalist front against the fascist government, the oligarchs and all kinds of “protecting patrons” (US-EU-Russia).

At such hard times, our mind and heart is next to our Ukrainian comrades that fight against the neo-Nazi’s, oligarchy and imperialism for a society free of nationalist hatred and social degradation.

Solidarity is our weapon

Antifascist Coordination for Athens-Piraeus
Some fella on my facebook is posting some mad videos of Ukrainian neo-Nazi's murdering.

Here's the latest is here (shows dead bodies being chucked off a tank):

Dunno if this has been posted on here. I find it hard to believe although I can't see anything disputing it and it looks legit.
Have you got a link?
@GrahamWP_UK posted it on twitter a few days ago and someone pointed him to the old vid. I'll have a look.

Can't find the original but here he is admitting he got it wrong. It was Dagestan, not Chechnya apparently sorry. Reminded that we need to be really careful.

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The article on Dugin you link to is a bit shit, tbh. It focuses on the classical Eurasianists of the 1920s-30s, doesn't mention the later theories of Alexander Panarin and Lev Gumilev within the USSR (the latter's writings are popular and influential in Russia and Central Asia today). Dugin resurrected works of older Eurasianists for new audiences but his own neo-Eurasianism is different to the old emigres (who were quite diverse). But, like them, much of his thinking is borrowed from western Europe, including fascism. His is an imperial ideology but much more radical, though.

It sees Dugin as a significant influence on Putin, and that's questionable. I would be hesitant in saying he is key to Putin's foreign policy in the imperialist competition for control of the ex-Soviet Union's periphery. His involvement with the National Bolsheviks was brief. He was involved in Zyuganov's Communist Party, too. The term Eurasianist is used too broadly by outsiders. I think that has something to do with people in the west needing more access to English translations of Russian (and Central Asian) writings (including myself), rather than jumping to conclusions. The best comprehensive introductory book on Russian Eurasianism in the English language is by Marlene Laruelle. She also writes well on Russian nationalism. There's a copy online, maybe include that in your blog post?
The article on Dugin you link to is a bit shit, tbh. It focuses on the classical Eurasianists of the 1920s-30s, doesn't mention the later theories of Alexander Panarin and Lev Gumilev within the USSR (the latter's writings are popular and influential in Russia and Central Asia today). Dugin resurrected works of older Eurasianists for new audiences but his own neo-Eurasianism is different to the old emigres (who were quite diverse). But, like them, much of his thinking is borrowed from western Europe, including fascism. His is an imperial ideology but much more radical, though.

It sees Dugin as a significant influence on Putin, and that's questionable. I would be hesitant in saying he is key to Putin's foreign policy in the imperialist competition for control of the ex-Soviet Union's periphery. His involvement with the National Bolsheviks was brief. He was involved in Zyuganov's Communist Party, too. The term Eurasianist is used too broadly by outsiders. I think that has something to do with people in the west needing more access to English translations of Russian (and Central Asian) writings (including myself), rather than jumping to conclusions. The best comprehensive introductory book on Russian Eurasianism in the English language is by Marlene Laruelle. She also writes well on Russian nationalism. There's a copy online, maybe include that in your blog post?

Cheers, maybe I should link to that instead? Thanks for all your help on this BTW.
Why is the bitish counter culture not turned on to events in ukraine. This is true people power familys standing in front of tanks troops changing sides.
And then odessa just shows you how brainwashing the corporote media is about russia most people cant get past the anti russain propaganda that has been spilled out on a bigger scale than the cold war.
However hers my brief take on things.
30 million ruthenians(russians white russians ukraine russians) killed fighting fascism in the second world war. The nazis move into position in the west and then surround the russians with missiles and weapons and try to destroy again.
jimmy savilles mates who run the west otherwise known as illuminati so on are hell bent on world dom
russia china iran syria brazil and a host of other countries stand in the way. However these cunts will stop at nothing they dont care if trheaten the entire planet they want to turn us into gm mcdonald hamburger robots and they dont care they will do anything.
However most people on the planet dont know just how bad these people really are partly because these people control the media.
However times are changing we have live streaming and the internet. That is why syria was lost that is why the ukraine is not going their way.
They are starting slowly but ever so surely to lose the information war.
I am not so sure, spartacuslove is probably Russian/Ukrainian so I personally welcome the contribution.

Also, for me, there is an element of truth in what he is saying. The manner in which the 'western rising' was and still is reported since the start, is completely different to how the 'eastern rising' has been reported. The western rising was all about freedom, worker rights (and certainly not Ukrainian nationalism). Ever since the east rose, we have been told they are probably fash, any left-wing movement - probably Putin's imperialist stooges. The fact of the matter is, we can call them fascists all we want, but when entire groups of people come out to stop tanks, create their own assemblies, etc - it is difficult to argue that there is not some broad-based appeal for what is happening there. Call them what you want, they don't seem to give a shit.
Why is the bitish counter culture not turned on to events in ukraine. This is true people power familys standing in front of tanks troops changing sides.
And then odessa just shows you how brainwashing the corporote media is about russia most people cant get past the anti russain propaganda that has been spilled out on a bigger scale than the cold war.
However hers my brief take on things.
30 million ruthenians(russians white russians ukraine russians) killed fighting fascism in the second world war. The nazis move into position in the west and then surround the russians with missiles and weapons and try to destroy again.
jimmy savilles mates who run the west otherwise known as illuminati so on are hell bent on world dom
russia china iran syria brazil and a host of other countries stand in the way. However these cunts will stop at nothing they dont care if trheaten the entire planet they want to turn us into gm mcdonald hamburger robots and they dont care they will do anything.
However most people on the planet dont know just how bad these people really are partly because these people control the media.
However times are changing we have live streaming and the internet. That is why syria was lost that is why the ukraine is not going their way.
They are starting slowly but ever so surely to lose the information war.

The infowar you say? Let me guess - do you have a 'unique' interpretation of the holocaust as well?
I am not so sure, spartacuslove is probably Russian/Ukrainian so I personally welcome the contribution.

Also, for me, there is an element of truth in what he is saying. The manner in which the 'western rising' was and still is reported since the start, is completely different to how the 'eastern rising' has been reported. The western rising was all about freedom, worker rights (and certainly not Ukrainian nationalism). Ever since the east rose, we have been told they are probably fash, any left-wing movement - probably Putin's imperialist stooges. The fact of the matter is, we can call them fascists all we want, but when entire groups of people come out to stop tanks, create their own assemblies, etc - it is difficult to argue that there is not some broad-based appeal for what is happening there. Call them what you want, they don't seem to give a shit.

He's a fucking loon. Illuminati ffs
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