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Tory Leadership contest 2022

The Mail had a live flight tracker up on their site tracking his flight back from the Caribbean. This whole thing is utterly bonkers.
The Mail had a live flight tracker up on their site tracking his flight back from the Caribbean. This whole thing is utterly bonkers.
Presumably the flight details are relatively public knowledge, but could you not get in a fair bit of trouble doing summat like that? :hmm: :confused:
How much longer would Johnson stick around if he doesn't get PM again? Will he think there's another shot later down the line, or will he just pack it in and go have fun in the media and after-dinner circuit?
Johnson's biggest asset is his total self-belief in the face of all evidence. Any normal person would have been downed by the "hiding in a fridge" incident or the "chased down the street after Brexit" incident, one more humiliation is not that big a deal to a man of such Etonian confidence. Plus he still has a big constituency within his party and the press that is genuinely still either beholden or bewitched by him (even the Telegraph is only saying "leave it til a bit later"). It wouldn't surprise me at all if he takes another pop even is he loses this one.
Johnson's biggest asset is his total self-belief in the face of all evidence. Any normal person would have been downed by the "hiding in a fridge" incident or the "chased down the street after Brexit" incident, one more humiliation is not that big a deal to a man of such Etonian confidence. Plus he still has a big constituency within his party and the press that is genuinely still either beholden or bewitched by him (even the Telegraph is only saying "leave it til a bit later"). It wouldn't surprise me at all if he takes another pop even is he loses this one.
Would agree it wouldn't be about self-belief; was more just wondering whether he could be bothered hanging around in the meantime.

He got the top job, and although it probably didn't go quite as he wanted, would he be tempted by more 'fun'/lucrative opportunities elsewhere? And he could still play kingmaker from the sidelines, but without the restraints of parliament (I know, I know, but it's probably had some effect on his behaviour...).
Not really, flight tracker websites use info in the public domain and there will only be a few if not just one flights from Punta Cana to the UK, probably flying into Gatters
There are a dozen or so websites that provide that info on all flights for free.

Aye, just wondered if there were rules around platforming that info, or with the express purpose of tracking an ex-PM/current MP, or maybe he was on a private flight and there are different rules or summat.

Did figure it was unlikely, though :D
How much longer would Johnson stick around if he doesn't get PM again? Will he think there's another shot later down the line, or will he just pack it in and go have fun in the media and after-dinner circuit?
He probably didn’t expect Truss to disintegrate this soon, so might consider this something of a “bonus chance” in addition to the main play he will make after the tories lose the next election. So no, I very much doubt he’s going to just give up if he loses this time.
How come the cunt has had three holidays since leaving office?
Isn't he supposed to be holding constituency surgeries and the like?

Can you imagine how fucking desperate you'd have to be to think 'I'm going to go see my MP Boris Johnson, see what he can do to help me resolve this situation?'

Yeah, I know plenty of people are that fucking desperate these days, largely because of Johnson and his mates fucking everyone over in the first place. But you'd be better off saving your shoe leather, staying at home and having a bit of an old pray or something, hoping that that would sort things out for you.
Given that every change for the last few years has been for the worse I think 'back where we started' is going to be enormously attractive to a lot of people.

Yep Johnson is the good old days now.

Taking us back to what they delusionally imagine were the 'good old days' is literally the raison d'etre of the Tory Party, isn't it? This doesn't bode well.
the source for the claim that he has 100 backers (only half of them named) is apparently James Duddridge , his mate, on twitter. i think its bollocks.
I think he's going to say on Monday, 'i had plenty of backers, loads of them, they were clamouring for my return, but i've decided not to stand'.
the source for the claim that he has 100 backers (only half of them named) is apparently James Duddridge , his mate, on twitter. i think its bollocks.
Problem is : If Tory MPs fall for it, they will flock to Johnson, so it could become a self-fulfilling prophesy.
bbc being happy to spread that "news" about johnson having 100 with absolutely no evidence just a tweet from his friend, what was that about ffs.

Media are just infatuated with him because he helps them to fill column inches and the yawning chasms of 24-hour news with the minimum of effort on their part.

Seeing the Guardian (I think) posting footage of Johnson's plane landing yesterday as if that's news was uncomfortably reminiscent of the US network in the 2016 US election campaign that broadcast an empty stage for about an hour because Trump was due to speak on it later, rather than covering an actual speech that Clinton was giving elsewhere at the same time.
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