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That'll show them. There's nothing TheInternationalCommunity can't fix with a bit of gunboat diplomacy and some well applied sanctions. I think the next step should be to apprehend that brute Putin and have him up before the ICC as an example to others.
What exactly is your problem with the Russian state camo?
His comments.

I think the media is being very dangerous in the way they are feeding off this crisis? George Galloway on Russia Today backing the Russian propaganda machine and Sky/BBC etc. trying to turn this into something more dangerous and confrontational. This could all turn very ugly and nobody really understanding the process driven by a paranoid western information technology machine?
interesting to see how Putin plays this? Does he retaliate by assisting Iran by supplying it with weapons to piss off the west? (though would Iran want to play ball at a time when it is negotiating with the West?) Does the West now say sod Putin and step up the fight against Assad in Syria by providing more visible arms to the opposition?

Typical of me to ask the searching questions. :)
I think the media is being very dangerous in the way they are feeding off this crisis? George Galloway on Russia Today backing the Russian propaganda machine and Sky/BBC etc. trying to turn this into something more dangerous and confrontational. This could all turn very ugly and nobody really understanding the process driven by a paranoid western information technology machine?
Forget the media. Forget 'the west'. Forget this classic clash of interests being driven by a paranoid western information technology machine.
So, nothing comes back. I make a political point, it's avoided.

That was a political point? But I don't have a problem with the Russian state.

Well actually I do, I think the user-experience leaves a lot to be desired, probably. But I'm not on some sort of mission against the Kremlin. If anything I'd of assumed you'd accuse me of being Pro-Russian State. (I'm not that either).

I do think "TheInternationalCommunity", somewhat like the British Army at the dawn of the 1914 war, have become a tad used to pushing around those who do not have the Maxim Gun though, iyswim.
interesting to see how Putin plays this? Does he retaliate by assisting Iran by supplying it with weapons to piss off the west? (though would Iran want to play ball at a time when it is negotiating with the West?) Does the West now say sod Putin and step up the fight against Assad in Syria by providing more visible arms to the opposition?

Typical of me to ask the searching questions. :)

Kerry hinted the US might start dicking around with other issues. Sergey Lavrovs response was basically- :facepalm: :rolleyes:
Excellent, the british state started in 1914.


The British Army at the start of WW1 had not faced a modern industrialised European military force in a long time. Turns out the German Heer were a bit better equiped and trained than the Zulus for instance, had better machine guns than the Fuzzywuzzies, heavier artillery than the Afgans etc.

All this running around sanctioning states here and drone-striking countries there... TheInternationalCommunity (the United States and it's hangers-on really) are not used to the idea that if they sanction another state, that state can sanction back and it'll hurt. Nor are they used to the idea that any attempt at drone-strikes or similar would work out very badly for all concerned. I hope they aren't that stupid. It's not Syria or Iran or Zimbabwe this time. They might have to actually (shock, horror) use negotiation, statesmanship and stuff to resolve this issue instead of just wagging a 'big stick' like usual.

Didn't really work on Zimbabwe anyway because China.
Might the US not implement some more serious sanctions? Historically they seem a bit more willing to put state power before business interests, like with the Cuban embargo for example.
...This could all turn very ugly and nobody really understanding the process driven by a paranoid western information technology machine?

it has already turned very ugly, and it is not being driven by a 'paranoid western technology machine' (or 'the media' as the lower orders of mankind call it for short..), it is being driven by the fact that large swathes of central and eastern Europe have unpleasant memories of countries with large numbers of tanks saying 'i'll have that, i'll have that, and i'll burn that'.

unless, of course, you are suggesting that Sky News has invested in an Airborne Division without anyone noticing?

The British Army at the start of WW1 had not faced a modern industrialised European military force in a long time. Turns out the German Heer were a bit better equiped and trained than the Zulus for instance, had better machine guns than the Fuzzywuzzies, heavier artillery than the Afgans etc.

All this running around sanctioning states here and drone-striking countries there... TheInternationalCommunity (the United States and it's hangers-on really) are not used to the idea that if they sanction another state, that state can sanction back and it'll hurt. Nor are they used to the idea that any attempt at drone-strikes or similar would work out very badly for all concerned. I hope they aren't that stupid. It's not Syria or Iran or Zimbabwe this time. They might have to actually (shock, horror) use negotiation, statesmanship and stuff to resolve this issue instead of just wagging a 'big stick' like usual.

