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The Trump presidency

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While the U.S. spends enormous sums of money and resources on its global counterterrorism efforts, the bulk of work that is done on the ground is conducted in conjunction with local partners. This is particularly true in places where the counterterrorism challenges are most urgent. In Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and Libya, U.S. military and intelligence personnel are working side-by-side with local forces in a variety of counterterrorism missions; the scale of these partnerships vary from the use of embedded combat and intelligence advisors, to the provision of training and equipment, to formal government-to-government liaisons. Regardless of the type of partnership, the success of each mission requires local capabilities and knowledge, and the foundation of these efforts is trust. The news that those paying the highest toll in supporting U.S. counterterrorism efforts would be summarily barred from entering the U.S. could only have destructive effects.

If the draft executive order—reportedly titled ‘Executive Order on Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals’—becomes policy, the job of every U.S. military, intelligence, and diplomatic liaison officer in the Middle East and elsewhere will become far more difficult. In turn, liaison efforts in places like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, or Egypt—which are not on the list of banned countries—will also be made more difficult. The Jordanian, Saudi, and Egyptian governments—all of which work with the U.S. in the fight against terrorism—would undoubtedly be outraged by such an order, which is likely to be perceived as targeting the entire region.
The US took in hundred's of thousands of refugees from Vietnam. Some pretty dodgy people. The Cubans even more so.

Consider the incentives of an Iraqi translator working with US forces in 06. The worst case is if this dangerous and vital job alls goes wrong (it did for many) and doing so at least gives a good chance of a new life in the US. If Trump had been in charge he'd be working for a country that refuses to take him and his family in led by a vocal hater of Muslims who defiantly advocates for the theft of Iraq's oil.

Trump’s order suspending visas and green cards said it covers nations of “particular concern.”

A draft version of the order covers at least seven countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

The order stops entry of any refugees to the U.S. for four months, and says letting Syrian nationals in as refugees is “detrimental to the interests of the United States.”

The ADC took the drastic step of telling nationals from the affected countries not to leave the U.S.

“The Trump Administration is manipulating current immigration mechanisms to authorize mass blanket discrimination against entire populations based on national origin, religion and ethnicity,” the ADC said.

That's the outfit Petraeus commanded during the the invasion of Iraq. The General famously quipped "Tell me how this ends". His former HQ in Mosul has just been recaptured from IS.
"Call Mr. Trump."

The attorneys said they were not allowed to meet with their clients, and there were tense moments as they tried to reach them.

“Who is the person we need to talk to?” asked one of the lawyers, Mark Doss, supervising attorney at the International Refugee Assistance Project.

“Mr. President,” said a Customs and Border Protection agent, who declined to identify himself. “Call Mr. Trump.”

Are we anticipating a march from the religious right demanding that Trump follow the Bible on how it treats non US citizens who have or at least had the right to live and work in the US? :D
On Crooked Timber Trumpcare, in its majesty
The reason that some of the Republican rank-and-file are getting nervous is that their leadership is trying to sell a con, and a pretty obvious one. Still, some of them aren’t nearly nervous enough – the stakes are very high for very large numbers of people who would lose coverage, and can be expected to mobilize. It will be particularly interesting to see what happens in red states like Kentucky which have opted for some version of Obamacare. I started blogging in the run up to the Iraq war, when it sometimes seemed as if only a small minority of Americans had any understanding of the craziness that was being unleashed, and where critics and demonstrators had great difficulty tapping into large scale media. The political situation is in many ways far worse now, but the potential for large scale mobilization – and sustained media attention to it – is similarly far greater.
It's funny comparing this moment to the period after 9-11 when the US was in shock to this one. You could sort of get where The Crazy came from there. The enthusiasm for Obama came amidst a collapse in Big Finance driven capitalism. The revolt against the GOP establishment of folk earning an average of $75K PA that brought Trump a pretty handy win in the Electoral College but not an awful lot of popularity is harder to explain.
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This is seriously monstrous. People who have lived their entire lives in places like New York and Michigan will be unable to access their entire lives purely because they have left the US for whatever reason for whatever period of time.
And with no logic behind it whatever. It's essentially a vindictive whim that's liable to cause rather than prevent Americans being endangered. Why my Hindu mate was worried.
And with no logic behind it whatever. It's essentially a vindictive whim that's liable to cause rather than prevent Americans being endangered. Why my Hindu mate was worried.

imo the fact that this is already being carried out shows that more, and worse, may well follow.
This is seriously monstrous. People who have lived basically their whole life in places like New York and Michigan will be unable to access their entire lives purely because they have left the US for whatever reason for whatever period of time.
i'm struggling to get my head around the fact this is really happening, had some vague idea that he couldn't actually implement such a mad decree.
i'm struggling to get my head around the fact this is really happening, had some vague idea that he couldn't actually implement such a mad decree.
He's President and has sweeping powers in some areas particularly foreign policy.

He did promise this. Lots of his supporters appear delighted. The same folk who where hoping up and down about Obama's use of executive orders being a dictatorial usurpation of US democracy. He could decide tomorrow to do the same to the Chinese if he hears something convincing on Info Wars about the Yellow Peril.
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The development that Trump is apparently going to offer paid maternity leave is an interesting one. Did he do it because he gives a toss about women? I'm sure his supporters will crow that here's proof he cares, but I doubt it.

