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Tim Pool. Investigative journalism in Sweden after Trump allegations on immigration problems

do you think wading amongst rightist scum and swallowing their shit verbatim could lead to a bit of a confirmation bias going on with you? I'd call you a fool but I think you know well what you are doing.

I could be suffering from confirmation bias. However, I have seen for myself how members of an anti capitalist left group, of which I was a member, reacted to a girl who said she had been groped by morrocans. They were outraged and turned on her. This impressed me and is continually confirmed to me as a trend on the left. One of the points that Tim pool made was that the liberal government in Sweden censors information. I actually believe this to be true and it is for what is called politically correct reasons. Also, on a local level, here in Cataluña, where there are far less ghettoes or problems, I know for a fact that there was a violent attack by a large group of immigrants against a carnaval float at last years carnaval at a small town on the coast. The participants who had been preparing costumes for months, were forced to abandon the festivities under a hail of stones and blows. It was completely avoided by all the press.

The refugee rape thing, by a tiny minority of people, is a reality, yet it gets shouted down as a subject of debate.

So, what is fuelling this historic rise in populism in your opinion? Is it a cleverly orchestrated alt right propaganda campaign?
So, what is fuelling this historic rise in populism in your opinion
the continuing crises of capitalism, post 2008 (it being the latest and most profound slip in our lifetimes). Material conditions. Would you have seen a trump in 2005? a corbyn even? A greece so thoroughly undermined and beggared? The people you lap up love this btw- it is their time, so they think. Finally. And who gets it firt? reds and minorities for sure. Drip drip rent-a-hacks like pool.
I could be suffering from confirmation bias. However, I have seen for myself how members of an anti capitalist left group, of which I was a member, reacted to a girl who said she had been groped by morrocans. They were outraged and turned on her. This impressed me and is continually confirmed to me as a trend on the left. One of the points that Tim pool made was that the liberal government in Sweden censors information. I actually believe this to be true and it is for what is called politically correct reasons. Also, on a local level, here in Cataluña, where there are far less ghettoes or problems, I know for a fact that there was a violent attack by a large group of immigrants against a carnaval float at last years carnaval at a small town on the coast. The participants who had been preparing costumes for months, were forced to abandon the festivities under a hail of stones and blows. It was completely avoided by all the press.

The refugee rape thing, by a tiny minority of people, is a reality, yet it gets shouted down as a subject of debate.

So, what is fuelling this historic rise in populism in your opinion? Is it a cleverly orchestrated alt right propaganda campaign?
yeh it's all real but no one dares tell the truth :facepalm:
I could be suffering from confirmation bias. However, I have seen for myself how members of an anti capitalist left group, of which I was a member, reacted to a girl who said she had been groped by morrocans. They were outraged and turned on her. This impressed me and is continually confirmed to me as a trend on the left. One of the points that Tim pool made was that the liberal government in Sweden censors information. I actually believe this to be true and it is for what is called politically correct reasons. Also, on a local level, here in Cataluña, where there are far less ghettoes or problems, I know for a fact that there was a violent attack by a large group of immigrants against a carnaval float at last years carnaval at a small town on the coast. The participants who had been preparing costumes for months, were forced to abandon the festivities under a hail of stones and blows. It was completely avoided by all the press.

The refugee rape thing, by a tiny minority of people, is a reality, yet it gets shouted down as a subject of debate.

So, what is fuelling this historic rise in populism in your opinion? Is it a cleverly orchestrated alt right propaganda campaign?


Unless you can prove it.
I could be suffering from confirmation bias. However, I have seen for myself how members of an anti capitalist left group, of which I was a member, reacted to a girl who said she had been groped by morrocans. They were outraged and turned on her. This impressed me and is continually confirmed to me as a trend on the left.
impressed you. not shocked you. impressed you. it didn't appall you, it impressed you. strange.

