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Tory Leadership contest 2022

He might blame the defeat on them not having him as leader, but will anyone be listening to him by then? He may well have been further discredited by the privileges committee by then - and likely have lost his seat. I think things will look very different, even to party members.
tbf, his seat is vulnerable - he's unlikely to be able to get a safer seat before the election - where it's probably only current uber-safe seats will remain in Tory hands - so he may have to plot his way back - I think my point is , we haven't seen the last of him - he will be plotting.
The Times of India disagrees -

"Mordaunt far from qualifying threshold of 100: Leader of the Commons Penny Mordaunt, the only other contestant in the race, has much ground to cover to hit the 100-MPs mark, giving rise to the possibility that the former finance minister may well be declared the new leader as soon as Monday evening."
tbf, his seat is vulnerable - he's unlikely to be able to get a safer seat before the election - where it's probably only current uber-safe seats will remain in Tory hands - so he may have to plot his way back - I think my point is , we haven't seen the last of him - he will be plotting.
He'll be plotting like Trump is plotting in that case - for something that isn't going to happen.

Of course, I may be wrong, but my bet is that Johnson will never be in government again nor leader of the opposition. Long shot that it was, this weekend was his best chance.
The Times of India disagrees -

"Mordaunt far from qualifying threshold of 100: Leader of the Commons Penny Mordaunt, the only other contestant in the race, has much ground to cover to hit the 100-MPs mark, giving rise to the possibility that the former finance minister may well be declared the new leader as soon as Monday evening."

So does Guido, including those privately supporting them, Sunak is on 193, Mordaunt on just 30.
Your wrong in thinking these people are any worse than the rest of the Tories (or most of the Labour party for that matter).
I don’t see things that way. Patel for instance, in the position of Home Secretary, i don’t think it’s true that anyone else would have been just as bad. Johnson cultivated and elevated some properly dangerous idiots.
I don’t see things that way. Patel for instance, in the position of Home Secretary, i don’t think it’s true that anyone else would have been just as bad. Johnson cultivated and elevated some properly dangerous idiots.
And Brexit cleared out the remainer wing of the Tory party.

I think we can all become numb to it sometimes - I can at least - but deporting refugees to Rwanda is a thing now. We're governed by extremists.
I think it’s significant how he managed to totally dominate the news for days, it was a kind of trolling.
Nah, he really wanted the job back.

Whether he would want it after a defeat in 2024, I don't know. Part of him, the egotistical bit - which is the only bit there is - would want a triumphal return, being summoned from the wilderness and all that. But whether he'd want 5 years hard slog as leader of the opposition, is another thing entirely.
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I don’t see things that way. Patel for instance, in the position of Home Secretary, i don’t think it’s true that anyone else would have been just as bad. Johnson cultivated and elevated some properly dangerous idiots.
If anything, Patel spent so much energy tilting at windmills (the Rwanda thing is horrible, but no-one has been sent there) that she did dless actual damage than Javid or May. As a rule of thumb, competent Tories are a lot scarier than incompetent loons (not suggesting May was competent though).
If anything, Patel spent so much energy tilting at windmills (the Rwanda thing is horrible, but no-one has been sent there) that she did dless actual damage than Javid or May. As a rule of thumb, competent Tories are a lot scarier than incompetent loons (not suggesting May was competent though).
Just mooting the rwanda policy was damaging enough. The stress it has caused through the possibility they will take place and the leverage gained from arguing against those opposing it as 'the enemy within'
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