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This week in your Kitchen Garden.

My rosemary (which was in a pot) died over the winter. Apparently they don't like prolonged cold, and I think the winter we've just had can be classified as 'prolonged cold'. I chucked it and bought another one from the garden centre for a couple of quid.
:D now that might be a plan. I think the sage might perk up if I get rid of all its dead leaves.
There's an old saying that says 'if sage thrives in the garden, then the wife rules in the house' or something similar!
Similarly, parsley is said to grow best when the woman of the house wears the trousers,

... my seeds have sprouted in under 10 days. :D
Peat!!??? its ridiclously expensive and its damaging to the environment too.

Im just gonna perservere and dig in some bags of ready done compost this year as I plant stuff out. Mines coming on nicely in the composter as far as I can tell but wont be properly ready until the spring of next year I suspect. Im digging in old stuff which has come from pots too. fingers crossed it all grows ok, if it doesnt it will be a shame but its all a learning experience eh?:)

Yeh, the "master gardener" was an example of what not to do. IMHO, it works better in the long run not to go overboard on buying peat or other quick-fix crap.

I'm old fashioned and will haul some (free) manure in from a friend's farm. Other than that I just use home compost.

It was a bit frightening when I started. There wasn't a single earthworm to be found. Not a one. This year I turned over worms with every shovel. :)
I'm planning to start processing my urine shortly - using straw.

One day I plan to recyle my own poo. :-

I notice it's corn he plants there - not salad. :hmm:

I've heard of urine being used on compost piles, but I've never tried it. The neighbors already think I'm a weirdo.

and whats stopping you peeing in a bucket and adding it?:)
My son loves peeing on the courgettes.... makes them grow like mad but I have to water it down afterwards:rolleyes::oops:
it was obviously worth planting my lettuces out early because I've been able to start eating them this week. They're not quite full grown, but not far off and defo in need of a bit of thinning out. Got my first salads worth from the spinach too:cool:

I'm now wondering if I should plant some more lettuce in trays as I can see myself munching through what I've got fairly fast even though there's about 20 of them:hmm:
I'm constantly sowing salad indoors - a 7cm pot of mixed salad and a pot of lettuce each weekend - they're supposed to be going out in the bed, but it's still not ready - so they get potted on and on - up to 10 inch pots at the moment. I'll go as far as a 15 litre bucket ...

My endive and spinach aren't responding so well to that tratment though.

I have rainbow chard coming on and they won't escape their final pots / buckets because they're primarily for ornamental value. It'll be good to see how much I can nibble without completely ruining the effect.
and mine.... Ive got a couple of minor holes in a couple of the leaves and a great chunk missing from another.... no slugs to be seen... no caterpillars either

Mine too! Dwarf beans and broad beans - totally random attacks! :hmm: Some fine, some obliterated (right next to each other) - convenience, I suppose? The little bastards. :mad:

My pear tree has a few holes solely in the centre of some leaves too. :hmm:

Organic slug pellets I'm thinking? :hmm:

Found a couple of new snail hidey holes today too, so 8 more in the compost bin..... :hmm:
it was obviously worth planting my lettuces out early because I've been able to start eating them this week. They're not quite full grown, but not far off and defo in need of a bit of thinning out. Got my first salads worth from the spinach too:cool:

I'm now wondering if I should plant some more lettuce in trays as I can see myself munching through what I've got fairly fast even though there's about 20 of them:hmm:

I sowed a window box of lettuce a few weeks ago and now had to stop my daughter nibbling at it or we wont have any...

Off to the pound shop for a couple more window boxes so I can sow every couple of weeks:)
That should keep us in salad leaves on a couple of packets of seed and save us ££££££:)
I've learnt something as well... last year I'd bought a tub of chicken manure pellets for plant food, and put a few in the holes for each lettuce. The lettuces last year went nuts, growing 2 foot high stalks, as did the spinach, except it grew more like 4 foot high stalks.

no pellets this year and everything looks like lettuce and spinach should again, therefore I deduce that chicken manure pellets shouldn't be used with lettuce and spinach.

my peas though don't seem to be doing as much this year, so maybe they did like the pellets:hmm:
Pellets were suggested for my squash....being 'greedy' plants. Not that I bothered.* :facepalm:

*Am still half intending to get some and chuck it on top.
Gorgeous morning!

Massive turd waiting for me on my newly sown lawn. Ive blocked up the main cat entrances into the garden. Im using cat repellent granules. Ive tried chilli powder and died the bastard yellow with turmeric. And still Ginger comes. I actually laughed today when I saw the turd pile.

Re the disappearing beans- I spotted a fat snail inside a bean cloche and it had noshed half of the plant.

I hurled it on to the garage roof to join the several hundred others. The robins, tits and parakeets et al are loving them.
*Am still half intending to get some and chuck it on top.
be warned... they stink, so covering them up with soil would be my advice;)

eta - I've been working my way through a huge pile of bags of horse manure that have been kicking around for ages, plus emptying 2 things of last years compost, so I reckon I should be ok without the chicken manure pellets.
Ive been crunching up egg shells and sprinkling them on the soil in the hope it will see off the slugs/snails..... not sure if its working though:confused:
LMHF, you either have a small amount of soil to cover or access to a large quantity of eggs :D

I'd put egg shells and coffee grounds around my dwarf beans and they'd done the job for a while, but obviously they get washed away from watering after a while and I didn't bother replacing them. :facepalm:

You don't need THAT many and if you have kids (as LMHF does!) who like eggs etc, you do end up with easily enough to do odd bits and pieces that'd be too fiddly to cover with net etc!
Anyway...just been out to open the cloche and plastic greenhouse and it's fucking ROASTING out there! :eek: Gotta thin out my parsnips and plant out my melons (my tag says 'Melons LOL' :D ) and do various other bits and pieces, but not sure if I'll manage to do much more than slump in a chair! And it's only 10 O'Clock, ffs! :eek:
Ace salad Sheo! :)

I took a photo of my first tuna salad sammich made with my freebie BBC salad leaves a few days back!

Made me ever so happy!
Yeah - that was a first meal, too (taken a few weeks ago, but only just got the photos off my phone) and it made ME happy, too! :D

Unfortunately, my son has decided that he doesn't like the salad leaves, meaning I'll have to buy lettuce in if I'm to get him to eat salad! :rolleyes: :facepalm:

I think it's just one particular one he doesn't like (there's one that's far more bitter than the others) but he wouldn't listen to me when I suggested we try a process of elimination and try each kind to identify the baddy! :mad:

Ah well - all the more for me and the small girl, I suppose! :D
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