One of the points that Tim pool made was that the liberal government in Sweden censors information. I actually believe this to be true and it is for what is called politically correct reasons.
you believe this but refuse to adduce any evidence to support your belief.
Also, on a local level, here in Cataluña, where there are far less ghettoes or problems, I know for a fact that there was a violent attack by a large group of immigrants against a carnaval float at last years carnaval at a small town on the coast. The participants who had been preparing costumes for months, were forced to abandon the festivities under a hail of stones and blows. It was completely avoided by all the press.
right. and your source for this is? did you see it? or is it from one of your alt right mates?
The refugee rape thing, by a tiny minority of people, is a reality, yet it gets shouted down as a subject of debate.
yeh. let's see your proof for this again

So, what is fuelling this historic rise in populism in your opinion? Is it a cleverly orchestrated alt right propaganda campaign?
no, it is a number of things, part of which is the alt right propaganda, part of which is the growing trend to illiberalism, which has been on the cards since 2014, part of it is the cackhanded nature of our political class; and part of it is gullible cunts like you swallowing any auld rubbish.
In all, it is balanced. The only people who dish him are from the two extremes, the ultra right who want to paint a picture of society verging on civil war and the politically correct who scream racist and stifle debate at the drop of a hat. This latter group are, imo, responsible for the rise in populism as they aren't dealing with issues which effect people's perception or real life experience.
i take it you're still calling everyone who's pointed out what this fuckmuppet's really like politically correct.

unless you mean we're all fascists.
I could be suffering from confirmation bias. However, I have seen for myself how members of an anti capitalist left group, of which I was a member, reacted to a girl who said she had been groped by morrocans. They were outraged and turned on her. This impressed me and is continually confirmed to me as a trend on the left.

You saw this yourself- what did you do about it, apart from being impressed ?
One of the points that Tim pool made was that the liberal government in Sweden censors information. I actually believe this to be true and it is for what is called politically correct reasons.

From what do you make this assumption? Do you live in Sweden, read Swedish press, watch Swedish television?
You don´t use Twitter so you can´t get any information from there, your Youtube feed is infected with alt-right trash since you watched Tim Pool.
I think you need a detox from all that shitty information you obviously are being fed with. We all proved that Tim Pool is a troll, but you still hang on to his ideas and the way he and his alt-rights look upon the world.
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I bet that prick likes nothing better than settling back with a shitty IPA and enjoying all the videos on the youtube
From what do you make this assumption? Do you live in Sweden, read Swedish press, watch Swedish television?
You don´t use Twitter so you can´t get any information from there, your Youtube feed is infected with alt-right trash since you watched Tim Pool.
I think you need a detox from all that shitty information you obviously are being fed with. We all proved that Tim Pool is a troll, but you still hang on to his ideas and the way he and his alt-rights look upon the world.
.'. anudder oik is an alt-righter, given his stubborn refusal to let go of his auld alt righter mates

by their friends shall ye know them
Having been warned off the Pool videos I decided to give them a rest for a while, but curiosity has got the better of me and I have watched one of the more recent ones he did in Paris. It's an interview with a volunteer who works in a centre that helps refugees to integrate/survive.

I know people are gonna come back at me and say that it's all part of a broader right wing agenda, but I can see nothing, absolutely nothing, in this particular video that is even the slightest bit palatable to the right. Quite the opposite in fact, the interviewee makes it clear that there is hope and that the newly arrived are normal people not monsters. What'smore Pool's summing up at the end couldn't be further from an extreme right position. He's getting flak from both political extremes and I find that fascinating. I haven't seen his videos from Greece. He may have turned full on nazi in them.

Having been warned off the Pool videos I decided to give them a rest for a while, but curiosity has got the better of me and I have watched one of the more recent ones he did in Paris. It's an interview with a volunteer who works in a centre that helps refugees to integrate/survive.

I know people are gonna come back at me and say that it's all part of a broader right wing agenda, but I can see nothing, absolutely nothing, in this particular video that is even the slightest bit palatable to the right. Quite the opposite in fact, the interviewee makes it clear that there is hope and that the newly arrived are normal people not monsters. What'smore Pool's summing up at the end couldn't be further from an extreme right position. He's getting flak from both political extremes and I find that fascinating. I haven't seen his videos from Greece. He may have turned full on nazi in them.

yes. how did you gain your familiarity with extreme right positions?
Having been warned off the Pool videos I decided to give them a rest for a while, but curiosity has got the better of me and I have watched one of the more recent ones he did in Paris. It's an interview with a volunteer who works in a centre that helps refugees to integrate/survive.

