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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-25

Loons are claiming Russia doesn’t operate Tochta missiles, when there’s plenty of footage of them with them in this war.
At first I was disappointed with the sort of sanctions but they do need to be measured. I think they'll do their job eventually.

They're doing their job now. They were never going to work overnight and one month on they're under some of the harshest sanctions ever imposed and which are being increased. Life is getting pretty tough in Russia now. So far sanctions have hindered the country's ability to move its money around. Now they're going to go after the money supply itself by reducing the amount of energy being paid for. The regime has managed to shore-up the rouble in the last couple of weeks but only by imposing massive capital restrictions so it's an artificial recovery.

This stuff about sanctions not working or the west running out of ideas is nonsense. They're hurting badly and there's loads more to come.
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The radiation they're recording is still really low tbh; 11 microsieverts/hr... On a swift google annual exposure level for radiation workers is 20 msv; it would take around 2000 hours to get to even that.
The radiation level isn't the issue - they let tourists in there, after all. It's digging trenches and breathing in the dust you've upset. Heavy metals settle. And radioisotopes wreak havoc once they're inside the body. It's not a big deal in the short term, but I wouldn't count on long lifespans for anyone involved.
The radiation level isn't the issue - they let tourists in there, after all. It's digging trenches and breathing in the dust you've upset. Heavy metals settle. And radioisotopes wreak havoc once they're inside the body. It's not a big deal in the short term, but I wouldn't count on long lifespans for anyone involved.
yeh well it is as nothing in comparison to the volume of asbestos dust which will have been disturbed by the shelling of ukrainain cities. the poisonous effects of this war thus far will be felt for many years to come
The radiation level isn't the issue - they let tourists in there, after all. It's digging trenches and breathing in the dust you've upset. Heavy metals settle. And radioisotopes wreak havoc once they're inside the body. It's not a big deal in the short term, but I wouldn't count on long lifespans for anyone involved.

Yeah I know, it's just the way the journo in quoted in the tweet thread was reporting it. 'As we enter this zone I can see my radiation detector shooting up' style of thing when the result was essentially meaningless, and with no relation to what conditions would be like digging about in the area.
Russian doesn't have definite articles so there'd be no distinction between the two.
The lack of articles doesn't mean they can't distinguish between definite and indefinite. It's complex (and easily checkable on the Wikipedia Russian grammar page) but there are several ways of indicating the difference.
yeh well it is as nothing in comparison to the volume of asbestos dust which will have been disturbed by the shelling of ukrainain cities. the poisonous effects of this war thus far will be felt for many years to come

My mate worked as a volunteer for International Search and Rescue for years and attended a number of big earthquakes, building collapses and post conflict situations.

His day job was as one of the most dangerous of the emergency services jobs and we buried him far too young with asbestos poisoning.

This current event will be taking lives long after the bullets have run out for it.

Save your country and die 25 years later drowning in your own lungs.

Has anyone suggested offing Putin yet?
A snippet, but perhaps an illuminating one.

The bloke doing the tweeting is former Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria. No idea who the subject of the tweet is, but given his age, haircut and location, it's a reasonable inference that he's a Russian soldier.

A snippet, but perhaps an illuminating one.

The bloke doing the tweeting is former Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria. No idea who the subject of the tweet is, but given his age, haircut and location, it's a reasonable inference that he's a Russian soldier.

I saw a Ukrainian joke the other week.

" Why do all the Russian tanks have a Z on them?"
"Because the other half of the swastika was stolen by contractors"

Seems even more apt now.
A snippet, but perhaps an illuminating one.

The bloke doing the tweeting is former Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria. No idea who the subject of the tweet is, but given his age, haircut and location, it's a reasonable inference that he's a Russian soldier.

He's one of a crapload of Russian soldiers caught on CCTV mailing loot back home from a Belarusian post office

By loons, you mean the Kremlin.
Claimed by the Kremlin and repeated by assorted useful idiots.

Also guilty - the BBC actually had a quote along similar lines on a news bulletin I heard quite late in the afternoon, saying it was not a missile system Russia was believed to have operated recently. Yet by mid morning Twitter had found pictures of vehicles in Belarus from a few weeks ago, so they were slow to question this official ‘talking point’. There’s also footage of two missiles being launched from a town nearby which are suspected to have been the ones that made the strike.

Russia was actually bragging about having hit railway stations with precision munitions until the news started showing dead kids in prams, then suddenly denied it altogether. Taking the piss as ever.
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