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Tory Death Spiral

Does that mean they’re going to kick out all the Polish shops? I presume that’s where this dog whistle is aimed.
(It was a common gripe on one of the local Facebook groups I went on in Leeds, in an area where all the empty shop units were now polish supermarkets, as though they’d also been responsible for closing down woolies and the old bakery a good decade or so before ‘they’ came here)

(presume he might also be aiming at mosques, Sharia Law and other stuff racists go on about)
Clearly targeting the leave voters then :facepalm:

Election 2019: Boris Johnson vows end to migrants ‘treating Britain as their own’

From the Times so full story behind paywall for me
I know it's terribly unfashionable to say so, but this does all reek somewhat of 1920s Germany, with its relentless focus on monstering some vaguely-definable "out-group". And, of course, a large proportion of the population are lapping it up, and labelling the rest of us who might be calling it out as "snowflakes". Eurgh.
I know it's terribly unfashionable to say so, but this does all reek somewhat of 1920s Germany, with its relentless focus on monstering some vaguely-definable "out-group". And, of course, a large proportion of the population are lapping it up, and labelling the rest of us who might be calling it out as "snowflakes". Eurgh.
Quite a few MPs calling this fascism
I know it's terribly unfashionable to say so, but this does all reek somewhat of 1920s Germany, with its relentless focus on monstering some vaguely-definable "out-group". And, of course, a large proportion of the population are lapping it up, and labelling the rest of us who might be calling it out as "snowflakes". Eurgh.

I mean that's only to be expected from these amoral psychopaths. What bothers me is how ham-fistedly and transparently it's being done. Oh, the polls aren't looking great, better head up north and talk about sending them all back, that always goes down a storm.

And of course it'll probably work anyway.
But it was always the aim wasn't it? The intensified smear campaign against JC and Labour is to make BJ's actual racism and bigotry more palatable/normalised and acceptable. They know what they are doing.

I think it's always been normalised and acceptable as far as your typical Johnson supporter is concerned. The smearing of Corbyn is not to get more tory voters out, but to keep Labour voters at home.

I suspect this is why Labour haven't directly attacked Johnson over his phone book-like list of racist and misogynist remarks. They're aware that do so would be to effectively upsell him in the eyes of those for whom the greatest possible ideal is a man who doesn't have to think about others before he speaks or acts.

If you die before you're even diagnosed then you don't affect the survival rates.

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