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Tim Pool. Investigative journalism in Sweden after Trump allegations on immigration problems

She says that she mostly posts centre left politics and videos of dogs. Her profile doesn't fit very well with the extreme right*, seeing as she is black. (*I won't say alt-right because that concept is not clear enough defined for me and has even ended up including UFO abduction freaks and pick up artists) Do people realise how stupid that all looks?

Apart from that, someone she engages with in the tweets is critical of Tim Pool for not showing evidence of violence or threats of violence to him on a couple of occasions, so it looks like he has form for it (was mentioned before on here by a poster). Proof of what? that he tries to make his reports seem more edgy than what they really are, when in fact they are quite innocuous, or that he has an evil agenda?

The looking for fascists under the bed on this thread is beginning to look like the mirror reflection of paranoic Macarthyism.

watching all the videos and reading most of the Twitter comments, I learned that in "the Tim Pool World" nothing is what it looks like at first sight. Tim Pool with his history from Occupy Wall Street and Vice would seem to be a "leftish" journalist (I don´t even like to call him a journalist though, he is just a guy with a camera) But he is not. He is a alt-right troll in disguise. Trolling with presenting friends from the left and giving you nice stories about refugees. It´s all a scam. If you watch the video above from Paris, all you will find is a girl from the left getting "red-pilled". The message only fits the alt-right agenda.
We're just not open and objective to the evidence like AO. :(

That's right, you are not. Try to justify what you say. Provide evidence as a normal or rational person would. I'm all ears but not for hearsay and flimsy unsubstantiated arguments.
watching all the videos and reading most of the Twitter comments, I learned that in "the Tim Pool World" nothing is what it looks like at first sight. Tim Pool with his history from Occupy Wall Street and Vice would seem to be a "leftish" journalist (I don´t even like to call him a journalist though, he is just a guy with a camera) But he is not. He is a alt-right troll in disguise. Trolling with presenting friends from the left and giving you nice stories about refugees. It´s all a scam. If you watch the video above from Paris, all you will find is a girl from the left getting "red-pilled". The message only fits the alt-right agenda.

I hear what you are saying and appreciate the input but please explain to me why the message only fits the alt right agenda? Why only them?

Surely, the problems spoken about are a reality that cannot be just simply ignored because the alt-right/extrme right have a kind of monopoly.
watching all the videos and reading most of the Twitter comments, I learned that in "the Tim Pool World" nothing is what it looks like at first sight. Tim Pool with his history from Occupy Wall Street and Vice would seem to be a "leftish" journalist (I don´t even like to call him a journalist though, he is just a guy with a camera) But he is not. He is a alt-right troll in disguise. Trolling with presenting friends from the left and giving you nice stories about refugees. It´s all a scam. If you watch the video above from Paris, all you will find is a girl from the left getting "red-pilled". The message only fits the alt-right agenda.

While you are here please fund my "holiday" i mean investigations..... etc etc
I hear what you are saying and appreciate the input but please explain to me why the message only fits the alt right agenda? Why only them?

Surely, the problems spoken about are a reality that cannot be just simply ignored because the alt-right/extrme right have a kind of monopoly.

No the problems cannot be ignored. And they aren´t. And the alt-right doesn´t have a monopoly of the subject, it´s talked about all the time. And if you want to see the entire agenda of Tim Pool you have to put all the videos together like a jigsaw puzzle. This is just one of them.
I hear what you are saying and appreciate the input but please explain to me why the message only fits the alt right agenda? Why only them?

Surely, the problems spoken about are a reality that cannot be just simply ignored because the alt-right/extrme right have a kind of monopoly.
Yeh. How come all your evidence seems to come from the alt right?
That's right, you are not. Try to justify what you say. Provide evidence as a normal or rational person would. I'm all ears but not for hearsay and flimsy unsubstantiated arguments.
What you mean like the evidence that butchers and classicdish provided and you've been utterly unable to refute? (and in the case of classicsdish haven't even attempted to respond to)

The idea that you think a bloke who goes to a holocaust denial conference is a reliable source isn't been open-minded it's either (a) stupidity and/or (b) a wiliness to overlook (or pretend to overlook) such the sewer this bloke inhabits.
What you mean like the evidence that butchers and classicdish provided and you've been utterly unable to refute? (and in the case of classicsdish haven't even attempted to respond to)

The idea that you think a bloke who goes to a holocaust denial conference is a reliable source isn't been open-minded it's either (a) stupidity and/or (b) a wiliness to overlook (or pretend to overlook) such the sewer this bloke inhabits.
Anudder Oik dives straight into that sewer and slags off anyone who disagrees

Indeed he's described alt right bollocks as balanced
No the problems cannot be ignored. And they aren´t. And the alt-right doesn´t have a monopoly of the subject, it´s talked about all the time. And if you want to see the entire agenda of Tim Pool you have to put all the videos together like a jigsaw puzzle. This is just one of them.

I intend to discover his agenda and would appreciate any help, links etc. I'm glad someone is actually answering me. If the rest of the posters are representative of any groups on the left then we are all doomed.

