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This Morning. Phillip comes out as gay.

If the story does turn out to be true, I fail to see how it's any different to a teacher having an affair with a pupil. The power imbalance is the same, if not worse. Schofield was not only this lad's mentor, he also, potentially, had the power to positively or negatively affect the lad's future in the industry. That's a serious power imbalance, and, if true, is every bit as bad as a teacher having an affair with a pupil, IMO.

Power dynamics absolutely impact on this.
And 7 years on it would seem if the stories are true, that the power dynamic shifted and the now 25 year old runner took charge of his relationship and it would also appear, although this is only from online shite, that he was about to disclose the full nature of their relationship.
He has also moved from the GM show to work on Loose Women...so he is no longer under Schofield's wing or thumb.

I'm still sorrier for Schofield's wife than anyone in this scenario.
There is a long-standing policy about workplace relationships at mine - it doesn't ban them of course, but forbids people in a relationship being in the same line-management chain - i.e.. one partner managing the other. Primarily to reduce the risk of internal fraud, and other things like unfair treatment, etc. It also applies to family members working there.

This happened at a place I worked at. No real age gap IIRC but manager shagging a junior colleague. The jammy git got moved down from his management position but kept the salary.
He probably did, I was trying to point out why it's a ridiculous comparison. This isn't a teacher/pupil relationship.

Well for argument sake, if this is true, the affair with the runner. Whilst lacking the mentoring aspect and pastaral care the teacher / student role ecompases, it's still pretty grubby for the reasons already mentioned. Power difference, industry career breaks / connections implied etc.
You cannot call a relationship between a highly paid TV star with a minimum wage runner as 'between colleagues'. I can't remember who made the analogy of a relationship between chief of staff and a soldier but that's not far off. Actually, I'd argue it's even more of a power imbalance. There are no rules and regulations - if the star wants something, the star gets it. And that's the runner's job. I can't think of a much more imbalanced relationship.
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But in this context it would be utterly meaningless because the relationship between a TV presenter and stagehand is not the same as a teacher and pupil.
As per Saul, it’s not exactly a million miles off. It’s certainly closer than that of everyday work colleagues.
For the avoidance of doubt, I did indeed assume that strung out was continuing the earlier point about teachers and 18 year old students.

I’d commonly talk about my sixth formers as people I work with, especially since (as head of lower sixth) I would be incorrect in saying I teach most of them.
Is the story of the relationship with the co-worker now accepted as true, then?
Not really following this very closely tbh.

I don't follow it either, but given how damaging it is to the narrative of Brave Philip... I would have assumed that m'learned friends would have got involved if it was all a load of old bollocks.

I don't doubt that there's been a bit of embellishment and artistic license, there always is when people's love lives go horribly wrong, but it's not been denied, and the bulk of the story has the ring of unpleasant truth about it.

Schofield is lucky that the story has a gay/coming out element - if it were just middle-aged, very rich man getting caught balls deep in a woman 35 years his junior and who worked at a very junior level in his company, he'd be getting roasted as a predatory sleeze-bag.
Schofield is lucky that the story has a gay/coming out element - if it were just middle-aged, very rich man getting caught balls deep in a woman 35 years his junior and who worked at a very junior level in his company, he'd be getting roasted as a predatory sleeze-bag.

How so? Where is the luck? Seems he's being roasted, to me.
I do not believe he should receive any type of praise whatsoever for treating his wife and family in this disgusting, disrespectful manner.
I believe he knew the Gopher was going yo lift the lid on things so jumped before he was pushed.

I do not know any other way to say this but here goes, he had anal sex with a bloke, then goes home to his wife, has sexual intercitourse in a normal man using his private parts which has penetrated a male anus.

If any of you wanna praise him for this I feel you are warped.I feel very strongly about this activity, god never put us upon this earth to commit such filth.

I got a feeling I may not have written this to suit some, this is me, my views.

Not very good on computers anyway.
I do not believe he should receive any type of praise whatsoever for treating his wife and family in this disgusting, disrespectful manner.
I believe he knew the Gopher was going yo lift the lid on things so jumped before he was pushed.

I do not know any other way to say this but here goes, he had anal sex with a bloke, then goes home to his wife, has sexual intercitourse in a normal man using his private parts which has penetrated a male anus.

If any of you wanna praise him for this I feel you are warped.I feel very strongly about this activity, god never put us upon this earth to commit such filth.

I got a feeling I may not have written this to suit some, this is me, my views.

Not very good on computers anyway.
Lots of heterosexual couples practice anal sex and lots of homosexual ones don't. And you're an ignorant piece of shit.
I do not believe he should receive any type of praise whatsoever for treating his wife and family in this disgusting, disrespectful manner.
I believe he knew the Gopher was going yo lift the lid on things so jumped before he was pushed.

I do not know any other way to say this but here goes, he had anal sex with a bloke, then goes home to his wife, has sexual intercitourse in a normal man using his private parts which has penetrated a male anus.

If any of you wanna praise him for this I feel you are warped.I feel very strongly about this activity, god never put us upon this earth to commit such filth.

I got a feeling I may not have written this to suit some, this is me, my views.

Not very good on computers anyway.

Not very good at all.

And fuck your god, btw.
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