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This week in your Kitchen Garden.


my cooking mint

I'm not sure what the difference is between my thyme plants. The pic at the bottom is supposed to be the same kind of thyme as the pic above it but it looks very different.



Is the bottom one lemon thyme? :hmm:

I dunno - my thyme plants are scraggy, dried up, old beasts, tbf :( and it looks like one lot's in a pot and one isn't? All makes a difference sometimes!

I just bought 100 litres of vermiculite! :eek: :D
Nah they're both supposed to be German or English thyme...thymus vulgaris.

I have the stringy one growing inbetween two pots of mint in the planter. Funny thing - the stringy thyme tastes just as nice as the other - but there are less leaves.

I'm going to end up getting more serious about the proper soil and stuff like vermiculite. Right now it's all an experiment to see what sticks around.
Question: Why do birds, suddenly appear, every time seedlings appear?
Just to pluck them from the muck, and leave them, wilting? :mad

Some random bird pulled 1/3rd of the cabbage seedlings out of their pots this morning (probably Mrs.Blackbird).
Planting out beans, planting more beans in the cold frame; potting up tomatoes; planting out tomatoes; planting out marrows/courgettes; feeding shallots & garlic; sieving soil with my new soil sieve for a small carrot bed, which I'll plant tomorrow :)
my squash are proper floweing now. the toms have flower stems but aren't opening yet. i've picked the first few mange tout for the kids to try. my dill is 2 foot high and the corriander is 4 inches high. strawberries are an inch diameter, but very green, potatoes have put up a LOT more greenery than i thought they would. i've banked them up now with grass cuttings (they are in a spud bag). beans are growing, need to plant out some more, too many casualties this year. and maybee plant some peas in with the toms in the greenhouse.
I think it'll be a few more weeks yet before the courgettes/marrows flower, although they're quite large and sending out their first 'runners' already*

In addition to sowing carrots tomorrow, I think I'll sow some more beetroot, in little circles of five per clump. I'll probably sow some more radish and spring onion. I think it might be an idea if I try to fill all the available spaces up asap ...

*northwest 'season' seems to be around 3-4 weeks later than southwest
Big boo :( What are you going to do? Buy some plants or hope they recover? I might have spares, but I'm cutting a new bed tomorrow in the lawn where the sun shines nearly all day long, so am not sure what plants I'll have left over yet. I've been standing at my neighbour's sink, deciding which is the most aesthetic placement for it :)

Thompson & Morgan have a half-price seed sale on right now, for anyone who's interested. It's going to save me a small fortune!
I checked them last night and they seem to have recovered slightly. Am just going to keep an eye on them. Have more seeds anyway, and a fuckton of cherry tom seedlings that have yet to go out, so won't be tomato-less with any luck!

I am experimenting with anti slug tape at the moment - that copper stuff. Having tried everything else, I am really hoping this works, cos if those fuckers eat all my toms again, I am declaring nuclear war on them :mad:
I've been encircling my hardening off plants with a ring of blue slug pellets, which I can't remember the name of but it's worked! I'll note the name of it next time I go outside.

All the marrows have survived this year, and before planting out I pinched off the tender first leaves which might have tempted the slugs. So far they remain uneaten and I've not surrounded those plants with blue slug pellets. Half the marrows are planted inside the borlotti and runner bean wigwams

I've just potted up 5 red pepper plants (one pepper into it's final pot and four into intermediary pots); the scotch bonnet chilli (which is now 5cm high).

Am going to burn some wood later to make some potash for the onions (120 types of red - a mix of Red Baron and Red Karmen plus a 20 or so Stuttgarter Giants).
soj - the tape stuff's supposed to do the trick (although I have the same blue organic pellets as ip)!

My daughter and I had the first strawberry the other day - bloody fab! :cool: Got three more almost ready for picking and the kids have just gone off to their nanny's with their dad for a few days so I'LL JUST HAVE TO EAT THEM ALL MYSELF! *cheers* This lot are pretty huge but all the rest of the plants seem to be producing the same slightly weedy ones as last year - although I'd only fed them once, iirc :oops: - never mind - they'll still TASTE delicious!

Finally pulled up my last psb and then emptied the contents of half a compost tub (OUCHY BACK!!!) onto the two free beds and have planted beetroot, spinach, chinese broccoli, nasturtiums, french beans and raab (which I'm very excited about - and have decided to give up next years psb for since it has a very long growing season which means I could potentially be eating it for the entire time that I would have had the psb anyway, but ofcourse now I can do successional planting of it too - WIN/WIN

Couldn't find my parsnip seeds :hmm: so might have to buy some more to put next to the beetroot - or I might stick something else in there - need to have a think!

