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This week in your Kitchen Garden.

I was just being impatient, they've all come up now.
The cucumbers are looking really good :)

Glad to hear it. Mine are starting to come up too, and my aubergines, too (never tried these from seed before), all very exciting.

First potatoes went in yesterday - the rest of the earlies will go in next week.
This is my first year of owning a garden (although i have grown quite a lot in pots before) and I'm really excited about the whole thing.
I check on my seedlings at least twice a day :oops:
Mine are getting bigger. Unfortunately Ive discovered some of the seedlings in a propagator are Carrots:facepalm:
any chance they will grow if transplanted?? the advice is they should be sown in situ:confused:

Tomatoes really growing well.... awaiting my potato bag and seed potatoes
Is my chilli plant scoobied? I cut it down to about 6 inches of stem over winter and not a sign of it growing back yet I am worried and sad if I have knackered it

Have been keeping it covered at night (in a shed) and out in the sun during the days

Thoughts/tips welcomed, you lot seem to be ahead of me therefore I am worried

Mine are getting bigger. Unfortunately Ive discovered some of the seedlings in a propagator are Carrots:facepalm:
any chance they will grow if transplanted?? the advice is they should be sown in situ:confused:

Tomatoes really growing well.... awaiting my potato bag and seed potatoes

Me too.
Did you order one of these 'just pay the P&P' deals from somewhere too?
We've sowed a million chilli seeds all coming along nicely inside and out under plastic, some tomatoes which are looking a little leggy (inside), some sweet peas which are bolting for freedom. Outside at the lottie, some broad beans (planted outside last oct) looking great, some peas planted at the same time as an experiment which are looking, well, more than a little dead. Just planted carrots, beetroot and radish - ground is really good at the moment (london) has been easy to dig for the last few weeks and the weeds are thriving!
Beetroots in this morning, hopefully some more potatoes in this afternoon, if the rain holds off. Peas, too, I think.
Ive just sown ..chard, leeks, spring onion, spinach, tomato, cucumber, peppers, squash and a few other bits..all in pots
Also dug over the borders and weeded the flower garden, have a couple of old roses to put in soon :)
Ah well there was a board reorganisation and suburbanites got very very upset. After much lobbying it went back to how it was originally except threads & dreads came out of knobbing & sobbing.....there's a thread somewhere.....
Is my chilli plant scoobied? I cut it down to about 6 inches of stem over winter and not a sign of it growing back yet I am worried and sad if I have knackered it

Have been keeping it covered at night (in a shed) and out in the sun during the days

Thoughts/tips welcomed, you lot seem to be ahead of me therefore I am worried

it would need to be a warm shed.

That said, my Brugmansia used to survive in a cold greenhouse ...
if this rain sods off I shall be going to the plot tomorrow to start planting things and I'm already over excited :oops:
I decided spring had sprung yesterday and actually planted a few lettuces out... well, I say a few, but it turned out to be more like 30 because I'd obviously had the shakes when putting the seeds into the seed tray and ended up with about 4-5 lettuces in each little bit.

planted the first spuds and pees a couple of weeks ago too, but no sign of anything yet and I reckon the birds will have got most of the pea seeds (so I've also cunningly planted some in trays indoors as well).

I also counted my tomatoes plants yesterday and appear to have 39 seedlings sprouted, which strikes me as being a little excessive.

in fact I've got an excess of everything unless I get permission to dig up the lawn, which seems unlikely, so I'm thinking about maybe planting some more and having a seedling sale for charity thing at some point.
My seed potatoes and planter arrived this morning, along with some more seeds.

So Ive got to put the spuds in this week and also sort out the fencing for my veggie patch, at least temporarily

The 'dig in' seeds arrived today too so will transplant our seedings then plant those
I decided spring had sprung yesterday and actually planted a few lettuces out... well, I say a few, but it turned out to be more like 30 because I'd obviously had the shakes when putting the seeds into the seed tray and ended up with about 4-5 lettuces in each little bit.

planted the first spuds and pees a couple of weeks ago too, but no sign of anything yet and I reckon the birds will have got most of the pea seeds (so I've also cunningly planted some in trays indoors as well).

I also counted my tomatoes plants yesterday and appear to have 39 seedlings sprouted, which strikes me as being a little excessive.

in fact I've got an excess of everything unless I get permission to dig up the lawn, which seems unlikely, so I'm thinking about maybe planting some more and having a seedling sale for charity thing at some point.
LOL you don't keep everything :p just the strongest ones :D I was overrun the first year trying to keep everything :D

me and bees have just spent a gorgeous day on my plot - 2 beds totally ready now for planting, will be sorting those out over easter (cold weather forecast this coming week) then onto the next bed. Need to get my spuds out though soon :oops:

I'm cross with one type of fucking chilli though, it's not germinating, going to try another tactic this afternoon :cool:
Rain is seriously stopping play for me. :mad:

Going to get to B&Q tomorrow though and pick up some more compost and netting and canes etc and at least try and sort the bed out for the strawberries and then put a load of seeds into propagators.
After 7 years of allowing it to literally turn into a jungle, I have two weeks to hack it back and get my greenhouse growing food.
Since my banana appears to have finally succumbed, I have back the space at the end for runner beans and courgettes.

I was also inspired by the raised bed on Gardener's world last night, so I'll see what I can do - though I only have the 10 feet in front of the greenhouse by about 2 feet deep.

I have no shortage of bamboo canes for the beans :D :-


The greenhouse is under all that Virginia creeper. Some of the broken panes are on account of bamboo shooting up from inside.

It started out as a small clump at this end. Its rhizomes have run all along the back of the greenhouse then turned left and run another 8 feet ...

I'm bound to trip at some point and will be discovered impaled on a bamboo shoot.

Phylostachys aureosulcata "Aureocaulis" or summat ...
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