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    Lazy Llama

Time To Abandon The Terms "Left" And "Right"

I really don't see 'left' or 'right wing' anymore. It is such a distraction. Pro/anti civil liberties is so much more important, as is not being America's bitch with foreign policy. More still, pro/anti our current banking system.

"democracy is the best political system money can buy"
Following on from the French Revolution thread: why do people continue to use its antiquated spatial metaphor to describe their political allegiances?

Surely these terms have become misleading and inaccurate obstacles to independent or original political ideas. Is it time to replace them?

And if so, with what should they be replaced? How about "pro-" or "anti-capitalist" for example?

probably for the same reason that a spatial metaphor is still used to describe social class
In economic terms concern with income inequality is a concern with a negative externality. Where being much richer than most of your reference group may make an individual feel like a winner in their own reference group, but the large mass of people all feel slightly worse.

This sort of thinking is explored in happiness economics.


So following that thinking free market economists are concerned with internalities. Why should one be considered internal and the other external?

because money is governed by temporal influences rather than spatial dimensions

and time varies on an "inner" and "outer" basis
Phil you're always assuming everyone else see the world in some dogmatic black and white way. Primarily anyone who disagrees with your views on religion politics and materialism, you fail to see that it is you following dogma and other people that are enlightened. Maybe you once saw the world this way and have had a change of heart, but don't project your own stupidity other people. Is it not possible that people might disagree with you for considered reasons? I think you mostly hold the views you do because you fail to understand the alternative perspective, and as shown by your previous threads in which simply dismiss problems that you don't understand.
Most of my partners were perplexed with L/R... Relative notions are unsettling for the meek, after all, so they need absolutes...
Your very unfunny sexist "joke" has revealed your arrogance and scientific ignorance :D

It seems your education skipped the vital notion of chirality.
An experiment on the weak decay of cobalt-60 nuclei carried out by Chien-Shiung Wu and collaborators in 1957 demonstrated that parity is not a symmetry of the universe.
to me
left=supportive of a socialist economy
right=supportive of a neo-liberal economy
still useful terms in my book
oh and
new labour 3rd way = right + tax & spend
So that puts the lib-dems on the right you plum. Not the centre-left as you claim. And you just voted for them. So you're a right winger then.

Anyone that ever says "tax+spend" in a non-applausive way is a right winger by definition as well.
That depends on spending/investing [in people/"human capital" or bailing out banks and capitalist wanks... blah-blah...] and the way one is taxing, BA... If, like in Brazil, one is taxing the rich less than the middle classes and the poor... oh, well... Progressive taxation is an achievement of the Left!!!

Jonti, leave it out, you'll injure your-humourless-self... :rolleyes: :D
So that puts the lib-dems on the right you plum. Not the centre-left as you claim. And you just voted for them. So you're a right winger then.

i claim theyre to the left of the other two and the centre has mover to the right in relative terms. of course all 3 represent right-wing neo-liberal economics.

and my vote is for PR not the libdems, a sstrategic choice to be able in the long term to vote for a party that truly represents me (one of the left) once PR is introduced . whats more my vote is in a safe labour seat and for what little it is worth marks my interest in PR on some shitty poll somewhere. strictly tactical.

you dont like me do you? please leave out the personal abuse from your posts. disagree with me all you like, but please leave out the putdowns. im always curteouos to your posts - please act likewise. thanks.
to me
left=supportive of a socialist economy
right=supportive of a neo-liberal economy
still useful terms in my book
oh and
new labour 3rd way = right + tax & spend

What about feminism? Or racism? Wouldn't you place the former on the "left" and the latter on the "right?"

But it is possible to be a pro-capitalist feminist and an anti-capitalist racist.

