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Tout exposed Mark 'Stone/Kennedy' exposed as undercover police officer

[...] real name Mark Kennedy [...]

So is this actually his 'real' name that they're publishing? By doing so, will he be requiring a new one?

The cunt won't know whether he's coming or going. I hope he doesn't use a cheque book.
No-one is saying incidents like that don't happen. I have criticised them on many occasions. But they are NOT the norm. (Please list these "many" occasions for us if you would seek to convince us otherwise, and then list all the times you have seen the police doing things without going all gung-ho ...)

I could provide a very long list of times over the years when I have seen cops behave in violent, corrupt and disgusting ways. Seriously I could write pages and pages of highly critical accounts of what I have experienced and seen.

I have 2 different groups of friends who have lost friends and family members in police custody, one time was a death in extremely suspicious circumstances with many elements not adding up, the other when the victim died in ICU a year and a day exactly after the police seriously assaulted him as a result of injuries received during the assault.

I have also encountered cops who are arrogant, lazy and incompetent, also some who were well meaning yet not very clever.

Having said that, I have met a few highly intelligent cops, some who are genuinely caring and professional. I have also met cops who I consider to be good cops but who (for various reasons I cannot go into) I think that DB would disagree with me.

Now, regarding this "tout" thing (I had no idea what the word meant prior to reading this), of course it is important for there to be undercover cops reporting on serious crime issues.

The thing that is pissing people off here is that the cop infiltrated a a political moment and social group that some of you here were / are involved in.

I can understand the anger with the feeling of betrayal, but (perhaps I'm being naive here) surely he only would have relayed information about serious and violent crimes?

I don't know how it works but if he had reported information that actually helped to protect you from harm would you still hate him so much?

I'm just thinking aloud about this as someone who didn't know the man. I'm sure that had I thought him to be a friend and been betrayed by him I would have felt differently but I am genuinely curious about people's feelings about him.
Also, one thing I don't understand, is that he is referred to in the news stories as a "hardcore Trotskyist agitator".

I thought that everyone here hates trots.

Or is that just Ern?
Another article about him and the SDS. No photo.
Inside the lonely and violent world of the Yard's elite undercover unit
The Observer, Sunday 14 March 2010

Officer A's initial target was a young student union activist who was a key member of an up-and-coming Trotskyist organisation that had led a violent protest against BNP paper-sellers in Brick Lane, east London. The organisation was considered one of the most violent in the capital at the time and its leader soon became a priority SDS target.

Is this about Red Action?
Also I am genuinely curious to know what these undercover cops are allowed to do whilst in their "role"

To what extent can they break the law and get away with it?

Are they allowed to take illegal drugs? If so how are they allowed to go? it is like, a couple of drags on a spliff is OK but a full on debauched crack / meth smoking session is not or does it all depend on the circumstances?

Have sex with their "targets"?

Take part in serious crimes?

Violently assault criminals / innocent members of the public / uniformed cops?

I'm genuinely curious about this
As far as undercover policing goes this must be pretty cushy stuff. The dudes that infiltrate the gangs in NZ are nails though, one of the told a story about someone coming into a room where he and a couple of other guys were sitting and saying 'one of you is a cop'. A load of heavies then busted in, took out one of the other guys and within earshot beat him to death with a baseball bat.

Which is hardly going to happen with Plane Stupid.
As far as undercover policing goes this must be pretty cushy stuff. The dudes that infiltrate the gangs in NZ are nails though, one of the told a story about someone coming into a room where he and a couple of other guys were sitting and saying 'one of you is a cop'. A load of heavies then busted in, took out one of the other guys and within earshot beat him to death with a baseball bat.

Which is hardly going to happen with Plane Stupid.

Plenty of countries will do undercover on gangs, organised crime etc. NZ won't be unique in that.
Teh hippies need to sort their vetting process out. It isn't fucking difficult to check a person's background. If it's uncheckable then no intimacy with the fabled barge poles.
As far as undercover policing goes this must be pretty cushy stuff. The dudes that infiltrate the gangs in NZ are nails though, one of the told a story about someone coming into a room where he and a couple of other guys were sitting and saying 'one of you is a cop'. A load of heavies then busted in, took out one of the other guys and within earshot beat him to death with a baseball bat. .

