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oh god now that foetus headed vermin Hague is on the radio banging on about sanctions...not sure how effective sanctions are going to be against a state with the size and resources of russia mind. Surely it will only annoy rather than have any coercive effect.
oh god now that foetus headed vermin Hague is on the radio banging on about sanctions...not sure how effective sanctions are going to be against a state with the size and resources of russia mind. Surely it will only annoy rather than have any coercive effect.

Especially as they won't sanction anything City-related, so what'll probably happen is that those least able to get around the sanctions will be hit by them, while the ruling classes get a free pass.
Nah, you're telling me what I'm doing because you're having an attack of self-righteousness and defensiveness because you were wrong about me calling seventh bullet a fuckwit, Poindexter.
i never thought for a second that you did call him that. you're all over the shop today.

poindexter? gee whizz, we're in a fifties american high school film! will you be my date for the prom?
The OSCE team's head, Axel Schneider, and the group interpreter have given a (slightly bizarre) press conference from Slavyansk.

Excuse it being LifeNews. It is not complete. There is another section filmed from the audience

which appears to be continued through the ustream link in its description.
it seems to be mostly high ups the sanctions are targetting . Doubt theylll give a fuck .

Anyways it seems that unless someone steps in from somewhere to end this impasse this will end really badly . And I dont see where on earth that will come from . A few days ago I heard something from one of those Russian ministers that sounded well troubling . He was explaining that what these western gobshites were saying in public wasnt just rhetoric for the cameras as one might expect . Its exactly what theyre saying to the Russians in private too. All the fake photos,fake leaflets, the ultimatums as if theyre talking to wee boys...there doesnt seem to be any realism at all. There is a bunch of clueless idiots at the controls of this one , and thats pretty scary I reckon.

When Kiev was in turmoil it was the incessant demand of the west on Yanukovich that he resolve the crisis through dialogue with protestors and not try to resolve the crisis by use of force. Putin urged the same thing . Whatever the faults of the Yanukovic he at least engaged in that, a bit too much if truth be told .
But here we have even much more widespread disturbances, entire towns being seized, army and police defections, demonstrations everywhere, entire country falling apart at the seams and the answer is to send in tanks and artillery, gunships, jets . With direct US encouragement . Not a single word about anyone talking to these people . They were barred outright from the Geneva talks that were supposed to resolve it all.

The Geneva talks were supposed to have arrived at an arrangement were all militias, the juntas included would be stood down . Were all seized buildings and blockades would be lifted . Instead its transpired it was just the anti Kiev ones they yanks were focussed on, while the people manning them werent even consulted . Not the blockades in Kiev and elsewhere There wasnt a chance of that succeeding . Absolutely no realism. It was just a surrender demand . Not an ounce of pressure on Kiev to rein theirs in .

The US formula seems to be here they have to be crushed, and the junta are simply their puppets with the job to do that . One word from the yanks and thered be direct talks between both sides in the morning . But the word has been send in the tanks and the militias instead. Against terrorists..and thats the white house speaking .

And doing that puts both the protestors and the Russians in a corner . The western plan seems to be to deliberately corner them and then somehow scare them into submission with threats of sanctions, shows of force and talk of war . Utter fucking madness . That wont work and will just get the opposite response.

Their coup was a total success in that they seized the centres of power, the govt adminsitrations, institutions etc . But similar in ways to what happened in Venezuela..were they also massively fucked up.. they didnt seize the hearts and minds of the people, who despite all this shit talk of bussed in Russians and paid agitators behind all this unrest plainly are having none of it in many places . Despite tanks going in the protests are escalating, not diminishing ..a tv station today..more towns announcing theyve rejected Kiev . Large sections of the state security apparatus plainly also have absolutely no intention of waging war against their own people ..but by no means all of it . But equally plainly thats what the white house expect of them .

Basically what the white house is demanding is unconditional surrender from the protestors ,and Russia not merely to completely renounce them but somehow to make them submit on Americas behalf..those are the actual demands being made in public and private . The only thing stopping an all out military assault on the protestors is the threat of Russian intervention to protect civilians , but Americas demanding Russia pull its troops back, renounce the protestors and leave them to the wolves. Im pretty sure if the Russians sent their troops home then the rocket artillery would be landing on east Ukrainian towns with full on White House encouragement and diplomatic cover , exactly the same as it was landing on south Ossetian towns a few years ago with the same US encouragement and cover.

