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This Morning. Phillip comes out as gay.

If half the stuff thats out there is true his career should be finished and he should probably be in jail.
Can't believe people are conflating Savile fucking corpses and Schofield allegedly consentually having sex with the office junior
Because you haven't seen everything that is on the internet! and it snot about PS shagging corpses.
Because you haven't seen everything that is on the internet! and it snot about PS shagging corpses.
I'm fairness, it seems that most of the stuff online is coming from one single source, and has propagated from there. No major sources have gone with the story, although there has been talk of a super injunction, but, given the nature of a super injunction, it's something that can't be proved to be factual or infactual, so, in the interest of fairness, we have to assume that it isn't, in fact, a fact.
I do believe in innocent until proven guilty, and we don't yet know, for a fact, that Schofield had an affair with the lad, and if he did, whether there was anything illegal about it.
We really shouldn't be buying into internet gossip, and stringing someone up based on its content. Let's see what transpires before turning him into a paedo.
I am not accusing him of anything but according to Joan Collins it was common knowledge that he was gay & she questions what made him make a sudden disclosure on Friday?

I am not accusing him of anything but according to Joan Collins it was common knowledge that he was gay & she questions what made him make a sudden disclosure on Friday?

And Pereze Hilton has tweeted a video where he says that at the Oscars he was told that the other person who may or may not have had a relationship with PS was paid off last week before the announcement.
Are you not concerned you might be being played by some homophobes?

I certainly am. But a man coming out for no reason and still staying with his wife and never having any other reason to come out than wanting to be true to his own identity, which is how it was presented. Huh. Yeah, right.

There's no need to say it's like Savile fucking corpses. If something like what's accused did happen, it would be really shitty behaviour, while using the cover of coming out to excuse it. Like I've said umpteen times, I hope it didn't happen, but so many people are excusing it even if it did, and that's fucked up.
I certainly am. But a man coming out for no reason and still staying with his wife and never having any other reason to come out than wanting to be true to his own identity, which is how it was presented. Huh. Yeah, right.

There's no need to say it's like Savile fucking corpses. If something like what's accused did happen, it would be really shitty behaviour, while using the cover of coming out to excuse it. Like I've said umpteen times, I hope it didn't happen, but so many people are excusing it even if it did, and that's fucked up.
If it did happen, I'm definitely not excusing it. But let's see what transpires.
The 2 faced theatre company has deleted its site which PS was a patron. Maybe it didn't want pictures like this to become public? Matthew McGreevy aged ten.

<ed: no posting up pics of 10 years old please>
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The 2 faced theatre company has deleted its site which PS was a patron.
I'm not trying to justify anything but their site would have been getting millions of hits a day after this 'news' broke, and if the traffic didn't bring it down, their lawyers would have certainly advised them to take it down.

If he did anything noncey, I'll be the first to weigh in on him, but we don't know for certain, yet.
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I'm not trying to justify anything but their site would have been getting millions of hits a day after this 'news' broke, and if the traffic didn't bring it down, their lawyers would have certainly advised them to take it down.

If he did anything noncey, I'll be the first to weigh in on him, but we don't know for certain, yet.

you may want to delete the photo (see MrSki's original post).
I'm not trying to justify anything but their site would have been getting millions of hits a day after this 'news' broke, and if the traffic didn't bring it down, their lawyers would have certainly advised them to take it down.

If he did anything noncey, I'll be the first to weigh in on him, but we don't know for certain, yet.
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If you're going to 'research' Schofield's sexual history, the first thing you have to do is check out the sources you're using in your research isn't it?
No, the first thing you're going to do is determine your search terms. Then look for sources. And then evaluate them. So the third thing.
What is this fucking shit ?

MrSki you are making VERY obvious insinuations about a living individual. When you say
Is grooming noncey?
you make it quite clear that of the multiple rumours that have been started about Schofield since he came out you are referring to those implying he may have committed a very serious criminal offence. That's about as clear a breach of Urban's rules about this sort of thing as could be.

But not content with that you go to the next level. Such is your "massive concern" about child sexual abuse that you publicly identify someone you are insinuating may be a victim of it. The individual had already been named on this thread in a different context. Rumours that they MAY have had a sexual relationship with Schofield, and that there MAY have been something inappropriate about it. None of which is substantiated so far as I can see, but rumours which will already have had an affect on the person named.

You repeat the name, post a photograph (now deleted by ed) of him aged ten in a group of children and Schofield, with his face helpfully circled. And a tweet including a video of him - which has just been deleted by the person who posted it. If your insinuations about Schofield had any basis at all then you are naming an alleged victim of CSA which along with being an entirely cuntish thing to do, would in some circumstances be a criminal offence.

"Please sir, they said it first" doesn't fucking cut it.
I have edited anything which might be seen as going against the rules & leave it at that. I doubt this story will go any further anyway not with things being as they are. If there is anything else I have posted on this thread that Lurdan or anyone else wants me to remove then I am happy to do so.
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