And so we see that the terms are not useful after all.
I don't like you? What is this? You voted lib-dem you claim they're left-wing, you claim they're basically the labour party which is why you think they'll go into coalition with them, yet you claim the labour party is hard-right. When asked to square this you moan about me not liking you. I hope this either a sunday come down or the guilt is getting to you because that sort of stuff is not good enough.

edit: and no it's not personal, find me a prominent lib-dem supporter on here, someone whose gone out of their say to drum up support or offer arguments that i've not tackled over the last two weeks. Also, 'plum' is not abuse.
I think you might have a more US-style view of left/right, phil. In the US, the terms are applied to people's views on social issues, not economic ones. I would think that in the UK, they apply first and foremost to economics.

In short, Liberal ≠ left wing
Jonti, leave it out, you'll injure your-humourless-self...
You've shown you are just an empty headed wanker gorski, just another "left wing" tosspot who thinks ignorant sexism is "funny".

That's funny, given your conceits. But it's even funnier that you can't reply to my points ~ or anyone else's for that matter. See, what you post may be intended as funny, but the laughter is at you, not with you.

The real humour of the situational comedy around you is that you are too conceited to notice that it is you and your ideas that are the object of amused derision here.

You really are a silly ~ and, yes, humourless ~ little man.
And your "contribution" has been judged as "humorous" by.... ahem... your-grand-self... :rolleyes: As per usual... :rolleyes: Boy, oh, boy... :rolleyes:

And from which standpoint? A scientific one! :D A scientific comedian, then... :rolleyes:

[My word...]
Stupid boy!

I didn't say I was being funny: I said you were not.

But hey, if you want to carry on playing the conceited clown, maybe try to tell us a funny sexist joke next time. Do you think you can do that?
I think you might have a more US-style view of left/right, phil. In the US, the terms are applied to people's views on social issues, not economic ones. I would think that in the UK, they apply first and foremost to economics.

In short, Liberal ≠ left wing

yeah, right wing is usually accepted as being capitalist and left wing as communist

liberal is usually described as left wing although can be right wing
conservative is usually described as right wing although can be left wing
socialism is usually described as left wing although can be right wing
fascism is usually described as right wing although can be left wing
anarchy is usually described as left wing although can be right wing
elitism is usually described as right wing although can be left wing

it'll take more than two wings for this lot to fly!
I think you might have a more US-style view of left/right, phil. In the US, the terms are applied to people's views on social issues, not economic ones. I would think that in the UK, they apply first and foremost to economics.

Actually they're hardly used at all in the US these days. Yet another way in which the USA is more politically advanced than old Europe.
I just felt that "post-modernist" nonsense took hold a little bit too much, so there was a need... to go back to the roots a wee little bit... :D

Since "post-modernists" have lost the compass completely, there's the need to give it to them... :D
I just felt that "post-modernist" nonsense took hold a little bit too much, so there was a need... to go back to the roots a wee little bit... :D

Since "post-modernists" have lost the compass completely, there's the need to give it to them... :D

Bit of a straw man there though. Have you ever met anyone who called themselves a "postmodernist?"
Aplenty, Phil. Much more than I would've liked, sadly... Hence my disgust... A bit of a pet-hate of mine...

Imagine studying Human Rights [like I did, MA] and coming to a conference, where some serious people are trying to push the boundaries, seriously testing the limits, risking a lot, at least their freedom if not more, then some eejut "post-modernists" come to give a serious talking to the rest of us, uninitiated silly-billies......

My word... Have you had the pleasure? One was just standing there for his allocated time ["there was no point in doing anything else"...], the other was [I kid you not!!!] impersonating an air-plane and so on and so forth...

The "dictate of strict inference/deduction had to be broken"... Rings a bell? Well, this is what it's like "for real", when you actually meet those guys and they "pull all the stops to 'contribute' to Humanity"...

Bit of a straw man there though. Have you ever met anyone who called themselves a "postmodernist?"
Whatever they call themselves, there's a lot of postmodernist thinking goes on here, and it's not all bad. But the view that science is just a social construct is taking things too far. There is such a thing as reality and there are objective social conditions; and we can effectively engage with the world and change it for the better.
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