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UK austerity has inflicted 'great misery' on citizens, UN says

There are more people in work, the figures are correct.

What is not correct is that those figures do not take into account the number of 'jobs' that are either part time or self employed. The people in those 'jobs' actually want to be full time employed. So although the base figures are correct, they are not.

IIRC in order to stop those who are self employed from claiming the maximum of WTC, an income test is to be applied. If your income does not meet the arbitrary figure, benefits will be reduced/withdrawn.

Courtesy of @barneyfarmer and @HealyCartoons
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come existentialist - explain to Freddy how the fuck, those already struggling with low hrs etc..will benefit by having EVEN MORE competition....can you do it....because the SPEW most certainly couldn't when I argued with those dumb shites (ie. the Socialist Party)
Can I just clarify my voting since people have asked? I left the Tory party specifically because of Thatcher and Thatcherism. Since then I've not voted Conservative and have increasingly become dissatisfied with them and their politics.
come existentialist - explain to Freddy how the fuck, those already struggling with low hrs etc..will benefit by having EVEN MORE competition....can you do it....because the SPEW most certainly couldn't when I argued with those dumb shites (ie. the Socialist Party)
There's so many fucked-up assumptions embedded in your frantically-loaded question that there'd be no point even beginning to answer it.
IIRC Labour started the attack on welfare, which was the accelerated by Cameron. (Who deserves a public hanging.)
TBF, the attack, both ideologically and practically, goes some way further back than that, though I will readily acknowledge that Blair's New Labour were most enthusiastic about perpetuating and accelerating that attack.
There are more people in work, the figures are correct.

What is not correct is that those figures do not take into account the number of 'jobs' that are either part time or self employed. The people in those 'jobs' actually want to be full time employed. So although the base figures are correct, they are not.

IIRC in order to stop those who are self employed from claiming the maximum of WTC, an income test is to be applied. If your income does not meet the arbitrary figure, benefits will be reduced/withdrawn.
What the soundbite also disregards is the size of the population; the ONS labour force survey does not show any significant increase in the percentage of people employed.
Also the role of media (name a consistently socialist media brand ?)

keep on dreaming m8 this will never happen. :p

The thing is, all of em moaning about the ruling class giving corbyn and shit a hard time but its bollocks isn't it? They've treated him lightly, at best. If a real anti-state socialist movement kicked off in this country they'd beat the shit out of us, put us in jail/hospitals, etc. It's just spectacle otherwise.

And nationalisation has nothing to do socialism.
yeh. Stalinists are capitalists though. they aren't semi-capitalists, state capitalists, progressive bureaucratic collectivists, or what have you. just bog standard capitalists.

Probably not the place to have the wot wuz the ussr debate tho.
you guys must own the Jammy Dodgers biscuit company or something, great sellers of the snack but no real meal to be had
I think Pickman's model was asking you about your qualifications, given that you seemed so keen on inviting others to justify their views with theirs.

As I recall, no answer was ever forthcoming. Or do your strictures on quality of content only apply to other people, and not you?
my qualifications aren't relevant to the debate

but what I would like to know is why so many of you 'pro-workers' rights people, actively encourage a race to the bottom
are you telling me there's a degree to be had in 'Leaving the EU and its aftermath', because that would be the only relevant certificate here, even then only to an extent
are you telling me there's a degree to be had in 'Leaving the EU and its aftermath', because that would be the only relevant certificate here, even then only to an extent
i am asking you for your "educational credentials". not just your relevant "educational credentials", any ones will do. you weren't so precious about relevance when you asked Duncan2 for his
only asked Duncan because he brought up this rather desperate attempt at critique in the first place,

I have no interest, nor should anyone, on the vague qualifications of some random guys on the internet as it makes not a jot of difference to the debating points
only asked Duncan because he brought up this rather desperate attempt at critique in the first place,

I have no interest, nor should anyone, on the vague qualification of some random guys on the internet as it makes not a jot of difference to the debating points
it's a bit late to be taking that tack, smacks of desperation. you may not have an interest in the vague qualifications of some random guys on the internet but you introduced the subject, which piqued my interest. come on then, share your educational credentials with us.
actully I didn't, and if you care to look back over this thread you will clearly see that it was another poster who introduced this sub-topic
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