I know people are gonna come back at me and say that it's all part of a broader right wing agenda, but I can see nothing, absolutely nothing, in this particular video that is even the slightest bit palatable to the right. Quite the opposite in fact, the interviewee makes it clear that there is hope and that the newly arrived are normal people not monsters. What'smore Pool's summing up at the end couldn't be further from an extreme right position. He's getting flak from both political extremes and I find that fascinating. I haven't seen his videos from Greece. He may have turned full on nazi in them.

it's all part of a broader right wing agenda.
Having been warned off the Pool videos I decided to give them a rest for a while, but curiosity has got the better of me and I have watched one of the more recent ones he did in Paris. It's an interview with a volunteer who works in a centre that helps refugees to integrate/survive.

I know people are gonna come back at me and say that it's all part of a broader right wing agenda, but I can see nothing, absolutely nothing, in this particular video that is even the slightest bit palatable to the right. Quite the opposite in fact, the interviewee makes it clear that there is hope and that the newly arrived are normal people not monsters. What'smore Pool's summing up at the end couldn't be further from an extreme right position. He's getting flak from both political extremes and I find that fascinating. I haven't seen his videos from Greece. He may have turned full on nazi in them.

I just spent a bit of my life reading Tim Pool's 'ask me anything' thread on reddit. There is nothing there to raise a persons opinion of Tim pool.
What'smore Pool's summing up at the end couldn't be further from an extreme right position.
It really could. There exist 'deserving' refugees - those that try to learn French and assimilate. And by strong implication, there also exist undeserving refugees - those that do not make this effort. This is more or less a statement that could have been made by a member of the FN - you're welcome here as long as you try to become French and learn French ways (as defined by us, natch); if not, fuck the fuck off.
also he had to go easy since Youtube just then demonetized his videos.
wonder why??? that usually doesn´t happen do unbiased journalism....
the video above is published the day after this tweet

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That's him tweeting an article on Bank's new 'British Brietbart' site isn't it? They're really trying to build this thing.
It's explicit now, post-brexit, what UKIP and Farage really are (although it is what they've always been). They are a far-right nationalist party with racist instincts. Douglas Carswell 'was never a Ukipper' for this reason - r/w shite that he is, he isn't a racist r/w shite.
Yesterday, there was a clip going around of Nigel Farage with his celebratory brexit day pint saying to the camera 'thanks bannon thanks breitbart, you helped with this'.
The far-right Sweden Democrat party is topping the polls in Sweden it seems, looking at today's press, if there were an election now they would get around a quarter of the vote, making them the largest political force in the country based on the polls. :hmm: They appear to have doubled their support from the 2014 election.

The Social Democratic Workers’ Party who currently run a minority coalition government have fallen to just 9 points, the next election in Sweden is in September 2018 and the Sweden Democrat party could be in power if they join with other right-wing parties :eek:

Just over the bridge the Danish People's Party have become the 2nd largest party
The far-right Sweden Democrat party is topping the polls in Sweden it seems, looking at today's press, if there were an election now they would get around a quarter of the vote, making them the largest political force in the country based on the polls. :hmm: They appear to have doubled their support from the 2014 election.

The Social Democratic Workers’ Party who currently run a minority coalition government have fallen to just 9 points, the next election in Sweden is in September 2018 and the Sweden Democrat party could be in power if they join with other right-wing parties :eek:

Just over the bridge the Danish People's Party have become the 2nd largest party
Not saying the rise of the far right in Sweden isn't both very concerning and frankly depressing, as it is wherever the far right is gaining ground - ie across much of northern Europe. But unless something massive changes, there's zero chance of them forming a government in 2018 even if they're the biggest party - they are ostracised by all the other parties, which would be more likely to form a grand coalition than contemplate letting the SDs into power.

That said, a consistent pattern is emerging here, with the far right polling hovering just above or below 20 per cent in a great many countries.
This is the latest polls from opinion.se Socialdemokraterna still largest party (and even increased since last year) and SD third largest party. Opinion.se.png


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