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Transgender is it just me that is totally perplexed?

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Irish feminists do talk with English feminists. Particularly those English feminists who are interested in helping out the largest scale feminist struggle currently ongoing in Western Europe, one that extends to a part of the British state.

It's their long experience that the TERF minority faction of British feminism is more interested in pursuing their all consuming obsession with being malicious to and about trans people than they are in showing any solidarity with women struggling for abortion rights. That for instance, articles that Irish feminists publish about abortion which use trans inclusive language will frequently get dozens or hundreds of vitriolic and bigoted denunciatory responses from British TERFs who never bother to engage with them on the central issue they are campaigning on or to offer any help.

Many of those British TERFs are so obsessed with transwomen, by the way, that they frequently believe that the trans inclusive language used by Irish abortion campaigns must be about including transwomen rather than transmen and non binary people. The same conclusion you jumped to.

And now rather than getting involved in organisations like the Abortion Support Network, or London ARC or Women on Web or organising public meeting or protests in England about the absence of abortion rights in NI, the British TERFs are organising a public meeting in Dublin about their own hobbyhorse. People's priorities can be very revealing.

Wow. I didn't know about any of this (ignorance on my part, I know 3 transpeople - all transwomen).
I can understand the wariness of the feminist movement about being co-opted, but the number of transpeople generally seems like it must be really tiny to me. Then again, knowing the number of people who can't conform to regular gender IDs comfortably is prob relatively unknown at this point...
Female children have it drummed into them from well before puberty that unwanted pregnancy is the End Of The World. Girls are put on the pill at 13 or 14 because parents are so afraid of it. And tbf, pregnancy does literally change your life forever for women. Both physically (your whole body is affected, little things you might not be aware of like your feet get permanently a size bigger, stretch marks, scars, abdominal wall weaknesses, all sorts of stuff) and socially (goodbye the social life you knew before, goodbye to your career in the way you recognise it pre-children, goodbye to financial independence for many many women). These things affect all of us. Yes, even rich women. Your dismissal of this as 'is that really all?' speaks volumes about how little you understand about how female biology affects us. We can't identify our way out of it. It's limiting.

I've genuinely never felt the slightest bit worried about the possibility of getting pregnant. This seems to be one of those "female socialisation" things that somehow passed me by :confused:
You haven't given any theories about men who have sex with men. Except said that they're gay and "it's known throughout the world".

How do you know this?

I did give my "theory"...aka explanation

Aside from rape victims, porn stars and prostitutes, men who have sex with men are gay.

Prostitute, rape victim, porn star.

These are the only men who have sex with other men without identifying as gay.
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