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Tory Leadership contest 2022

its absolutely possible - it has happened before (after Chamberlain fell in 1940 when he was Leader but Churchill was PM) and no PM could function without having the confidence of a majority of their MPs
Don't see what's in it for Johnson, though. He wants to be Churchill, not Chamberlain. ;)
Don't see what's in it for Johnson, though. He wants to be Churchill, not Chamberlain. ;)

He does, but in terms of parallels (a big majority following on from a previous Tory regime, overwhelming support from the Tory Press, vicious treatment of dissident MPs, European wars starting without effective attempts to prepare for them, loads of gaslighting, contempt for those who know more about a subject than him) there are far more with Chamberlain than Churchill.
Oh. The election was stolen....
I was thinking about this earlier - would any of them (Johnson) use that as an excuse going forward.
Not in a January 6th way, but a way of undermining whoever wins going forward.
The chances are that neither Sunak or Mordant (apologies for the spelling) would have Johnson in their cabinet, save maybe one of th odd of the way ones. So he'd mostly likely, until the next election (whenever that may be), by on the backbenches able to broadly do and say what he wanted - especially if the Fail or the S*n et al give him a column or something.

"I was shafted by the powebrokers in the Parliamentary Party. But you, the fine British people, had my back the whole way!"

Type shite.

He might see it as an opertunity to 'make a come back' if the Tories (fingers crossed) get fucked over in the next election.
So I can see the thought process of someone who's comfortable with lies, saying that they have 100 supporters in a hope that it garners further support.

However, I can't understand why they're doubling down on it now.

Either they have shy supporters and Brady's inbox will be bursting at the seams, or they're cueing up a playground tantrum that involves "the election was stolen"
He does, but in terms of parallels (a big majority following on from a previous Tory regime, overwhelming support from the Tory Press, vicious treatment of dissident MPs, European wars starting without effective attempts to prepare for them, loads of gaslighting, contempt for those who know more about a subject than him) there are far more with Chamberlain than Churchill.
Only chamberlain was a far more able politician
i don't get it either, the posh peanut has said it on tv as well, that they've definitely got 100.
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One of the many shitty things is that if it turns out they were bullshitting, there's a better than average chance that afterwards they'll still profit more than they lose.

Barefaced lies, and they'll more than likely get away with it and suffer no long-term repercussions for it.
Im guessing the reprise of "Johnson has 100mps" is desperate bluff and bullshit. Which will only heap on the humiliation. What time do we find out tomorrow?
And yeah - disgruntled johnson supporters (50odd mps?) are going to be creating ongoing shit for sunak/mourdant for not letting the vile fuckwit return.
But if it’s bluff it’s a very stupid one because means he’ll have to explain why having got his 100 he’s chosen after all not to let the membership who love him have their say.

Maybe they’re just that short term in their lies, this one today, just in case it helps, new one tomorrow if it fails.
just, imagine living like that, with no idea what lie you might tell tomorrow to cover up today's. Apart from everything else it must be completely fucking exhausting, no wonder he looks like he does.
Yes, he did the same with the Brexit agreements, didn't he? Ink hardly dry and he was going to refuse to honour them. He was willing to turn a legal agreement into a lie.
Its's Sunday night and they're shouting about how they've defo got more than 100, which if it's true he'll be on the ballot thing for the members at 2pm tomorrow and if not then very obviously not. Hurts my head trying to find any sense in it.
whats weird Bojo and his team giving it the bigun saying that have the votes and pressuring people to back Boris

just sounds like the don't want a second breakfast of Boris
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