Trump, as a narcissist, is basically immune to criticism, to him it is all 'unfair' and 'nasty', however I imagine he's extremely susceptible to anything that he thinks makes him look good, so I can totally imagine someone saying to him 'Oh, if you give paid maternity leave, people will *love* it, plus it will really make those liberals look like they got you wrong' and that's why he's going for it, not because he cares at all.
Another opinion Is Donald Trump's executive order banning Muslims even legal? You won't like the answer.
The executive order restricts all refugees for at least 120 days but offers — not grants — exemption for those who feel persecuted in a country where they are a religious minority. Even so, Trump has full power to limit refugee admissions.

As for visa restrictions, the United States has bombed or "violently intervened" either through economic sanctions or regime change in all seven of the aforementioned countries — eventually resulting in the political instability of Sudan and Iran and the destabilization of war-torn Syria, Yemen, Libya, Iraq and Somalia. The DHS now labels Iran and Sudan as "state sponsors of terrorism" and the other five countries as "areas of concern," according to the Intercept.

Furthermore, the areas where Trump is restricting visas are based on a list of countries restricted under a visa waiver program President Barack Obama signed in February 2016 in the aftermaths of the Paris and San Bernardino attacks. In addition, President George W. Bush signed the 2002 Enhanced Border Security and Visa Reform Act, which contained a clause issuing visa restrictions to immigrants or visitors coming from "state sponsors of terrorism."
Thinks a new bill would have to be put through Congress to stop it.
i'm struggling to get my head around the fact this is really happening, had some vague idea that he couldn't actually implement such a mad decree.
There will be more and it will get worse. Remember, he's only been in office just over a week. Rushing through a whole rash of extreme measures results in disbelief and confusion. Before you get to grip with one pronouncement, there's another coming out. Soon, people will be relieved when he is only issuing 5 draconian orders a week instead of 10. He'll get praise in the media for showing showing good judgement, even being "presidential," especially if he throws a red herring in there like he did when he said he'd go with General Mattis on the issue of torture, even though he disagreed.

And, all the while, there will be a strong core of his supporters who think everything that he is doing is tickity boo. They might raise an eyebrow at one or two things, but convince themselves it's okay because the other things he's doing are great. Tomorrow morning, there will be sermons in white Christian churches across the country, selectively praising the president and his team, repeating quotes from his inaugural address where he name-checked God, quietly ignoring anything contradicts scripture , and asking everyone to pray for him.

So long as Trump, et. al. do enough of the things to keep them onside (e.g. ban abortion, ban brown people, stoke their fears, etc.) they'll keep up the mental gymnastics enough to ignore the things they don't like. Rather than be proved wrong, they' lie and lie and lie to themselves. Even when their kids start being shipped home in bodybags from conflicts he's started, they'll still insist Clinton's theoretically inevitable war with Russia would have been worse. If one thing's for sure, it's that this particular brand of white Christians can lie better than the devil's own if they think it's in their interests.

Anyone cottoned on that this is about white Christian supremacy yet?
There will be more and it will get worse. Remember, he's only been in office just over a week. Rushing through a whole rash of extreme measures results in disbelief and confusion. Before you get to grip with one pronouncement, there's another coming out. Soon, people will be relieved when he is only issuing 5 draconian orders a week instead of 10. He'll get praise in the media for showing showing good judgement, even being "presidential," especially if he throws a red herring in there like he did when he said he'd go with General Mattis on the issue of torture, even though he disagreed.

And, all the while, there will be a strong core of his supporters who think everything that he is doing is tickity boo. They might raise an eyebrow at one or two things, but convince themselves it's okay because the other things he's doing are great. Tomorrow morning, there will be sermons in white Christian churches across the country, selectively praising the president and his team, repeating quotes from his inaugural address where he name-checked God, quietly ignoring anything contradicts scripture , and asking everyone to pray for him.

So long as Trump, et. al. do enough of the things to keep them onside (e.g. ban abortion, ban brown people, stoke their fears, etc.) they'll keep up the mental gymnastics enough to ignore the things they don't like. Rather than be proved wrong, they' lie and lie and lie to themselves. Even when their kids start being shipped home in bodybags from conflicts he's started, they'll still insist Clinton's theoretically inevitable war with Russia would have been worse. If one thing's for sure, it's that this particular brand of white Christians can lie better than the devil's own if they think it's in their interests.

Anyone cottoned on that this is about white Christian supremacy yet?

It's Christianity, Jim but not as we know it
Trumpets blew down the walls of Jericho
The insanity now is unprecedented
Trump's putting up a wall to keep out Mexico
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Even if this or any other executive order is illegal, it will require someone to take a legal case against the government to stop it. That requires someone willing and able to take up the case (in the case of banning immigrants, it could be hard if they aren't even allowed in the country to plead the case), plenty of money to fund the case, and lots of patience, because it could take years to get through the court system. In that time, thousands of other people will be affected by the initial order, and the damage will have been done.
It's Christianity, Jim but not as we know it
Trumpets blew down the walls of Jericho
The insanity now is unprecedented
Trump's putting up a wall to keep out Mexico
Very Old Testament Christianity, with the violent, vengeful God. They construct their White Jesus to be a chip off the old block.

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