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UK employers struggle with worst labour shortage since 1997

I thought we'd agreed to ignore the troll two pages ago? Instead we have more and more screenfuls of shit becausse people can't resist slagging him off. Please, please, pretty please, just stop and get back on topic.
Sorry I missed most/ignored of it and my comments were genuine. Obviously realised it wasn't worth engaging after.
I'd have thought that just not replying would leave it to just keep making the stupid little comments. I don't remember having anyone on ignore but I'm happy to do that. Would it work to report it saying why and that we're putting it on ignore and asking the mods to keep an eye on it? If enough people do that the mods might hit the ban.

I don't troll right wing sites but I can't see that just being allowed to make comments would make me bored and go away. I'd get bored if I knew that everyone had me on ignore so didn't see the comments in the first place.
I wanted to go to the coop but they haven't been getting much deliveries lately so went to they bigger Waitrose instead... The fruit and veg section :




That's the worst I've seen yet
I'm interested to see what the 2021 census says about population.

I very very much doubt the current line that the population has grown in the past 2 years. I'm certain it will show a reduction in population of maybe half a million. This current labour shortage is primarily driven by the 500,000+ workers between 20-50 say who have gone back to their respective countries since the pandemic and not come back. That's aside from more direct impact of Covid on workers. Or people that have either decided to work less or moved on to better paid jobs.

Officially the current UK population is 67.1 million now. I reckon it could be anywhere up to a million under that. That said, was in Morrisons earlier - bugger all staff but no empty shelves here.
Every cafe restaurant chain or not, and most shops are looking for staff.
If your paying minimum wage I've bad news for you 🤣.

If your able to work theres work out there
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