Peas won't be too much longer till we can start eating them. As ever the corn is suffering slightly for being planted between the peas - I'd predicted it happening so had put the corn in earlier than last year, but wouldn't you fucking know it - none of the seeds in that particular row germinated so I had to do some in a propagator and transplant them.....by which time the peas were already very well established....BAH!!!

Aubergines all into their final pots, most of the tomatoes into bigger ones - just have a couple more to do and the three pepper plants - but am waiting till my ENORMOUS bag of vermiculite comes for that! Going to do some pea shoots then, too.

Courgettes and winter squash all doing fine.

MELON seeds never germinated so giving up on those, although I was quite looking forwards to trying to do them RIGHT this year, having learnt form my mistakes too late last time (still got TWO TEENY ONES, though!). I dunno - maybe I'll try again....

One of the blueberries is apparently not going to give me any fruit this year (I made a mistake by only getting one - that one - last year when you need two :rolleyes: so bough another this year and they both flowered and the fruit has set on the new one but the old one has nothing other than possibly a few very small ones.
Dunno if that's cos it hadn't done *what it was supposed to do* the year before? I assume it's something to do with that! So I'm wondering now if I'll have to get a THIRD one next year if I actually want more than one plants worth of berries... :D

Oh, oh! Forgot to say.....no flowers on my gardeners delight yet (started later) but my tumbling toms have fruit! Nice that it'll be a bit more staggered this year - although my attempts to be restrained with the tomatoes didn't really work so I've only ended up with 3 less than last year - so still have 14, lol!
OHHHHH!!!! BBQ!!!! :facepalm: :D

I haven't got a picture of it! Will try and remember to take one JUST FOR YOU, B! :cool:

Although, I've just ordered a SECOND bbq :oops: - a much smaller bucket one - cos I'm reckoning I'll do more if I have a smaller one, too.... :hmm:
I'm new to this lark, but the coriander (which we grew from seed) is really coming on strongly now. The tomato plant is very sturdy. Parsley withstands my picking for garnishes, as does the thyme (although that does look a bit scraggy). With the lettuce it's a case of eating it before the slugs do.

And then there's the strawbs. Loads coming out now. Had the first 4 this morning for breakfast. Very satisfying indeed :cool:
We've been away for a week but I'm happy to report that the garden is looking great - thanks to my lovely neighbours who watered where necessary.

Unfortunately all of the spinach has gone to seed so I planted more of that.
Some flowers on the toms, the tumblers in particular are looking really good.

Loads of strawbs ripening, the boy had some with ice cream for his pudding yesterday and declared them to be delicious - I may get to find out how delicious at some point, but he keeps getting to them first :mad:

I've got loads of basil ready to be used. I was going to make some pesto but then I saw the price of pine nuts and changed my mind :eek:
Can I make a pesto type sauce using other nuts? I'm thinking maybe cashews?
Pine nuts used to be cheap at Lidl and elsewhere, although with the 'pine mouth' thing you may be advised to show a little care when selecting your nuts.

Walnuts work as a replacement, but they're not cheap either.
My Black Hungarian chillies are (finally) flowering. Everything seems to have lagged behind this year, despite fairly early planting.

On the positive side, they're beautiful plants:

My Black Hungarian chillies are (finally) flowering. Everything seems to have lagged behind this year, despite fairly early planting.

On the positive side, they're beautiful plants:


Very beautiful, lovely flowers.

Pine nuts used to be cheap at Lidl and elsewhere, although with the 'pine mouth' thing you may be advised to show a little care when selecting your nuts.

Walnuts work as a replacement, but they're not cheap either.

I hadn't thought of looking in Lidl, I'll check next time I'm there. I was in Tesco and I picked up a bag and was on the verge of chucking them in the trolley when I noticed they were £6.99 for 300g :eek:
My husband had a case of pine mouth last year so I always double check where they come from.

Anyway, a rummage in the cupboard last night revealed some pistachios and almonds so I'm going to experiment with those first.
My first radish!!!! I haven't eaten it yet.


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This is the first year I've tried growing fruit and veg in the garden as I share it with a neighbour.

I've got a couple of tomatoes (moneymaker & totem) in pots - plenty of flower but no sign of any fruit forming yet.

I've planted up a tub with Runner beans (mix of Scarlet Runner & Enorma) which are beginning to wind their way around the canes. They are sharing a tub with a courgette which may have been a mistake but we'll see how they get on together.

I've just cut some mixed salad leaves to put in my baguette for lunch. :cool:
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