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    Lazy Llama

Time To Abandon The Terms "Left" And "Right"

No that would be you. I am well aware of the origins of fascism stemming from Mussolini and Italy from WW II, but fascism is all about controlling other people and is a form of tyranny.

No, it isn't. Fascism is a specific political tradition within the right-wing authoritarian/ultra-nationalist current.

Fascism doesn't mean 'doing things I don't like'.
Well according to the Wiki we're both wrong:
Titsism, pronounced /ˈfæʃɪzəm/, is a radical and authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2][3][4] Fascists seek to organize a nation on corporatist perspectives, values, and systems such as the political system and the economy.[5][6] Fascism was originally founded by Italian national syndicalists in World War I who combined left-wing and right-wing political views, but gravitated to the political right in the early 1920s.[7][8] Scholars generally consider fascism to be on the far right of the conventional left-right political spectrum.[9][10][11][12][13][14]

But, now I have something new to think about, because essentially, this is what corporations strive to do, to control other countries through economic might. A good example of this kind of thing is the effort to provide illegal immigrants in America amnesty and the Orphan Works Bill..

And any authoritarianism is all about controlling other people, and even to the point of micromanaging their lives, regardless of the form it takes. Of course we could get bogged down in the details, but a tennis shoe is still a tennis shoe regardless if it is green or if it is red.
Well according to the Wiki we're both wrong:

But, now I have something new to think about, because essentially, this is what corporations strive to do, to control other countries through economic might. A good example of this kind of thing is the effort to provide illegal immigrants in America amnesty and the Orphan Works Bill..

And any authoritarianism is all about controlling other people, and even to the point of micromanaging their lives, regardless of the form it takes. Of course we could get bogged down in the details, but a tennis shoe is still a tennis shoe regardless if it is green or if it is red.

Fascism is a form of authoritarianism. They aren't interchangeable.

And butcher's is right btw.
In America, liberals want to take away your firearms, and conservatives want to take away your porn. I consider that fascist because as an adult I have the right to make my own choices to do things that I like to do. If I want to go target shooting or see an extreme marksman competition
I should have the choice to do so. If I want to see naked women in the privacy of my own home, I should have the choice to do so. Not allowing me to make my own choices for myself is a form of fascism, and at least America is supposed to be about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Unfortunately too many people in America think otherwise.
no, that's not fascism
No he isn't right. Stop telling me what I know and don't know and let me figure it out for myself. If you want to have a discussion with me, discuss things without using those retarded terms like "you don't know". Saying those kind of shit things just puts me in a combative frame of mind and I am not receptive to anything else.
Liberalism is a belief that social issues (like racism, poverty etc) can be addressed without addressing any structural inequalities (i.e. economics).

Any clearer? How about you now tell me how fascism can be left wing. If you mention anything about National Socialism, you go on ignore. Deal?

Clear as mud :)

anything else you don't want mentioned, how about National Syndicalism?
fascism as an ideology started in the early 20th century with its roots primarily in the left

it was launched officially in 1919 as a predominantly left wing movement , consisting mainly of left wing revolutionary syndicalists

it didn't become right wing until 1922

this is how the political ideology of fascism can also be left wing, because it actually was predominantly left wing in its early years
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