The yanks want war here, theyve shown their hand and cant turn back now . Theyve gone all in and want the game over right way . They know that with every day that passes their crew gets shakier and closer to collapse . And as far as I can see the only thing that might avert all out conflict is their collapse .
theres that Tv station in Donetsk being seized that I was on about in my last missive


seems the show of strength has just had the opposite effect as intended . Apart from massacring their own people now ..which could well have fatal consequences for the junta themselves...I fail to see how theyre going to get off this hook without a major climbdown . I think the clock is ticking for the junta .
theres a good documentary on RT just at the minute about the Ukrainian genocide of its Polish population and Volhyn . Some absolutely ridiculous convoluted stuff from the Polish authorities due to the ruling parties support for the Ukrainian putsch parties and as is becoming more likely possible paramilitary training for right sector in Poland . A lot of angry poles disgusted with the governments convolutions over it .
if you are storing near three mil of weaponry in a fucking salt mine then surely a good chunk of it will be inoperable without the aid of a gunsmith and his toolshop. Salt is corrosive. Badly so. I'm not even on about how dated the gear would be, a webley is old but if a bullet comes out of the end of it, at speed, it works. But a salt mine? surely the vast majority of that equipment is going to be beyond fucked, scrap value fucked.
Pro-Russia insurgents on Sunday freed one of the eight European military observers being held prisoner in eastern Ukraine. Earlier in the day, all eight appeared in public for the first time and, under armed guard, gave assurances they weren’t being mistreated.

An Associated Press photographer saw Maj. Thomas Johansson of Sweden get into a car with representatives of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe. They then drove away from the city administration building in Slovyansk, which has become the centre of the pro-Russia insurgency in eastern Ukraine.

It wasn’t immediately clear why only Johansson was released, but the pro-Russian insurgents had accused the group of being NATO spies and Sweden isn’t a member of the trans-Atlantic alliance.

if you are storing near three mil of weaponry in a fucking salt mine then surely a good chunk of it will be inoperable without the aid of a gunsmith and his toolshop. Salt is corrosive. Badly so. I'm not even on about how dated the gear would be, a webley is old but if a bullet comes out of the end of it, at speed, it works. But a salt mine? surely the vast majority of that equipment is going to be beyond fucked, scrap value fucked.

If it was a working mine different story, but its inside a long disused mine in storage lockers , its not being dunked in salt . Salt also absorbs moisture from the air so if its dry with a constant temperature it sounds like a perfectly good spot .

heres pictures of inside some of the Soledar salt mines, looks perfectly fine


ah fuck not electrolytes now..blinding me with science

Funny enough I saw pics the other day of some of the seperatists cleaning up some old moisin nagants, pretty sure I saw footage on the BBC of some of the punters at the checkpoints with them. Possible a few gnomes may have been down the mine. Although theres probably loads of them still knocking about above ground.
national post said:
It wasn’t immediately clear why only Johansson was released, but the pro-Russian insurgents had accused the group of being NATO spies and Sweden isn’t a member of the trans-Atlantic alliance.
Russian language agencies report it was due to his diabetes.

At least 14 people have been injured in Kharkov after a march of supporters of a united-Ukraine, which included shitloads of Metallist and Dniepr Ultras, and seems to be something that happens quite regularly. Reportedly after an altercation with supporters of the Federalist side, which gazeta.ru specifically called Borotba members (who I think were mentioned earlier) but didn't really elaborate. Larger scale relatively 'unarmed', civilian street violence hasn't really seemed to have been the tendency so far, or at least, not made much news.

There'll be mischief on the 9th of May, no doubt.
Greybeard in Ukraine is a guy by the name of Ivan Aleksandrovich Karchagin-Basorgin, from a place called Krasny Luch, near Lugansk in east Ukraine. 64 years old, retired teacher, currently a journalist and active in a trade union . If you go to this link of the Ukrainian Federation of Trade Unions youll see them identifying him and linking to a series of articles hes written for them.

Seems that he is actually Russian after all, or at least that's what the man himself says here (along with his passport)
I suggest that people go to the main site of that 'union' and do a translate. Because the confidently started claim that it's the main Ukrainian union federation identifying him is wrong. It's a fringe racist homophobic political party. As with all of his confidently relayed facts, do check on them.

In fact, looking even closer I think it's a satire site or a viz type pisstake, which would be fantastic and fitting.

Yes folks , CR has been posting stuff from viz news stories or the onion as fact.
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In fact, looking even closer I think it's a satire site or a viz type pisstake, which would be fantastic and fitting.

Yes, CR has been posting stuff from viz news stories or the onion as fact.

Online art exhibition from that site - my favourite is the two hairy balls watching the TV
( Scroll down to 'жопы' )
"Hairy-zhopo genitals sat in front of TV listen to the Nikolai Azarov Yanycha. They happily listen to the words of the Sage, fun prepolnyaet heart. Soon will come across Ass! All will be covered genitals!"
(Google Translate showing off its skills) :D
I have nothing but respect for the man after that performance.
You're right, I've just checked the bin and they are f---ing superb, all those "...is shit", a first-class, grade A meltdown.

My favourite moment was:
Cheesypoof saying "put this in the bin"
and Delroy's response
"You get in the fucking bin" :D:D:D

I am actually LOLing hard here, which is not good, as I currently have a root canal/infected tooth problem which means laughter or coughing (or anything really) is very painful. But it's worth it. :)
Come back soon Delroy
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