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Tory Leadership contest 2022

was it not on the other thread that the Johnson-phobic vermin cannot just come out and say that they fear losing an election because of a brown skinned PM
whats weird Bojo and his team giving it the bigun saying that have the votes and pressuring people to back Boris

just sounds like the don't want a second breakfast of Boris

Of course it is about tormenting his followers as well, seeing who is willing to publicly support Johnson (and risk humiliation and/or punishment from the opposing faction) before the man himself actually admits he is in the running.
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if he gets in he will have the knives out to purge the party of disloyal members

great for us as the party will be in even more of fractured state
All Tories are vermin

unfair to vermin

Must admit, I don't believe he's got 100 for a second. If there's even the remotest semblance of truth in the claim, I bet it's those who have declared for him + those who voted for him last time who haven't so far opted for one of the other 2. Basically, a neo-lie. Alternatively, a lie.
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just, imagine living like that, with no idea what lie you might tell tomorrow to cover up today's. Apart from everything else it must be completely fucking exhausting, no wonder he looks like he does.

Nah. It's only hard if he has to bother remembering yesterday's lie. Just say something else today, bluff and stammer a bit, change the subject, do a mock self deprecation or crack a joke, big up the British people then get back in the car....
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Nah. It's only hard if he has to bother remembering yesterday's lie. Just say something else today, bluff and stammer a bit, change the subject, do a mock self deprecational or crack a joke, big up the British people then get back in the car....
the popular media papering over/avoiding the cracks.
Must admit, I don't believe he's got 100 for a second. If there's even the remotest semblance of truth in the claim, I bet it's those who have declared for him + those who voted for him last time who haven't so far opted for one of the other 2. Basically, a neo-lie. Alternatively, a lie.

His odds on winning the leadership are actually lengthening with the bookies .And the odds on him being PM after the next election are around 8/1.
just, imagine living like that, with no idea what lie you might tell tomorrow to cover up today's. Apart from everything else it must be completely fucking exhausting, no wonder he looks like he does.
He looks like he does because he's a complete dissolute with expensive habits who really doesn't give a shit. I am also getting a little tired of everybody and their dog referring to him as 'Boris'. This confers some kind of matey familiarity upon him that he does not in any sense deserve. It should be just 'Johnson' or hopefully 'the defendant'.
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