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UK employers struggle with worst labour shortage since 1997

Jesus, there's pages of this shite. I realise this is urban, but how about putting the total fucking spanner on ignore and somehow finding our way back to the topic, eh?

Fair enough but then it's still letting shits get away with deliberate fucking up threads.

Don't mind it elsewhere, you expect that but urban has a long and satisfying history of destroying these pricks.

That said, the thread topic is more important. Won't be replying to his nonsense on this thread. Apologies for the derail.
Fair enough but then it's still letting shits get away with deliberate fucking up threads.

Don't mind it elsewhere, you expect that but urban has a long and satisfying history of destroying these pricks.

That said, the thread topic is more important. Won't be replying to his nonsense on this thread. Apologies for the derail.
No need to “destroy” this “prick”. I’ve already suggested getting banned. Hasn’t happened yet, maybe have a word with your precious leader.
Time for you to leave the site if you carry on disruptive shite like this.
Final warning.

Final warning?

Mate, have you seen how obnoxious some of your oldest members are?

They bully, insult, lie, belittle, and manipulate.

So — respectfully — fuck you if you think I’m being disruptive. Does being disruptive mean disagreeing or challenging or pushing back or standing up or offering my opinion?

If I’ve acted out of order, please show me where and when.
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This is another of those times when it'd have been better for you to keep quiet and be thought a fool than pipe up and prove yourself one. Again. It's not a quote from Shakespeare.

I’m not sure honest Abe would spend his life on a forum passing other people’s quotes off as his own.

But to each their own.

The number was irrelevant, mate. I admire the fact you understood the reference though. Props.
You've made most posts on this thread, which was actually including fair points until you joined. In response to:

Artaxerxes said:

Helps the poorest are already working flat out and it’s physically impossible to work harder.

If we paid each according to his labour the world would be a very different place

You said:

Yes, well we don’t though… so stop whinging. The most ambitious poor people become rich people. The least ambitious rich people stay rich. It sucks, but that’s how it works

Which starts with an insult and then goes off into this nonsense: "The most ambitious poor people become rich people" is one of the more stupid things I've seen on urban. What sort of replies do you expect?
Final warning?

Mate, have you seen how obnoxious some of your oldest members are?

They bully, insult, lie, belittle, and manipulate.

So — respectfully — fuck you if you think I’m being disruptive. Does being disruptive mean disagreeing or challenging or pushing back or standing up or offering my opinion?

If I’ve acted out of order, please show me where and when.
With this riposte, I think you're done for.

I'd like to say it's been nice knowing you...only it hasn't. So don't let the door hit your arse too hard on the way out.
You've made most posts on this thread, which was actually including fair points until you joined. In response to:

You said:

Which starts with an insult and then goes off into this nonsense: "The most ambitious poor people become rich people" is one of the more stupid things I've seen on urban. What sort of replies do you expect?

I dunno. Agreement?

Poor people who actively strive for wealth certainly have a better chance of achieving it than those who don’t.

And the idle rich generally stay rich regardless.

I don’t think that’s particularly controversial.

With this riposte, I think you're done for.

I'd like to say it's been nice knowing you...only it hasn't. So don't let the door hit your arse too hard on the way out.

…and yet, somehow I’m still here, arse unslapped.
I dunno. Agreement?

Poor people who strive for success certainly have a better chance of achieving wealth than those who don’t.

And the idle rich generally stay rich regardless.

I don’t think that’s particularly controversial.
That's not what you said though is it? "The most ambitious poor people become rich people".

If only those poor people would just be more ambitious they'd become rich. That's a fucking stupid thing to imply, and shows no understanding of how society works. You deserve all the stick you've had for that.
That's not what you said though is it? "The most ambitious poor people become rich people".

If only those poor people would just be more ambitious they'd become rich. That's a fucking stupid thing to imply, and shows no understanding of how society works. You deserve all the stick you've had for that.
I stand by what I said.

I’m not saying poor people deserve to be poor because they lack ambition.

I’m saying those poor people who drag themselves out of poverty do so because they have an unwavering ambition to escape their poverty despite their so-called societal limitations.

Which is fucking commendable.

Whilst at the same time, the rich stay rich regardless. Why are you arguing this?
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Bollocks. Goalposts moved off into the distance there. "The most ambitious poor people become rich people".

Some figures from the United Nations Development Programme:
  • More than a billion people live with less than a dollar per day.
  • 2.8 billion people, that is to say almost half of the global population, live with less than 2 dollars per day.
  • 448 million children are underweight.

How many of those billions of people become rich? They're just not ambitious enough :facepalm: .
Bollocks. Goalposts moved off into the distance there. "The most ambitious poor people become rich people".

How many of those billions of people become rich? They're just not ambitious enough :facepalm: .

It’s not bollocks though, Mr. Sheds.

Like it or not, ambition is a real thing. But what people strive for is an individual choice.

Some people want a comfier settee, some people want a better job, some people want to be rich, and some people just want something to eat.

Not everyone wants the responsibility of a highly paid but highly stressful career.

Not everyone wants to be rich.

You’re the one moving the goalposts by supposing everyone wants what you want.
Ignore the lying cunt.
I reported this post, for what it’s worth. I suppose your longevity and seniority will prevail.

The funny thing is, you all argue about the class system, but this forum is like your own little class microcosm where you get to call people cunts and ban people for not agreeing with you
I reported this post, for what it’s worth. I suppose your longevity and seniority will prevail.

The funny thing is, you all argue about the class system, but this forum is like your own little class microcosm where you get to call people cunts and ban people for not agreeing with you

Here we go. Boo hoo etc
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