Another point, I get the impression the left is not allowed to talk about even the theoretical problems of immigration and that open borders is somehow an unquestionable dogma, which when questioned leads to labelling. It's talked about all the time where? I've been at anti racist meetings where a woman from an NGO who said she had been groped by an arab man was immediately shunned and whispered about. The room fell silent and she was labelled "a racist". It was a clear case of hate the messenger.

look what happened in Die Linke.

Look what happens when someone realizes that mass immigration is fuelling the right and driving working class voters away from the left and tries to talk about that. This is what stands out in my mind, not endless debate about smoothing assimilation, planning a future for a trapped underclass of immigrants and their local counterparts, or how to dissolve ghettoes and disperse newcomers so they can integrate more easily, or the danger of sectarianism thru unshakable religious beliefs, or wc alienation from the left. No, What stands out is this, the lefts answer to debate on a very important current issue, that is shaping the political future of europe at this very moment. A pie in the face and shut up thankyou, fascist, blah blah...
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What you mean like the evidence that butchers and classicdish provided and you've been utterly unable to refute? (and in the case of classicsdish haven't even attempted to respond to)

The idea that you think a bloke who goes to a holocaust denial conference is a reliable source isn't been open-minded it's either (a) stupidity and/or (b) a wiliness to overlook (or pretend to overlook) such the sewer this bloke inhabits.

There is no evidence that he actually went to Iran or that he even knew what it was. For someone who makes loads of videos there are strangley none from Iran. The way people have gone on here you would expect him to appear any minute in nazi uniform actually denying the holocaust, yet nothing has been proven. But yes, there are obvious suspicions and I have said so in reply to those posts.
I intend to discover his agenda and would appreciate any help, links etc. I'm glad someone is actually answering me. If the rest of the posters are representative of any groups on the left then we are all doomed.

Another point, I get the impression the left is not allowed to talk about even the theoretical problems of immigration and that open borders is somehow an unquestionable dogma, which not accepted leads to labelling. It's talked about all the time where? I've been at anti racist meetings where a woman from an NGO who said she had been groped by an arab man was immediately shunned and whispered about. The room fell silent and she was labelled "a racist". It was a clear case of hate the messenger.

look what happened in Die Linke.

Look what happens when someone realizes that mass immigration is fuelling the right and driving working class voters away from the left and tries to talk about that. This is what stands out in my mind, not endless debate about smoothing assimilation, planning a future for a trapped underclass of immigrants and their local counterparts, or how to dissolve ghettoes and disperse newcomers so they can integrate more easily, or the danger of sectarianism thru unshakable religious beliefs, or wc alienation from the left. No, What stands out is this, the lefts answer to debate on a very important current issue, that is shaping the political future of europe at this very moment. A pie in the face and shut up thankyou, fascist, blah blah...

There is no evidence that he actually went to Iran or that he even knew what it was. For someone who makes loads of videos there are strangley none from Iran. The way people have gone on here you would expect him to appear any minute in nazi uniform actually denying the holocaust, yet nothing has been proven. But yes, there are obvious suspicions and I have said so in reply to those posts.
You do realise every post like this just makes it more and more apparent that you're a dodgy prick? He didn't know what a conference on the Holocaust held by Iran with invitations to loads of deniers was about. You fucking twat.
You do realise every post like this just makes it more and more apparent that you're a dodgy prick? He didn't know what a conference on the Holocaust held by Iran with invitations to loads of deniers was about. You fucking twat.

Maybe he found out what it was and didn't go. You don't know. I need proof not hearsay.
what do you want, a picture of his plane ticket? You really are reaching here.

No I am not. I am just not towing some dogmatic unquestioning line. I want proof. If there is any I am sure it will surface here. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
Sure they are pal.

Like the one mentioned in the Time Out Paris guide 10 years ago which warned tourists not to go to certain banlieues as there were gangs who trained monkeys to attack people's faces. No joke, I actually came across that in Time Out. Yes, Time Out guide to Paris, that pioneer rag of the alt right.

Sorry for this guys, got a like before on this thread and followed the conversation and saw this.

I just want to know, can I buy an attack monkey, that would be fucking awesome.
Because getting on the guest list of an event for Holocaust deniers is the kind of accident that happens all the time to journalists.

There is something naive about the guy and you are talking about something a few years ago. he's young and so could have allowed his name to be put there because of money/ego without checking, or someone put his name. We don't know. Now, you and others are right, there are pointers/indications of a suspicious nature which really should be obvious in his reporting but isn't. At least not yet.
There is something naive about the guy and you are talking about something a few years ago. he's young and so could have allowed his name to be put there because of money/ego without checking, or someone put his name. We don't know. Now, you and others are right, there are pointers/indications of a suspicious nature which really should be obvious in his reporting but isn't. At least not yet.

For fuck's sake, if he's that shit of a journalist not to do some research about some event he's invited to, that speaks very ill of all of his output.
There is something naive about the guy and you are talking about something a few years ago. he's young and so could have allowed his name to be put there because of money/ego without checking, or someone put his name. We don't know. Now, you and others are right, there are pointers/indications of a suspicious nature which really should be obvious in his reporting but isn't. At least not yet.
Yeh cos people go to government sponsored conferences all the time in Tehran, it's no biggie
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