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Tory Leadership contest 2022

There's a lot to unpack in his statement.

I'm the right person for the job. The party and country would be best served by me being PM, and the party members know this. But Rishi/Penny won't step aside for me and half the MPs hate me, the treacherous dogs. Whatever goes wrong from now on, I'm not in government so it won't be my fault. None of them are worthy so I'm fucked if I'm going to actually back anyone else.
At least he'll now have more time to spend with his constitu... nope... uh, his famil... nnnope...

Huh :confused:
Just caught up. :D What an absolute prick.
Recycling my FB post.

SO loads of my mates wanted me to go to the party. Yeah they did. But actually I decided it was a bit too far to go actually and anyway I've got work in the morning. I was coming back from holiday anyway yeah. My mates definitely wanted me to go though and anyway I was gonna help Rishi but as I say I had to go home early because I've got work in the morning. Thanksbye....
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