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Tory Leadership contest 2022

All over bar the shouting.

No way Mordaunt can reach 100. I wouldn’t be surprised if her already low numbers decrease as her party colleagues pretend to rally around Sunak “for the sake of unity”.

This is a total win for the opposition.

Sunak is too conservative (small c) to win over the Johnson-ites, and too Conservative (big C) to overturn the opinion polls.

He’ll get a short honeymoon in the media, then the country will get fucked off with his austerity measures, the Johnson-ites will start undermining him for “sabotaging the Tory’s chances in the next election” and the whole charade will start again.
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Boris had 100 backers ? 🤔 chinny reckon

If he had, he wouldn't have bottled it , he would have won via the membership vote.

Even though he bottled it , Blue on Blue fighting continues , Boris fans blaming a remainer cabal 🤣 tweeting #neverSunak #neverRishi , and suddenly threatening to leave the party & demanding a General Election 🤣

Tbf , Boris might walk it to the leadership of the post landslide rump of a party , definitely won't need 100 MPs then 🤣
The funniest part might be how badly the Tory faithful are getting fucked over - they wanted to keep Johnson but nope, they had to choose between Truss and Sunak. They chose Truss, six weeks later she's out and there's a tantalizing chance they could get to vote on bringing Johnson back, but nope, tough shit, you're getting Sunak.

Maybe they're learning that you can never trust a Tory. :D
The funniest part might be how badly the Tory faithful are getting fucked over - they wanted to keep Johnson but nope, they had to choose between Truss and Sunak. They chose Truss, six weeks later she's out and there's a tantalizing chance they could get to vote on bringing Johnson back, but nope, tough shit, you're getting Sunak.

Maybe they're learning that you can never trust a Tory. :D
Part of me thinks that he did it deliberately. Back me you snivelling fuckers ( the ones that resigned) and I'm off again and making you look like a bunch of pricks. Back off to the DR On me hols.
I am so pissed off about this, I had a shit weekend, what with mother being rushed into hospital again on Saturday morning, I spent about 8 hours in A&E, had very little sleep that night, I started to watch Dr Who last night, found myself drifting off, so went to bed at just after 8pm.

My last thought as I drifted off to sleep was, 'that cunt had better wait until the morning before pulling out', because I wanted to witness the breaking news, and the selfish cunt didn't. :mad:
This should be totally humiliating for the british political lobby, who've let him play them again.
Should be, from a credibility point of view. But from the point of view that they have hours of TV to fill, column inches to write and Twitter posts to tweet, one could say that they got exactly what they wanted.
Robbie Moore, a Tory MP who is supporting Penny Mordaunt, says he is "absolutely confident we have the numbers" required to force a run-off with Rishi Sunak.

Mordaunt currently has just 25 MPs who've publicly backed her campaign - she must reach 100 by 14:00 today.

In contrast, 155 have already announced their support for Sunak.

But Moore says he's confident Mordaunt will be on the ballot.
Go on Penny.
I had you down as a sunak supporter as he'll fuck off the membership, has loads of questions to answer round his former non-dom status etc, loads of conflicts of interest with his wife's wealth, his name goes down like a pint of vomit in houses claiming universal credit over the last couple of years, and much of the parliamentary Conservative party doesn't like him
I am so pissed off about this, I had a shit weekend, what with mother being rushed into hospital again on Saturday morning, I spent about 8 hours in A&E, had very little sleep that night, I started to watch Dr Who last night, found myself drifting off, so went to bed at just after 8pm.

My last thought as I drifted off to sleep was, 'that cunt had better wait until the morning before pulling out', because I wanted to witness the breaking news, and the selfish cunt didn't. :mad:
You cursed it
I had you down as a sunak supporter as he'll fuck off the membership, has loads of questions to answer round his former non-dom status etc, loads of conflicts of interest with his wife's wealth, his name goes down like a pint of vomit in houses claiming universal credit over the last couple of years, and much of the parliamentary Conservative party doesn't like him

Having a Hindu PM is going to piss-off loads of fucknuts too. Almost worth it for that.
I had you down as a sunak supporter as he'll fuck off the membership, has loads of questions to answer round his former non-dom status etc, loads of conflicts of interest with his wife's wealth, his name goes down like a pint of vomit in houses claiming universal credit over the last couple of years, and much of the parliamentary Conservative party doesn't like him
Mine was not a considered view to be fair.
Having a Hindu PM is going to piss-off loads of fucknuts too. Almost worth it for that.
This is very likely why so many "we have a mandate to govern" Tories are now wetting themselves at the prospect of having a person of colour as PM. Watch as they bend their rules and regulations to suddenly become true democrats , if only to watch a Hindu lose the election and then they can get back to Boris.
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