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Tory Leadership contest 2022

Media are just infatuated with him because he helps them to fill column inches and the yawning chasms of the 24-hour news without the minimum of effort on their part.

Seeing the Guardian (I think) posting footage of Johnson's plane landing yesterday as if that's news was uncomfortably reminiscent of the US network in the 2016 US election campaign that broadcast an empty stage for about an hour because Trump was due to speak on it later, rather than covering an actual speech that Clinton was giving elsewhere at the same time.
If Adolf Hitler flew in today they'd send a limousine anyway
Given that every change for the last few years has been for the worse I think 'back where we started' is going to be enormously attractive to a lot of people.
Where we started for me was the premiership of Edward heath who in comparison to the current crop of cunts was a superlative prime minister. Bring him back, as everyone knows the only good tory is a dead one
Seems to be the prevailing view amongst my more elderly neighbours too

Not just the elderly.

Anyone who voted for BJ when he “won the mandate in a landslide” who wasn’t crucified by bereavement during the pandemic, any who bent the rules themselves, any who can only recall the whole sorry saga as a vague and distant memory… they’ll vote for him again. He may not get anything like the same majority but he will win.
if true, these people are just terminally stupid, bereft of even the most basic self interested cunning
The only way they ever got to be MPs is because nobody normal wants to do it.

Screenshot 2022-10-22 at 16.31.14.png
Where we started for me was the premiership of Edward heath who in comparison to the current crop of cunts was a superlative prime minister. Bring him back, as everyone knows the only good tory is a dead one
Always hated his government since they raised the school leaving age to 16. Hated secondary school, then halfway through the cunts made me stay on an extra year. Though looking back, that 5th year wasn't all that bad.
What is a nomination anyway is it a different thing from an MP writing 'i back boris ' on twitter with flags on?

Stupid game this, probably even worse if you're actually playing not just watching.
Not just the elderly.

Anyone who voted for BJ when he “won the mandate in a landslide” who wasn’t crucified by bereavement during the pandemic, any who bent the rules themselves, any who can only recall the whole sorry saga as a vague and distant memory… they’ll vote for him again. He may not get anything like the same majority but he will win.
he wont. he cant. hed probably be chucked out again within 6 months anyway. Polling puts him behind sunak with the general public. If he got back in, he would inevitably remind everyone of just what a useless, selfish, cunt he is within a few weeks. He won in 2019 because of "get brexit done", "toxic to many" corbyn - and by massively bullshitting. Hes not some super charismatic magic man - most people think hes a complete arsehole.
How are there even 20,000 people in the country without email? You'd have to be both rich and old to get away with it.
I was speaking to one of my tenants recently , he's younger than me and doesn't have an email address (or admit to one) . He said it meant he didn't have to claim UC on-line , he could go to the DWP office & update them directly. So not just the rich or old tbf (he's 55)
he wont. he cant. hed probably be chucked out again within 6 months anyway. Polling puts him behind sunak with the general public. If he got back in, he would inevitably remind everyone of just what a useless, selfish, cunt he is within a few weeks. He won in 2019 because of "get brexit done", "toxic to many" corbyn - and by massively bullshitting. Hes not some super charismatic magic man - most people think hes a complete arsehole.

I hope my gloomy doomy worries are over-egged and you’re right.
Anyone who doesn’t seem aware Boris would be the first to start taking about getting past 100 (especially if he’s first to do so) and starts reporting gossip as factual really needs to be taken away gently before they lose it all investing in invisible paint
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