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This week in your Kitchen Garden.

right what else should I plant now the potato bed is nearly empty (they were all salad/earlies)
I think I used to put leeks in - though the next year it would have been beans in the potato beds - so perhaps nothing until the broad beans went in ..... or green manure if that was where the runner beans were going.
please humour me ...

But it's been a very long time since I last grew beans. :)

7 days in ideal conditions and my beans are well on their way.

I see that runner beans sprout in a different way to French - with the seed remaining in the ground - whereas the French bean seeds become cotyledons above ground...

Next time I'm going to see if I can't get them all planted the right way up ...


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Flippin'eck it's hot !

I'm finally near to getting my salad bed started.

I've got a stable 1 foot fence around it - which, touch wood, should keep next door's cat out. at the moment I just have a black nylon net as a cover.

I have pinned down some soaker hose over 3 fifths of it, and covered it with weed control fabric.

My plan is to raise individual plug plants and plant through the fabric.


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I've chucked all my lupin and marguerite 'seedlings' away....had a few come up (not many) but killed them in the cloche one day when I didn't unzip it :( and they're definitely not going to revive themselves :D

GOOD NEWS - ONE of my strawberry plants has ONE flower - wooooooohoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

Have just realised that my evergreen clematis hasn't flowered at all, despite growing quite prolifically!
What's that all about then? :confused: It's in a pot, tbf - but a largish one (although not plastic) and is on a sunny wall.
Is that usual for the first year? :hmm:
It's problematic when it's just you trying to do everything isn't it.*sigh*
I looked at my tomatoes earlier and it's been such hard work since late March, I really had no real memory of the process ...

I just found the courage to chuck my duff pots of gone to seed salad I was clearly never going to eat.:(
It was useful at least in making me rethink what I really wanted to grow. :)
Hopefully tomorrow - when my head is clear, I'll start successionally sowing pak choi, and some more lettuce.

I even managed to almost kill my French Marigolds and actually ended up buying a pot of particularly nice ones.

My courgettes waited far too long out of the ground while I anguished over exactly where to plant them and have been held back .. and as for the runner beans :oops:

Well at least I have the technology to cheat nature a bit ....


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But it's been a very long time since I last grew beans. :)

7 days in ideal conditions and my beans are well on their way.

I see that runner beans sprout in a different way to French - with the seed remaining in the ground - whereas the French bean seeds become cotyledons above ground...

Next time I'm going to see if I can't get them all planted the right way up ...

Did you get much? You pulled very early?

Depends on the variety though. Salads should be lifted soon after they flower. They will get a bit bigger if you leave them, but the skins will also thicken, which isn't what you want for salad spuds.
On the opposite end, we've got some in which will be ready for cropping at christmas :)
Depends on the variety though. Salads should be lifted soon after they flower. They will get a bit bigger if you leave them, but the skins will also thicken, which isn't what you want for salad spuds.
On the opposite end, we've got some in which will be ready for cropping at christmas :)

We're just about to harvest the pots from our patio planter thing and I've read somewhere that we can start another crop now to harvest around christmas. Which variety are you using mr steev?
Any sign of thrush activity ?

Perhaps you could put an anvil or two up there ?

Saw this out of my home office window this afternoon. S/he is feasting on my cherries. The one I saw before looked similar but had a red beak. Squirrels are also helping themselves- at least they finish the fruit and dont just take a tiny peck out of everything.

we've spent another evening clearing the garden of Ground Elder which is flipping EVERYWHERE!!! :mad:
We're shuffling things round to have a herb boarder to the lawn with the existing marjoram (severely cut back) Sage, Lavender (moved from bottom of garden) then a square of just lawn and then.... Veggie Patch! :D

I'll have 3 beds which are 1m wide and 4m long. Already have courgettes to go in one bed but not sure what to put in the other 2... quite fancy getting a winter veg plug collection from Crocus.com as i've got a money off voucher and it seems good value.

I hope it's not to late to grow stuff once we've finished battling with the Ground Elder!
Did you get much? You pulled very early?
about 15-20 spuds on each plant? all early varieties

Depends on the variety though. Salads should be lifted soon after they flower. They will get a bit bigger if you leave them, but the skins will also thicken, which isn't what you want for salad spuds.
On the opposite end, we've got some in which will be ready for cropping at christmas :)
Oooo yes what type have you planted? I like the idea of my own spuds for xmas!

also the peas suggestion, I'm totally kicking myself for not planting peas before so I shall get some seeds tomorrow!
Oooo yes what type have you planted? I like the idea of my own spuds for xmas!

My mistake. They haven't gone in yet. Someone gave them to my mate who I share the plot with; to go in in August. I don't know what variety they are but I think quite a few first-earlies work well.
One of my Alicantes has caught me out and produced a fruit cluster instead of a leading shoot. And somehow I didn't notice before I took out the most suitable side shoot to act as a replacement ... :facepalm:

Who knows, the three trusses may end up being whoppers - and it's not like I'm actually going to be short of tomatoes ...


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peas and broad beans have loads of pods on them, and orange peppers have tons of flowers now. I love my daily wander round my veg patch, it seems to change every day at the moment :)
Pak choi- Ive been removing the pretty yellow flowers and stalks, new foliage is growing. Get in!

Oooh - useful to know!

I've just removed the same from two of mine as it happens (and had three more for brunch :D )!

gentlegreen - tomatoes - whut? :hmm: What's this I'm supposed to be doing but am not? :facepalm:

Apart from pinching out the side shoot thingys I've pretty much left mine alone....wrong? :hmm:

I love my daily wander round my veg patch, it seems to change every day at the moment

It's ace, innit!

My biggest sunflower literally grew about a foot in four days (had measured it against my daughter...then did it again :eek: )!

I have TWO MORE FLOWERS on my strawberries! I cannot explain how happy I am about this - really thought they were a no go till next year!
Also - I have finally caved and bought a hose - having to water lots daily at the moment which means millions of journeys with the bucket and watering can....up and down the stairs and through the house to the kitchen, which was starting to do my head in a bit. :mad:

I'm going to have to fit the hose pipe to the tap out the front (won't go on the stupid mixer tap in the kitchen)...through the letterbox :D ...through the hall and the living room...out onto the balcony and down the stairs...by which point it'll probably be creased to fuck and no water will get through :facepalm: but I'm hoping that this way I can give it a really good soaking today, fill up the butt and all the empty pots and then that'll keep me going for three or four days before I have to do it again (and I can then revert back to just topping one of the big pots up with the washing up water, which means slightly fewer journeys...and slightly less irritation :D )!
My biggest problem at the moment is getting BoatieBoy to stop eating all the pea pods straight from the plant :mad:
At this rate we'll never get any actual peas!
:D :D Sheo!!

If it helps, Wickes do outside tap kits for a tenner!

Boatie- I think that's just about the coolest things Ive heard for a while :cool:
Aha - you mean that that middle one should have been removed, yes?!? :D

Wow - is that not actually supposed to happen then? Flowering on the side shoot? :cool:

I've got 15 tomato plants, lol.... :facepalm: :D

Luckily my son LOVES tomatoes :cool:
Ive come back from glasto and found my garden looking much greener! The runners and broad beans are going great guns, peas are flowering and the courgettes... theyve just exploded!!!
My mate forgot to water my seedlings though :( Im not sure if they will recover/sprout now, its been so hot and theyve been without water. I cant complain though, shes done a brilliant job with everything else
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