Rumours still fly but as I understand it a deal has been reached where the LibDems will vote for Tory cuts - thereby fulfilling Vince Cable's pledge to be the guarantor of stability.
Not sure why people keep on thinking a Con-Lib pact will hurt the Lib-Dems.
Sure you are going to get a lot of pissed of Labour supporters who voted 'tactically' but so what ? They were only along for the ride and would have switched back to Labour anyway along with a sense that they are so hysterical about the Tories that if push comes to shove they will trot along and do what ever Labour tells them to do in the future.
As I see it the Labour party have been far more treacherous towards the Lib-Dems in the past than the Tories (anybody remember the 1997 manifesto pledge for a referedum on PR) and that tribal Lib-Dem supporters really have no where else to go.
I doubt it's the Lab supporters that voted tactically that will be the most bothered tbh, rather it will be the Lib Dem supporters that always had the belief they had become a proper alternative to the other two that have dominated politics. And if it means their own party selling out on some of their values to prop up a Tory government, then I still can't see that being a good thing for the future of the Lib Dems as a whole.
Probably because they think that anyone who trusts Shiny Dave is likely to get screwed.Not sure why people keep on thinking a Con-Lib pact will hurt the Lib-Dems.
Because it is judged that a majority of their voters are anti Tory. (Polly Tonybee said 2/3 on TV yesterday morning. She said it was from research, but I don't know where or what).Not sure why people keep on thinking a Con-Lib pact will hurt the Lib-Dems.
So that's at the very least the tactical voters plus the people motivated by the beliefs that steph outlined - maybe more. Whose left? Tory tacticals, those genuinely committed to the lib-dem form of neo-liberalism, and the apolitical PR or death types. That's got to be 50% at the very most.Well the 'tactical' voters I know are going nuts at the thought that their votes might have put a Tory Government in place (much to my own amusement).
Well the 'tactical' voters I know are going nuts at the thought that their votes might have put a Tory Government in place (much to my own amusement).
Probably because they think that anyone who trusts Shiny Dave is likely to get screwed.
Not sure why people keep on thinking a Con-Lib pact will hurt the Lib-Dems.
As opposed to Labour ? Who quite happily screwed the Lib-Dems in 1997 ?
Where's Brown today? No-one wants to play with him still? He's reminds me of that briefcase kid at school...
Not sure why people keep on thinking a Con-Lib pact will hurt the Lib-Dems.
As opposed to Labour ? Who quite happily screwed the Lib-Dems in 1997 ?
Well, it could fuck them for the Scottish Elections up here next year. Especially after the Scottish Lib Dems attacked the claim of 'Vote Clegg get Cameron' which may well be born out to be true. The Torties got 17% of the votes in Scotland and now the Lib Dems will be seen, rightly, too, as keeping an unwanted-in Scotland-Tory minority government in power. They can no longer calim to be 'opposition' when they're lined up with the Tories. Even the former Scottish Lib Dem leader, in an interview on Sunday, made it clear that the majority of Lib Dems will be opposed to this. That will be marlkedly so up here where there is a collective memory and hatred of Thatcher still very much evident.
He's the PM until somebody else is. And atm, nobody else has asked the Queen to wave her magic wand.he has to stay as PM, probably would prefer to go away and lick his wounds but he's stuck until the whole thing is sorted
Did they? How?
agree with this, it'll fuck them good and proper up there, would Labour get back, if there is a collapse of the LibDem vote, or would the Nationalists benefit?
David MacLetchie (former Tory leader in Holyrood) admitted yesterday that the Tories were "toxic" in Scotland. He thought a period of Tory government might change that.Well, it could fuck them for the Scottish Elections up here next year. Especially after the Scottish Lib Dems attacked the claim of 'Vote Clegg Get Cameron' which may well be borne out to be true. The Tories got 17% of the votes in Scotland and now the Lib Dems will be seen, rightly too, as keeping an unwanted-in Scotland-Tory minority government in power. They can no longer calim to be 'opposition' when they're lined up with the Tories. Even the former Scottish Lib Dem leader, in an interview on Sunday, made it clear that the majority of Lib Dems will be opposed to this. That will be marlkedly so up here where there is a collective memory and hatred of Thatcher still very much evident.
course it could dumbo, it doesn't even need them in a coalitionThere is no viable alternative to a Con-Lib deal. Its as simple as that. This so called 'rainbow' coalition is just going to be unworkable given its reliance on Scottish and Welsh nationalist votes which will have to be bought, at the expense of England.
Just cannot happen as long as I have a hole in my arse. It would be catastrophic for the UK and whilst I would shed no tears at a break up of the UK it would be the finish for both the lib dems and Labour.
course it could dumbo, it doesn't even need them in a coalition