a transwoman
a transwoman
Because you absolutely know it will cause upset and offence. Whilst you can argue on the details of what it means to be a 'woman' in terms of biological sex and point out the differences between cis and transgender women, I don't see why you can't use the she/her pronouns for someone who is a transwoman even if you reject them.
Yep. I relate to everything she says completely, including the frustration with 'just pick another gender identity then' as the only offered solution.
Why should anyone have to do that? Isn't it fundamentally illiberal to effectively police someone's thoughts and speech?
Why should anyone have to do that? Isn't it fundamentally illiberal to effectively police someone's thoughts and speech?
Liberal picks up his batonYou were put on forced ignore with SS for a reason, and to be fair to her that has to work both ways. Take this shit down. I will edit my posts accordingly when you've taken it down.
Spit it out time to play games after a long day actually doing some work... what's the shockgaff that you are trying to shit stir about.
Should I have written transgender woman?
it's not pedantry - it's a crucial point that something called a transwoman cannot be a woman but "trans woman" is a woman who is trans. some people use transwoman out of ignorance but others use it deliberately to make precisely that point - that trans women aren't women.
To be fair this mutual ignore is no moral imperitive just a U75 mod fudge.You're not allowed to refer to her - in case you forgot / didn't care, here's the message
Which despite people telling you about it you blithely ignored
Why should anyone have to do that? Isn't it fundamentally illiberal to effectively police someone's thoughts and speech?
The evidence required for a GRC isn't onerous at all.
Do you feel that women's only services should by default have to accommodate 'trans women'? If so, at which point in the 'transition' does the 'trans woman' become entitled to those services?
Fair enough if this forum rule/function is new to you and never been explained properly.
If you want to foster dialogue you can meet people halfway. They already know you don't see them as men/women. You hardly need to get in their faces just to ram your point in.
Is it hateful of you to keep calling me that? Here, this is me asking you to stop. You may not be aware of it but 'princess' is a really bad choice of name for you to have picked out for me as its a typical slur against jewish women. So please stop.
This is the post you must have missed during your busy day:
Why should anyone have to do that? Isn't it fundamentally illiberal to effectively police someone's thoughts and speech?
You're on forced ignore, so she won't see it if you tag her.Like I said, I didn't tag, in fact I didn't even use the poster's name, just enough to allow the poster to be identified within the reply. What I was responding to was rather what I saw as a double standard.
it's not pedantry - it's a crucial point that something called a transwoman cannot be a woman but "trans woman" is a woman who is trans. some people use transwoman out of ignorance but others use it deliberately to make precisely that point - that trans women aren't women.
Perhaps not if your a middle class magazine editor, have good literacy, speak English as your first lannguage, have a stable address, supportive healthcare professionals, a supportive boss or someone else who can provide evidence, find it easier to access phones and the internet to change bank statements and bills, can afford a new passport, solicitors fees, medical report fees and in many cases the fee for the GRC itself, do not struggle filling in forms, have no disabilities that make this kind of thing difficult, and have had a stable and secure enough life to be able to maintain two years worth of evidence of your gender. Oh and have recourse to private medical professionals and solicitors if you want to take the strain off. Then it's not difficult at all. For many people however it's near impossible.
At the point that her partner is abusing her, or she gets raped and she needs a place of safety.
I am always happy to do that, but how can I as someone who is transsexual view someone else who is transsexual differently? Please understand I am not trying to get in anyone's face.
You're on forced ignore, so she won't see it if you tag her.
You quoted a post from a different forum in a different name. Most of us don't use our real names on here, and don't take kindly to others unilaterally deciding to 'out' us.
This is not a philosophy department debate room (as much as I'd sometimes like it to be). There are real people behind the user names/avatars.
I used it for ages out of ignorance too, but once it was pointed out to me I embraced it - even if I was skeptical to begin with. I don't expect people to get this stuff without a learning curve but it's the reams of literature produced by the TERFs that pointedly use transwomen I object to. I've even seen TERFs explaining why they use transwomen as one word, and it's what I said. It's because they don't want to say we're women.I used it this evening out of ignorance. A lot of this is new to me in the depth that it is being discussed here. I have no problem thinking how I use language.
Yes, I understand that; hence why my replies have always been courteous even where I've had abuse hurled at me on here.
I used it for ages out of ignorance too, but once it was pointed out to me I embraced it - even if I was skeptical to begin with. I don't expect people to get this stuff without a learning curve but it's the reams of literature produced by the TERFs that pointedly use transwomen I object to. I've even seen TERFs explaining why they use transwomen as one word, and it's what I said. It's because they don't want to say we're women.
There's financial and practical support available for anyone who wishes to go through this process.
I don't think existing services would turn anyone away. We have a real problem in this country with securing funding for rape and DV shelters and services, this is an area trans and women could potentially unite to mount a more effective campaign.
You sound like Iain Duncan Smith now.
nice try. Just saying, we know there's an agenda behind use of "transwomen" and was wondering about writing cis as CIS that's all.If they don't consider you to be a woman then what? They should shut up about it?
nice try. Just saying, we know there's an agenda behind use of "transwomen" and was wondering about writing CIS as cis that's all.
Or is it just those you haven't yet roped in to your cause whose words you're sensitive to?do you support transwomen having access to women's refuges
Never a post without an ad hominem.
i didn't point my finger at anyone and i went out of my way to state that i don't expect people not to make mistakes - i used the term myself until someone had a gentle word with me. And now i try to have gentle words with others. There is no political correct speech police - at least -i'm not part of it. But this is just a case of good grammar. Trans in this context is short for transgender and it's an adjective. Transgenderwomen looks daft - i'm sure you agree so if you wouldn't write transgenderwomen then why write transwomen. See also any other adjective that could apply to a person - it's always two seperate words. Not even a hyphen is employed in modern English.Fine. But you have no right to simply assume and proceed on that assumption to make accusations of people arguing for that agenda on the grounds that the spoke this or that way or used this or that term even if they refuse to be dictated by the political correct speech police. It does NOT endear them to your cause, I can tell you that from my own experience. It just serves to make people fearful of debating, asking, exploring or simply just talking.
Where's your jibe at this?
Or is it just those you haven't yet roped in to your cause whose words you're sensitive to?