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The walking TED talk as president: Macron

The slapper is a far right loon if his youtube and fb stuff is anything to go by.

On YouTube, however, Damien T. subscribes to several far-right channels, such as that of Henry de Lesquen, sentenced in 2018 for incitement to hatred and contestation of crimes against humanity; or royalists like that of the Cercle Richelieu. His Facebook page indicates that he "likes" that of the Action Française Lyon group, among others from the same movements.
1st round of the French regional elections tomorrow. 1, 2.

As usual there's a lot of media hype about the chances of Le Pen's RN. Usually this is part of the HnH style tactic of exaggeration beforehand and downplaying success afterwards. The French system is so built against the RN
France's run-off system of elections puts up a high bar to the Rassemblement National, however, given the historic tendency for other voters to rally against it. It has only six MPs, hardly any important mayoralties, and none of France's 13 metropolitan regions. While Mariani leads first-round polls by up to ten points, the second-round run-off on 27 June against Les Républicains' incumbent Renaud Muselier will likely be much closer.

But this time I think there are genuine chances that the RN could get some wins.

Macron's party has pulled out to throw support behind the centre-right LR in one race. Which while potentially making things harder for the RN in one way, in another helps them by showing then as the only "genuine alternative" to technocratic liberalism.
With next year's presidential campaign pitched to the right and expected to produce a tight run-off between Macron and Le Pen, defectors such as Mariani and Garraud tell conservative voters that backing the Rassemblement National is no longer such a leap. A 4 June poll for right-wing daily Le Figaro found that 39 percent of Les Républicains sympathisers have a "positive" view of Le Pen. She has always sought to detoxify her brand; now, a wider toxification of France's political climate is making this job even easier. As the long-shuttered terraces on the Côte d'Azur again start welcoming punters, there's something rather nasty in the sea breeze.
But this time I think there are genuine chances that the RN could get some wins.

I think you know more about French politics than me, who largely uses it as one tool of many to improve my language skills.

Nonetheless, does this have the air of giving LREM, and therefore Macron, a slightly bloody nose, a year out from the Presidential elections? Perhaps naively I'm drawing comparisons with UKIP's gains in the locals prior to the 2015 GE.
Sorry I'm
I think you know more about French politics than me, who largely uses it as one tool of many to improve my language skills.

Nonetheless, does this have the air of giving LREM, and therefore Macron, a slightly bloody nose, a year out from the Presidential elections? Perhaps naively I'm drawing comparisons with UKIP's gains in the locals prior to the 2015 GE.
Sorry I'm not quite sure what you are asking? Are you thinking that the regional elections could be a protest vote only to see voters return to the "main parties" next year?

I don't think that is really the case here. RN are still a party that only appeals to a minority of the electorate but they are now deeply embedded in a way that UKIP never were. I don't know for sure how the turnout for regional elections compares with the presidential elections for France (I suspect that it is lower but that is just a guess) so it is possible that RN do "better" now than in a years time but I think in both cases what we are seeing/will see is RN becoming more and more the main opposition to technocratic liberalism.

I hope that makes sense?
It was a crude comparison, for sure. France has nowhere near the two-party traditions of the UK, and of course doesn't have FPTP.

Nonetheless, do you think Macron and Castex will shape their policies of the forthcoming year at least in part on the results coming from these regional elections?
Macron's politics have been clear and consistent for pretty much the off. I don't think they will change now.

Summary of the 1st round of results here. Big drop in turnout (down 17.5%) compared to 2015 and RN polling below their 2015 results in all major regions - sometimes down slightly sometimes significantly. LREM doing crap, LR having a good night.
Yes, from what I've read and heard it was LR who were the winners.

Wikipedia gives a list of their potential presidential candidates for next year, including a certain M Barnier.
What a pathetic thin-skinned prick - Emmanuel Macron takes legal action over Hitler poster comparison.

Emmanuel Macron is taking legal action against a wealthy billboard operator who displayed posters depicting him as Adolf Hitler.

Lawyers for the French president are suing after the large images appeared in the Var in the south of France.

The posters, one of which appeared at the entrance to the Mediterranean town of Toulon – capital of the Var and home to an important naval base – showed Macron represented as the Nazi leader, with his toothbrush moustache, in full uniform and with the swastika armband altered to read LREM – La République En Marche – the president’s governing centre-right party. The accompanying slogan reads: “Obey. Get vaccinated.”
I think it is running behind the time he got in a strop with that school kid but what a cunt. (Mind you the bloke you made the poster sound like a right prick too).
you have to admire a country that sprays farm shit on the walls of the private residence of the crap leader.
We could all learn from the French.
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