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This week in your Kitchen Garden.

I managed to get and lose a thyme and an oregano plant on the same day :facepalm::D

Oh well some hippy got my plant stash was only £2.50 for both. :oops:

Flowers in my hanging basket are coming up too. :cool:

:sad face: Over watering?

Thyme can be funny, it doesnt like much water, or feeding and the soil has to be just so.

Actually apart from the snails, the death toll on this tread hasnt been too bad. My pumpkins and melons perked up.
Sorry I meant I lost them as in I bought them on my way to a party and then left them there :oops::facepalm:

Bettyblue says she found one of them so that's on it's way 'up north' I hope it likes the cold! :hmm: ;)
:D Genuine lol!

I read your post as you paid some old hippy £2.50 for the plants. Oh dear!

I reclaiming my sadface!
I am a bit rubbish at English so maybe it wasn't clear! Thankyou for caring :D

Nah I bought them from the farmers market, I thought they were a bragain though, not sure how the stall made much money with prices like that. They had huge lavenders for £4.50, glad I didn't get one though as I'd only have lost it! :rolleyes:
Nah I bought them from the farmers market, I thought they were a bragain though, not sure how the stall made much money with prices like that. They had huge lavenders for £4.50, glad I didn't get one though as I'd only have lost it! :rolleyes:
Doesn't cost much to grow cuttings if you've got the room :)
Have arranged to palm off a few of my extra aubergines at my daughters school cos they've started a veg garden... :cool:

However, I'm feeling a bit tight about having to part with the pots they come in, too! :oops: :mad: :D

Back to B&Q for more, then.... :rolleyes:
Is that not too mean and stingy? :hmm: :D

I'm also wondering whether I can offload all the smaller ones, or if I should be more generous and give them a couple of bigger ones, too (more to carry though)! :hmm:
Offer to go into school and plant them too, that way you can be sure you'll get the pots back and you'll look like one of those 'oh so helpful and willing'* parents. win win

*I'm sure they already think that anyway
They most definitely do not, Boatie! :cool: :D

Oh it all sounds like too much effort for today. :( :facepalm: :D

I haven't got her in the morning and have to get back quickly today to let my son in, so maybe I'll just take some in on a morning next week and plant em straight in then!
I have successfully managed the latter for approaching 6 years now....<blows fingers> :cool: :D

The odd spare plant or empty cereal packet - I can just about manage, though. :hmm:
These have popped up next to my line of carrots. Cheeky weeds?
My only hesitation is that they seem to be in some kind of line themselves.

The two middle pots I failed to label up. For two weeks Ive thought they were chillis, but the new serrated foliage suggest parsnips... I'll be well pissed if they are parsnips as the ones I faffed about pre germinating are half the size.

Offer to go into school and plant them too, that way you can be sure you'll get the pots back and you'll look like one of those 'oh so helpful and willing'* parents. win win

*I'm sure they already think that anyway

THIS..... you'll get lots of praise from the teacher and your DD will beam with pride
The two middle pots I failed to label up. For two weeks Ive thought they were chillis, but the new serrated foliage suggest parsnips... I'll be well pissed if they are parsnips as the ones I faffed about pre germinating are half the size.

... or some other kind of umbellifer - coriander ?

Pre-germinated parsnip seeds sown outdoors are still going to have trouble competing with ones sown in pots ;)

(here I am desperately trying to avoid any blame :oops:)
Bloody slugs and snails are decimating my garden. :(

I'm about to reach for the slug pellets.

I have one trial beer trap to see if that will be enough.

I'll be out there at midnight to stop my emerging beans from being lost.
Somthing is decimating alot of my stuff but I dont know what:(
Ive not seen any slugs or snails and have loads of egg shell on the ground to deter them.

Whatever it is is leaving my bean leaves looking like a sieve, only the veins of the leaves are remaining but I have no idea what to use to get shot of it
Ive been reading up about slug pellets, and apparently the regular blue type are formulated to be a decoy- they attract slugs away from your plants and then kill them. Im still flinging molluscs onto the garage roof.

those weeds look a bit like rocket... have you tried doing a taste test?:hmm:
:) Not brave enough! Also it looks very different in colour and leaf shape to my patches of rocket. I'll give them a little longer.

... or some other kind of umbellifer - coriander ?

Pre-germinated parsnip seeds sown outdoors are still going to have trouble competing with ones sown in pots ;)

(here I am desperately trying to avoid any blame :oops:)
You are a bless :) You've been an absolute mine of information and support.
They have been planted out anyway. The next few weeks should be interesting!

I've also planted out a fair few squashes and courgettes. Maybe 10 plants in all. I get the feeling I may have underestimated the space required. The excess are going to a local fete.
OMG- I offered to give a local community group some bulbs and bits I dug up. They collect donations and fill and maintain scores of local street planters, and the embankments alongside our train station. They do a brilliant job and the area is looking gorgeous atm.

So I hoof 4 massive shopping bags of mixed bulbs and periwinkle all around my neighbourhood delivering them to people, getting soaked and filthy. However no one is home when they said they'd be, and so Im leaving bags outside people's homes.

I phone the co-ordinator last night, and grit my teeth upon hearing one lady had accidentally dumped her bag of bulbs in the bin. Thought they were lawn trimmings. :D
Oh no way! what a nightmare:facepalm:

Ive just been out and got some more garden canes for my beans and another growbag.
While I was in homebase they had some plants reduced so we bought some flowers for the hanging baskets three tomato plants, 6 broad bean plants, 3 pumpkin plants and some strawberry plants.. all for less than a fiver.
Im sure with lots of TLC and feeding they will be ok but you cant complain for 30p each....

I planted beetroot, mint,chives and thyme seeds this morning and transplanted cabbages and peppers...( at least we think they are:oops:)

I have my one and only strawberry on the plants the chickens decimated..... quite proud of the little survivor:)
I went out this morning to take a look at the broad beans which were looking decidedly floppy and almost dead when I planted them last night! They have recovered amazingly well. Ill have to move one of them to somewhere where I can support it properly ( ran out of canes- I was convinced there was little point as this one would certainly die)

am well pleased and would probably buy more very droopy reduced plants now as a result :D
I hate gardening .:(

There's an immaculate model raised bed veggie garden down in town - using some of the same plants I'm growing - such as rainbow chard and kale, but they haven't been decimated by slugs and snails.

I only got my bean seeds in last weekend and they're starting to show, so I'll be out there at night from now on and woe betide any mollusc that takes a bite.

On a garden scale it seems you have to have plenty of plants in pots to plug the gaps - especially when you're trying to make it ornamental.

Not edible, but I've just planted out some nicotiana affinis plants in the front. I used the last of my sewage pellets on them. It should make a talking point:)
I take it the beer trap thing isnt working??? I need to make some of them. I got some organic spray for my beans etc which is fatty acids based, not sure its gonna do much though.
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