Here’s one for our anti-immigrationists:
'It is a racism that is not just directed at those with darker skins, from the former colonial territories, but at the newer categories of the displaced, the dispossessed and the uprooted, who are beating at western Europe's doors, the Europe that helped to displace them in the first place. It is racism, that is, that cannot be colour-coded, directed as it is at poor whites as well, and is therefore passed off as xenophobia, a "natural" fear of strangers. But in the way it denigrates and reifies people before segregating and/or expelling them, it is a xenophobia that bears all the marks of the old racism. It is racism in substance, but "xeno" in form. It is a racism that is meted out to impoverished strangers even if they are white. It is xeno-racism.' - A. Sivanandan, Director, Institute of Race Relations
Those who control the discussions on immigration on this forum (and they know who they are) constantly bleat on about “controls” and try to present their position as “logical”, “reasonable” and “sensible”; they fail to see how their ideas on immigration can be seen as racist and how their views play into the hands of racists and xenophobes. Furthermore, they fail to understand how their views are the product of years of colonialism and slavery. Rather than supply any data to support their position, the anti-immigrationists on Urban would much rather spend their time making comments like “You don’t like anyone disagreeing with you”…which is a rather curious thing to say, given that their position is the one that prevails on this forum and is the one being challenged. One can read such statements as the tactic of the intellectually dishonest who, when confronted with a serious challenge to their soi-disant moral superiority, will claim that it is because one “doesn’t like anyone who disagrees with them” when it is they who don’t like those who disagree with them. This isn’t just intellectually dishonest, it’s juvenile and they do not want anyone to take issue with their barely disguised bigoted views
To be sure, our anti-immigrationist friends would rather not have their arguments challenged. Witness the way in which they make claims such as “You think I’m a racist”, which is an attempt to smear, even demonise their opponent. Even if our friends here were racist, they would not dare admit to it. Even by making that last statement, I realise that some, if not all of them, will try and magnify it twenty fold in an attempt to exonerate themselves and try to use it as a handy smear for when their arguments are found wanting. Our anti-immigrationists have been emboldened by the 2004 pre-election rhetoric of former Tory leader hopeful, Michael Howard, whose adopted slogans like “It's not racist to talk about immigration” to the more ridiculous “Are you thinking what we’re thinking”?
Here are some more quotes from Howard; they differ little from the anti-immigration gang’s view of the issue
It's not racist to criticise the system.
It's not racist to want to limit the numbers.
It's just plain commonsense.
Anyone would think that the Tories had a monopoly on “common sense” but common sense dictates that border controls are racist and help to further the aims of the far right parties. He also said
I think it is offensive to brand as racist hard working people who worry about the chaos in our immigration system. If we don't speak up now and have a proper debate about immigration we'll only help the bigots who preach racial hatred and the people smugglers who profit from other people's misery.
The aim here is to control the discourse. The Tories know that they will be accused of racism if they demand further, tighter controls. In a pre-emptive effort to head off any criticism, Howard and his cronies devised a plan to ensure that their message would be heard and that no one would dare challenge them...or so they hoped, but Labour also boarded the bandwagon, fearing that the Tories would steal a march on them. Let’s face it, very few people actually want to be labelled “racist” and even fewer people would own up to being racist. It is only the parties of the far right and certain Tories who would dare admit to being racist. But those who call for tighter border controls (What? They’re not tight enough already?) are living in denial; they are xenophobes who hide their bigotry behind carefully chosen, neutral-sounding language and phrases like “common sense”. They will insist that they are not racists or xenophobes; rather they are acting for the greater good of the nation.+
The anti-immigrationists, when challenged, will tell you that they are against “economic migrants” and “mass migration”; both phrases are ideologically and emotionally loaded and when pressed on this, they will duck the point; preferring, instead, to make some minor semantic point. But who are these “economic migrants” that they speak of? Eastern Europeans who come here to work, do so because they can under EU rules. We can only surmise that the source of their ire comes from elsewhere and are possibly dark-skinned. When pressed on the issue of “mass migration”, their argument really disintegrates; they cannot, or will not, produce any evidence to support their shrieks of “floods of immigrants”. It’s “a real concern” is about all anyone will get from them.
The phrase “mass migration” is also a problematic since those who use the phrase assume that, first of all, Britain is “crowded “and second, that because immigrants tend to head for cities, that there is a veritable “flood” of immigrants. Let’s look at the first assumption: the crowded island theory, the anti-immigrationists constantly claim that the country is “crowded”, when they are presented with the counter-argument that says “the Scottish Highlands aren’t crowded and nor is Dartmoor”, they will then tell you that they meant the “cities”. But cities are crowded places and it isn’t just people from abroad who make them their homes, many people move from the countryside into cities in search of opportunities, yet no one would dare to suggest that these people remain in the countryside. People will always travel to where there is work and cities offer greater employment prospects than rural locations. The second assumption made by them says that there is a “flood of immigrants”. There is no evidence to support such scaremongering and scaremongering is what it is. The use of the phrase “flood of immigrants” corresponds to “invasion”; that the nation is under threat from a potential occupying force [of darkies]. This is an absurdity and those who use this sort of phraseology are stirring up ethnic tensions, while being wholly dishonest about their own positions on ethnicity.
The anti-immigrationists will tell us how they are proper ‘socialists’, yet their position on the issue of immigration is one that runs counter to every tenet of socialism. Rather than seeking solidarity with dispossessed fellow-workers they would rather deepen the divide between workers by playing the bosses tactic of divide and conquer by calling for greater immigration controls. Not very socialist, is it? It’s more CBI than TUC.
Immigration controls are racist by their very nature; they reinforce notions of ethnic superiority and nationalism. Those who support such controls are not real socialists rather, they pay lip service to the ideas of socialism; cherry picking the more catchy-sounding phrases and using them as a defence when confronted with a tricky question.
Immigration controls are the imposition of the conception of race into another construction the political unit of the nation state. Once you define the nation, then you define the need for population controls, along with defence, self interest in trade and so on. Citizenship is defined by birth or adoption but principally it is defined along ethnic lines. No matter how nicely you say it – effectively by advocating immigration controls you are advocating a difference of rights on the basis of ethnicity. That is the unspoken part of the debate. Immigration controls are racist.
It is the nation-state that constructs national identity, not as part of the cultural fabric of a nation, but as a means of control and coercion. It is this homogenised construction of national identity that determines one’s suitability for inclusion in the nation’s societal formations. Should the person not conform to this pre-packaged identity, the consequences can be dire.
So, rather than actually counter my arguments with ideas of their own, the anti-immigrationists and their allies, have preferred to engage in pettiness and twisting my words around to suit their morally repugnant position. One even had the gall to accuse me of “playing into the hands of racists” in what can only be described as a truly breathtaking piece of Orwellian logic. The only one who is “playing into the hands of racists” is the accuser.
Arguing with these people is pointless but allowing them to dominate the boards with the half-baked, tabloid-informed anti-immigration rants unchallenged is wrong.
Real socialists don’t support racist policies. Beware of imitations.