That kind of stuff happens with hippies and new age communities too, it's just that the violent people have youtube channels and PR professionals to create a nice shiny brand for them to hide behind.

I LOL'ed when I read this post on a message board as it has everything, aliens, new agers with crystals, Eastern European drug dealers, attempted murders, it's just a great value post really

Re: Drunvalo Melchizedek......who is financially backing him? Quote

in 98 or so Drunvalo attempted to infiltrate my house with his assistant RON HOLT * via Dan Winter, and have me killed.. (long story) they have a bank- roller from i think it is Czechlosvakia.. who is a big drug dealer. who came here with ZIP!. named ´YERKA´ who also financed first HOAGLAND.. he bought THE SNAKE MAKZDAK.. DRU.. a home in Prescott AZ for 1 million.. Dan Winter also tried to get this drug lords $$.. his name sounds like YERKA or URKA.. ( but is spelled differently.. i have forgotten) the police also wanted Drunvalo and were after him for running drugs.. but he lives in one of the wealthiest- communities in PHX CAREFREE a gated community.. or did.. ( i dont currently follow this snake)
RON HOLT ( i did his photo and his wife´s who LYSSA ROYAL who channels the GREYS)) were full of parasites.. galore.. ) they are all as ´evil´ as they come.. his ORIGINAL facilitator who left him.. DAWN BOTHIE-from Hawaii.. was devestated when she found out how ruthless & fraudulent he was..& became my good friend.. which really URKED DRUNVALO.. BRADEN was made a MELCHIZEDEK SNAKE .. at his home in Prescott in about 1998 .. after he went to JEKYL ISLAND with DRU... two of my close friends were Bradens once.. Braden will no longer talk with them......

ah ho WIO

it gets even better

more here



I'm aware that it's a conspiracy forum, but seriously, when conspiraloons start to question the motives of alien channeling new age gurus you just know that there's something seriously wrong.
Better? It's unreadable.

For god's sake man put some effort in :D

I will help u ;)

the story is posted somewhere.. and on the list i have d ragonslayers.. unless YAHOO has deleted it..

briefly this is it.. i had a meeting about the alien issues.. some drgonslayers came and dan winter asked me if ron holt could come.. i said NO! and then he kept asking and said ron wouldnt cause trouble.. DAH.. well i said finally OK.. my fault.. there.. and i had some NDN friends there too.. Ron went s t raight for Sweet Medicine and t ried to re c ruit him.. Dru and Ron offered SM $$$ women and drugs.. and went over to Dru´s and Ron´s House where Lysssa Royal tried to have s e x with SM .. they knew his allegiences to AIM etc.. and his run in with the system.. anyway Dru showed him his bedroom with lots of weapons Rocket launchers etc.. and asked him to kill me with a silencer i. SM said NO!.. he still liked me.. etc. and came back to tell me what happened.. he was very scared..for me and my family and called Denise Banks.. AIM.. my husband called the POLICE.. and a friend of his in SWA T.. they knew a bout D runvalo.. but said they probably couldnt help.. so Denise called Dru and said.. IF U HARM BARBARA OR SM OR HER FAMILY WE WILL KILL U!.. he meant it.. and ofcourse after that ALL WAS QUIET!..
thats basically it.. i have had no more contact with DRU and his fiends.. as far as i know.. he moved from TEXAS to SEDONA to PHX.. and i was horrified.. he followed me everywhere.. he has been married se v eral times.. and says his son by a previous wife will lead the world.. of the so called INDIGO CHILDREN.... btw.. if i remember AIM was already at that time infiltrat ing that snakes lair.. because they ALREADY KNEW!

ah ho WIO

It is the mix of Indigo Children. aliens and serious organised crime that makes me smile. It is serious of course. But once you get aliens, channelling and Indigo Children into the mix people do find it hard to take any kind of threat seriously. Which is a mistake.
Also I am genuinely curious to know what these undercover cops are allowed to do whilst in their "role"
Theoretically they have no defence to any criminal offence. In practice it is accepted that in order to maintain their cover it may well be necessary for them to commit minor offences. What depends on context and situation. They are certainly not allowed (in law or practice) to engage in any serious crimes (which would include anything other than common assault, possibly ABH level use of force) nor to act as an agent provocateur. They can go along with some plan by others. They can't suggest or lead that plan.
The Case "Simon Brenner"- German undercover agent
lest we forget the German tout...

