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This Morning. Phillip comes out as gay.

The show he hosts is a clearing house for shit right wing talking points and culture war bullshit. The show he hosts is helping to further poison the political environment in the UK.

I hope that the process he is going through personally will help him realise that people and situations are complex and contradictory, so he is less ready to be a cheerleader for simplistic tabloid views and judgements. But I won't hold my breath.
I thought for a while that Schofield was going to get caught up in the Yewtree investigations.

I still remember when Fruitbat of Carter USM attacked him.

Actually, I think we might be slagging him off unjustly. I can't find any pictures of him clcling This doesn't count:

The show he hosts is a clearing house for shit right wing talking points and culture war bullshit. The show he hosts is helping to further poison the political environment in the UK.

I hope that the process he is going through personally will help him realise that people and situations are complex and contradictory, so he is less ready to be a cheerleader for simplistic tabloid views and judgements. But I won't hold my breath.
I don't follow his career at all closely, but I have always had the impression that he was one of the more thoughtful fluffy-TV presenters, and not afraid to go to the heart of some tricky issues, especially in comparison to others (Piers Morgan, anybody?). So I'm not sure that your view really makes his sexuality any more relevant to his career.
There's a major global health scare, and scumbag politicians ruining the country, and the news gives prominent airtime to telly presenter comes out.
There's a major global health scare, and scumbag politicians ruining the country, and the news gives prominent airtime to telly presenter comes out.
Oh I proper love Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby. They are GREAT together, and they make me laugh like mad when the two of them get the giggles about shit.

I’d also assumed he was gay and was a bit surprised he was married. He just seems gay I guess, whatever that means, not sure I could put a finger on it.
I’m currently in the hairdressers and they’re talking about this at the chair next to mine. Saying how they feel sorry for his family but it won’t change how they look at him.

I think that’s good.

And, whether we like it or not, the news media do make something out of people being gay when they are household names who appear to be straight. So it’s a story that could have been sold if someone had found out. So, it’s good that he outed himself.

I’m thinking that it would also be news if someone we all believed to be gay came out as straight.

Remember when Tom Robinson stunned everyone and married a woman?
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Are you thinking of Jeremy Vine? I always got them muddled up.

They all look the same these ageing male presenters


Good job they're not MPs
This happened to a friend of mine recently he's 42.
This happened to a friend of mine recently he's 42.
Yep, I think this happens loads...and if/when someone does come to some clarity regarding what a lot of people (me included) find to be an opaque and shifting category of existence, I can't blame anyone for wanting a bit of exuberant shoutiness (although I am generally inclined to massive repression). The idea that hidden gayness is newsworthy or even threatening and must be disclosed in order to 'control the narrative' is much less palatable.

I can't say as I have much idea who Philip Schofield is apart from some annoying TV ads for insurance or summat) so have no prior thoughts regarding his sexuality. Ot people on TV generally. Or anyone tbh.

Is this double posting summat to do with the boards? Or is it just me being thick? Plus a whole other quote vanished too. Stepping away from the ketboards
Someone I met related a pretty salubrious story about him back the 90s which I'm not sharing here. I reckon his wife knew and this is damage limitation of some kind to come out now unfortunately.
Someone I met related a pretty salubrious story about him back the 90s which I'm not sharing here. I reckon his wife knew and this is damage limitation of some kind to come out now unfortunately.

Why now and not at some other point in the intervening twenty-something years? :hmm:

Also... doesn't salubrious just mean 'good, clean stuff'? It's insalubrious you want. Or maybe salacious.
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