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This Morning. Phillip comes out as gay.

I sorry that he has felt the need to hide it all these years. Why is it even a thing and who cares? There's a story on a news website this morning about someone who has come out as a lesbian!
This is 2020 Britain, not the 1920's.
I sorry that he has felt the need to hide it all these years. Why is it even a thing and who cares? There's a story on a news website this morning about someone who has come out as a lesbian!
This is 2020 Britain, not the 1920's.
Who? (Just idly curious)
I think the assumption that all mildly camp men who work in the media are gay is perhaps one that we should be trying to challenge.
I had him down as "mildly camp", but never really took my thinking much past that. I quite like the idea that it can be utterly irrelevant, as least as far as the job he's doing is concerned.
I sorry that he has felt the need to hide it all these years. Why is it even a thing and who cares? There's a story on a news website this morning about someone who has come out as a lesbian!
This is 2020 Britain, not the 1920's.
he didn't hide it all these years, he's apparently only recently realised it.
It's obviously a big change to his personal circumstances and living arrangements which would make for a substantial tabloid expose had he not made a statement about it. He gets to control the narrative this way round.
Depends if his wife knew and they had already come to terms with it I spose
I really wish this sort of thing wasn't news. The fact it gets pushed to my phone as "breaking news" just exemplifies how a celeb gay coming out story is leaped on as an opportunity to push a sensationalist fluff piece thinly veiled as something in the public interest - no wonder so many gay people decide against going public.
I think the assumption that all mildly camp men who work in the media are gay is perhaps one that we should be trying to challenge.
Why? I don't care if he's gay or straight, it doesn't interest me in the slightest. I just assumed he was gay, and no, I don't think that all mildly camp men who work in the media are gay, but even if I did, my assumption wouldn't be harming anyone, just as assuming he was straight wouldn't be harming anyone. I see it no differently to having a guess at the make of car he drives.
I really wish this sort of thing wasn't news. The fact it gets pushed to my phone as "breaking news" just exemplifies how a celeb gay coming out story is leaped on as an opportunity to push a sensationalist fluff piece thinly veiled as something in the public interest - no wonder so many gay people decide against going public.

I couldn't guess how many gay people are keeping it quiet at this time, but it also popped up on my phone.
Media - shower of shite.
Why? I don't care if he's gay or straight, it doesn't interest me in the slightest. I just assumed he was gay, and no, I don't think that all mildly camp men who work in the media are gay, but even if I did, my assumption wouldn't be harming anyone, just as assuming he was straight wouldn't be harming anyone. I see it no differently to having a guess at the make of car he drives.
I guess if he'd sold his Ford and bought an Audi he wouldn't feel the need to get a statement out ahead of the inevitable red-top expose, and wouldn't have half the country going 'Ha! I always knew he was into German cars!'
I guess if he'd sold his Ford and bought an Audi he wouldn't feel the need to get a statement out ahead of the inevitable red-top expose, and wouldn't have half the country going 'Ha! I always knew he was into German cars!'

I think you have coined a new phrase there with "bought an Audi".
I bought an Audi years ago, and although I haven’t been keen to admit it publicly, I now feel the time is right to be honest with myself and all of you. My wife is fully supportive of my decision, for which I’m very grateful.
It says a lot for Urban that threads like this are possible without having to fend off idiots going on about "lifestyle choices" and "it ain't natural", etc.
Tbh I work in one of the most annoyingly right wing small minded offices in the Greater London area and noone says or has said this kind of thing. I'm not claiming homophobia has been solved I'm just saying a celebrity being gay is not really a scandal anymore.
I guess if he'd sold his Ford and bought an Audi he wouldn't feel the need to get a statement out ahead of the inevitable red-top expose, and wouldn't have half the country going 'Ha! I always knew he was into German cars!'
What bothers me most is that people actually give a shit whether he's gay or straight. I'd honestly be more interested in what car he drove, if I had any interest in him at all. I guess it's all part of the celebrity worship culture, with relationships and sexuality being top of gossip list. It's all a bit sad, really.
I have assumed he was gay for 35 years. More shocked he was married. Not that I've given it a lot of thought.
I must confess I´d assumed the same. I´m sure there were rumours about him and one of the Neighbours stars back in the day. I'm not sure I particularly care...I remember him as the continuity announcer on childrens' TV.
Anyway, good luck to him.
Tbh I work in one of the most annoyingly right wing small minded offices in the Greater London area and noone says or has said this kind of thing. I'm not claiming homophobia has been solved I'm just saying a celebrity being gay is not really a scandal anymore.
That's good to know, although in these far-flung rural corners, I think the old attitudes do hold out for longer. I've had a few conversations that have taken a surprising turn as it turned out the person I was talking to was a bigot...
What bothers me most is that people actually give a shit whether he's gay or straight. I'd honestly be more interested in what car he drove, if I had any interest in him at all. I guess it's all part of the celebrity worship culture, with relationships and sexuality being top of gossip list. It's all a bit sad, really.

Part of me thinks sections of the media had a hit lined up, he has pre-empted it, so they are getting what mileage they can from it.
Why? I don't care if he's gay or straight, it doesn't interest me in the slightest. I just assumed he was gay, and no, I don't think that all mildly camp men who work in the media are gay, but even if I did, my assumption wouldn't be harming anyone, just as assuming he was straight wouldn't be harming anyone. I see it no differently to having a guess at the make of car he drives.

He’s a cyclist
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