On Sunday the 12th of December 2010 a undercover agent working for the Landeskriminalamt (LKA) Baden-Württemberg was uncovered in Heidelberg, Germany. His aim was to make contact with the Antifa scene via open left structures and to gather information about individuals as well as group structures to be presented directly to the LKA and the local state security division.
Iirc the Sunday Times is also the Brit paper with teh closest ties to the security services. Which makes one wonder about their motivation for writing this.

Nah, 'tis The Daily Telegraph that has that honour. It shovels more spook shit than any two other dailies put together
I can understand the anger with the feeling of betrayal, but (perhaps I'm being naive here) surely he only would have relayed information about serious and violent crimes?
If he was being thoroughly and regularly debriefed (and I'm not aware of Met policy on the matter, but I can't see that they'd let their operatives go un-debriefed for long lengths of time), then he'd pass on information on anything he considered relevant to his remit, up to and including membership lists and personal info he could garner about fellow activists, not just stuff on serious and violent crimes.
Teh hippies need to sort their vetting process out. It isn't fucking difficult to check a person's background. If it's uncheckable then no intimacy with the fabled barge poles.

Not hard to set up a viable legend, though, especially if you're with "the man".
Surely you're not insinuating that the police would get involved with sending agent provocateurs into what should be matters of normal public order policing?

I wouldn't dare to :eek:

I wouldn't even know where to begin with that sort of subversive thinking.

( :hmm: special "Special Demonstration Squad" knowing nod :hmm: )
If he was being thoroughly and regularly debriefed (and I'm not aware of Met policy on the matter, but I can't see that they'd let their operatives go un-debriefed for long lengths of time), then he'd pass on information on anything he considered relevant to his remit, up to and including membership lists and personal info he could garner about fellow activists, not just stuff on serious and violent crimes.

I can appreciate how people would feel betrayed if he was doing that, but (and I'm making an effort to put myself in his shoes) he started off as an undercover cop whose job was to prevent violent extremists from hurting people and ended up infiltrating groups of friends and families who had lost loved ones in police custody, I can understand how he must have ended up feeling extremely conflicted and guilty about his job.

From the news story linked to earlier here http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/mar/14/undercover-police-far-left-secret

It looks like he actually achieved some important stuff, for example

Officer A wasn't the only one attacking his former colleagues. At the time of his deployment, other SDS officers had infiltrated opposing right-wing groups such as the BNP and Combat 18, as well as other far-left groups. It was a time of extreme racial tension and violent clashes with the police and rival political parties were rife. Two weeks later, Officer A took part in a much larger, far more violent, protest in Welling, south-east London, against a BNP-run bookshop that served as the party's headquarters. Intelligence he obtained revealed that the demo was to be far larger than had been expected and that a particularly violent faction was planning to storm the bookshop and set fire to it, trapping any BNP members inside.

As a result, police leave was cancelled for that weekend and more than 7,000 officers, including a large mounted contingent, were deployed. Instead of being spread out along the entire route, police focused on blocking the main roads leading to the bookshop and forcing the march along a route that would take it away from its target. A violent confrontation ensued with a group of hardcore protesters – Officer A among them – attacking the police lines in an attempt to break through. Dozens of police and protesters were injured in the clashes.

Despite the violence, the operation was deemed to be a success for the police and Sir Paul Condon, the then Met commissioner, went to meet members of the SDS to thank them.

"I didn't have any qualms about what I was doing," said Officer A. "I was clear that my role was to target subversives and prevent disorder. The consequences of that day would have been far worse had the SDS not been involved."

I hate the BNP as much as the next person, but setting fire to a building and burning them alive cannot be a good thing by any stretch of the imagination. Not only would it be murder (which is wrong - obviously) but it would likely spark a backlash of right wing extremists and racists going on the rampage and attacking innocent people.

From reading that article (and I appreciate that it probably does not contain the entire truth about everything) it seems to me that he was a good undercover cop who ended up saving many lives and doing a good job, but who ultimately had a breakdown because he actually genuinely liked and agreed with some of the people he was meant to be targeting.

You cannot doubt his courage, given the violent situations he was involved in. He does not sound like a bad person to me, just like someone who did his best to do his job and ended up broken because of conflicting loyalties and guilt, something that a bad person would not allow themselves to be bothered by.
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