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The Trump presidency

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Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees

President Donald Trump said in a new interview Friday that persecuted Christians will be given priority over other refugees seeking to enter the United States, saying they have been "horribly treated."

Speaking with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Trump said that it had been "impossible, or at least very tough" for Syrian Christians to enter the United States.
"If you were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost impossible and the reason that was so unfair -- everybody was persecuted, in all fairness -- but they were chopping off the heads of everybody but more so the Christians. And I thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help them."
Eh? Who's passport has their religious domination on it? If (and this is one hell of a stretch) I wanted to visit America and the visa question asked for my religion I would simply put none, or RC.
Mystery death of ex-KGB chief linked to MI6 spy's dossier on Donald Trump

An ex-KGB chief suspected of helping the former MI6 spy Christopher Steele to compile his dossier on Donald Trump may have been murdered by the Kremlin and his death covered up. it has been claimed.

Oleg Erovinkin, a former general in the KGB and its successor the FSB, was found dead in the back of his car in Moscow on Boxing Day in mysterious circumstances.

Erovinkin was a key aide to Igor Sechin, a former deputy prime minister and now head of Rosneft, the state-owned oil company, who is repeatedly named in the dossier.

Interesting, but in this era of fake news, its a classic.
may have been murdered by the Kremlin and his death covered up. it has been claimed.
mysterious circumstances.
Eh? Who's passport has their religious domination on it? If (and this is one hell of a stretch) I wanted to visit America and the visa question asked for my religion I would simply put none, or RC.
From what I understand, those being detained today at the US Border are being asked their religion.
Not sure the PhD or the employment relevant
Wouldn't surprise me if this is the beginning of a type of 'guerrilla warfare' from the various depts that the Buffoon has tried to gag.
It's already caused a shytestorm. You wannamakecpolicy on the go Mr president?
Then sort this Shyte out.
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Thing with politics, it has a habit of turning very unexpected very quickly. Mouthing off and signing executive orders is the easy part. When the consequences start turning up, thats when things get a little more sticky. You really think the majority of Americans want to see people who risked their lives as translators for their soldiers refused entry to the US on a whim? You really think that binning the affordable care act will have no consequences, his utter dogs breakfast of contrary economic policies, his highly cavalier approach to international trade?

There is a reason that the major political parties in democracies do not run campaigns like his. They care about elections in 4-5 years after getting elected. Politics in a democracy is really really hard, its not just a few slogans and some rushed executive decisions then you sit back and win forever. Americans are not all racists, "hill billies" and "red necks". One week in and consequences are happening. Does not bode well for the next 4 years for Trump.
Or 4 months at the rate he's going.
Aye, with the vaguely non white hidden at the back.
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From what I understand, those being detained today at the US Border are being asked their religion.

Just answer none, or Jedi knight, from past experiences UScustoms officials aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, unpleasant, often racist but not too bright.
Let's play Spot the Difference!

Structure of the National Security Council - from Wikipedia earlier today.


Structure as described in today's freshly signed Executive Order:


Steve Bannon, in his made-up role of "Chief Strategist" now has status on the newly minted National Security Council. :mad:
Just answer none, or Jedi knight, from past experiences UScustoms officials aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, unpleasant, often racist but not too bright.
I don't think with tensions as they are today that anyone would be pissing about with border officials (not the same as US customs - they just want to confiscate your clandestine haggis). Folks who've made even mild jokes have found themselves cuffed, detained and deported sharpish.
I don't think with tensions as they are today that anyone would be pissing about with border officials (not the same as US customs - they just want to confiscate your clandestine haggis). Folks who've made even mild jokes have found themselves cuffed, detained and deported sharpish.
Nowt new then?
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I don't think with tensions as they are today that anyone would be pissing about with border officials (not the same as US customs - they just want to confiscate your clandestine haggis). Folks who've made even mild jokes have found themselves cuffed, detained and deported sharpish.

Maybe so, but I wouldn't be surprised if the border people are not all relishing this.
Pssssssst, and the Executive Order also removes the Director of National Intelligence & Joint Chiefs of Staff from the National Security Council.

Nothing to see here. Just excluding the head of the intelligence services and heads of the military and elevating Brietbart Bannon.

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EXACTLY. I've been arguing this since he started signing exec orders. It's very clear he's actually very smart and knows exactly what he's doing.


Anyone with half a brain could have told him the myriad of legal issues and fuck up that'll tie this ban up in knots. Similarly his exe order to make the US military the strongest in the world, unless he can actually get a budget together he's fucked.
EXACTLY. I've been arguing this since he started signing exec orders. It's very clear he's actually very smart and knows exactly what he's doing.

Yes, he himself has said that he's actually very smart and knows exactly what he's doing. Why would anyone doubt his integrity on this?

Let's come back to the topic in a couple of years.
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