Didn't really work on Zimbabwe anyway because China.
Seriously, what? You're telling me/we that the british empire had better weapons than others. Why are you doing that? Are you drawing a direct analogy? What role would the russian state play here then? If something else, please say.
Might the US not implement some more serious sanctions? Historically they seem a bit more willing to put state power before business interests, like with the Cuban embargo for example.

Not the same sort of political landscape of the 1960's? That was a win win situation for both Russia and US. Missiles out of Turkey and Cuba was the final outcome?

International Space Station would be a possible high profile Russian target? Obviously gas etc could be turned off, they just signed a long term deal with China. The power of US and Europe is not really what it used to be. Russia could just pull the plug and trade with the rest of the world it will hurt them but not I think as much as it will hurt the EU?
Seriously, what? You're telling me/we that the british empire had better weapons than others. Why are you doing that? Are you drawing a direct analogy? What role would the russian state play here then? If something else, please say.

Im saying that states can become accustomed to having things their own way until things don't, for any number of reasons. The British Army was used to colonial police actions. Then a proper war turned up.

Listening to some of these people that apparently represent us is... scary. They don't seem to have groked yet that they should be talking things down at this point. Hubris basically. Scary. Where do they think they'll go after sanctions don't work, start talking bollocks about All Options Being on the Table? In fact I think one fuckwit (Evil Fetus Face) already said that. Alarming.

I think they should all be forced to watch 80's tv series Threads.
Im saying that states can become accustomed to having things their own way until things don't, for any number of reasons. The British Army was used to colonial police actions. Then a proper war turned up.

Listening to some of these people that apparently represent us is... scary. They don't seem to have groked yet that they should be talking things down at this point. Hubris basically. Scary. Where do they think they'll go after sanctions don't work, start talking bollocks about All Options Being on the Table? In fact I think one fuckwit (Evil Fetus Face) already said that. Alarming.
Not saying it isn't disconcerting, but such talk was standard in the Cold War. Doesn't mean anyone is seriously thinking of starting a war with Russia.
Not saying it isn't disconcerting, but such talk was standard in the Cold War. Doesn't mean anyone is seriously thinking of starting a war with Russia.

I just hope all involved know that. By what's being pumped around the media, I'm not sure they do. Thank fuck McCain's not president eh.
it has already turned very ugly, and it is not being driven by a 'paranoid western technology machine' (or 'the media' as the lower orders of mankind call it for short..), it is being driven by the fact that large swathes of central and eastern Europe have unpleasant memories of countries with large numbers of tanks saying 'i'll have that, i'll have that, and i'll burn that'.

unless, of course, you are suggesting that Sky News has invested in an Airborne Division without anyone noticing?

I get the feeling the decision making process is being controlled by the media? Not sure the US/EU would have really done anything much without the media pressure? The reason nobody has been slaughtered in large numbers yet is possibly that it would be an own goal to Russia? The media is there waiting for the slaughter to begin? I am sure some parts of the media would profit from a limited conflict?
i think in a lot of wars neither side "seriously thinks" of starting a war until it's too late tho, tbf

(not that i think ww3 is about to break out)

Like the near escape from war of that Soviet Sub that nearly fired a nuclear torpedo at a US ship dropping dummy depth charges?
I get the feeling the decision making process is being controlled by the media? Not sure the US/EU would have really done anything much without the media pressure? The reason nobody has been slaughtered in large numbers yet is possibly that it would be an own goal to Russia? The media is there waiting for the slaughter to begin? I am sure some parts of the media would profit from a limited conflict?

i think you might be overestimating the impact of the media - Poland does not enact Chapter 4 of the NATO treaty because Sky news has an excitable hack in Crimea, it enacts Chapter 4 of the NATO treaty because it and its neighbours are shitting themselves that old Vlad sees an opportunity to write himself into the history books as Czar Vladimir the Magnificent, re-uniter of all the Russian peoples from the Elbe to Kamchatka.
i think you might be overestimating the impact of the media - Poland does not enact Chapter 4 of the NATO treaty because Sky news has an excitable hack in Crimea, it enacts Chapter 4 of the NATO treaty because it and its neighbours are shitting themselves that old Vlad sees an opportunity to write himself into the history books as Czar Vladimir the Magnificent, re-uniter of all the Russian peoples from the Elbe to Kamchatka.

I really hope it is not a repeat of the twentieth century? I cannot see a Czar/Stalin just yet albeit if people start being murdered in large numbers and shipped off to Siberia without trace than maybe history is repeating itself? Also Hitler had the Olympics just before he went off the rails so a lot ques from history here?
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