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The Trump presidency

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Fair comment, but where do you get "your George Soros" from?

He's known to have been involved in funding a range of movements in various places. He has political opinions and a great deal of money so why wouldn't he. Some of those movements do seem to align with a certain regime-change type agenda. Colour revolutions basically. Is it worse than funding say, charities in Africa that oppose safe sex or contraception like some other billionaires? One thing's for sure, revolution is messy and a lot of people often get hurt. I don't agree with all the methods he does agree with. I call him to task on it every time we meet down at the club.
Trump fails to mention Jews in Holocaust remembrance statement :facepalm:

In a departure from predecessors on both sides of the political aisle, President Trump’s statement Friday marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day did not mention the deaths of six million Jews — a lapse the head of the Anti-Defamation League called “puzzling and troubling.”

The failure of the White House to mention the distinctive Jewish losses in the Holocaust could be problematic given that Trump has been accused of trafficking in anti-Semitic stereotypes and his campaign has been accused of employing anti-Semitic tropes. He has also been criticized for failing to call out virulent anti-Semitism among some of his supporters.

He could federalize the national guard, I saw that concept on a tv series called "Designated Survivor". In the show, the state refused, they knew no king but the king in the north whose name is state governor.

What is this 'national guard' .thought it was some kind of US TA, but finding a distinction between 'national guard' and regular army is distinctly confusing?
He's known to have been involved in funding a range of movements in various places. He has political opinions and a great deal of money so why wouldn't he. Some of those movements do seem to align with a certain regime-change type agenda. Colour revolutions basically. Is it worse than funding say, charities in Africa that oppose safe sex or contraception like some other billionaires? One thing's for sure, revolution is messy and a lot of people often get hurt. I don't agree with all the methods he does agree with. I call him to task on it every time we meet down at the club.

Aye, that makes him yer marra, not mine-;)
Fetch him alang ti The Comrades WMSC in Ashington next time yer having a bit crack:thumbs:
What is this 'national guard' .thought it was some kind of US TA, but finding a distinction between 'national guard' and regular army is distinctly confusing?
From what I recall, the National Guard is accountable to each state, where the Reserves (Army, Air, Navy, Coast Guard, etc.) are national. However, I think the US President can take command of the state National Guards. That usually happens say when a state of emergency is declared, say after an earthquake, and the President can call the National Guard from that and other states in to help with rescue, restore services, keep order, that sort of thing.

State Governors can also call in their National Guards, as happened at Kent State University :(
From what I recall, the National Guard is accountable to each state, where the Reserves (Army, Air, Navy, Coast Guard, etc.) are national. However, I think the US President can take command of the state National Guards. That usually happens say when a state of emergency is declared, say after an earthquake, and the President can call the National Guard from that and other states in to help with rescue, restore services, keep order, that sort of thing.

State Governors can also call in their National Guards, as happened at Kent State University :(

I was surprised to find out that every state - even Rhode Island - has its own air force as part of the Air National Guard.
Together, we will make love and tolerance prevalent throughout the world

On the plus side, it's clumsy, mealy-mouthed, and prevalent should be prevail. But we will make love is just beyond words. I can't even.
The dude took the time to apply the warp deform tool to the original Getty images photo to show how some White House press peep used the same function on a picture taken about the same time by one of their photographers.
Pretty amateur job though, but I guess they thought they could embiggen the hand and thinify the butt in one go, so win! :facepalm:
What? So it's not actually a comparison of before and after photos, but an example of what he thinks they did?

This is really fucking weird.
He's known to have been involved in funding a range of movements in various places. He has political opinions and a great deal of money so why wouldn't he. Some of those movements do seem to align with a certain regime-change type agenda. Colour revolutions basically. Is it worse than funding say, charities in Africa that oppose safe sex or contraception like some other billionaires? One thing's for sure, revolution is messy and a lot of people often get hurt. I don't agree with all the methods he does agree with. I call him to task on it every time we meet down at the club.
Open Society Initiative and Open Society Foundation do a lot of funding around here (Myanmar). Local organisations doing standard but valuable democracy and human rights promotion stuff, civic education. I know a few people who've met Soros himself on some of his visits. He called one of them a racist (and he was correct).
...Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope." PM Thatcher on her election.

Not really a Trumpian wish list for the age of American Carnage.
I think it's a Francis of Assisi (mis)quote.
In The Times Of Israel Trump: Mattis’s view on torture will override my own beliefs
Since taking office, Trump has signaled a renewed embrace of torture in the fight against Islamic extremism. But he said he would defer to the views of his defense secretary, James Mattis, who has questioned the effectiveness of such practices as waterboarding, which simulates drowning.

“He has stated publicly that he does not necessarily believe in torture or waterboarding, or however you want to define it. … I don’t necessarily agree. But I would tell you that he will override because I’m giving him that power. He’s an expert,” Trump said. He called Mattis a “general’s general,” whom he would rely upon.

The focus on torture has been renewed since The Associated Press and other news organizations obtained a copy of a draft executive order that signals sweeping changes to US interrogation and detention policy.
Almost Presidential behaviour.
In The Times Of Israel US suspends immigration program helping non-Muslim Iranians
Under a 27-year-old program originally approved by Congress to help Jews in the former Soviet Union, Austria had been serving until recently as a conduit for Iranian Jews, Christians and Baha’i, who were at risk in their home country and eligible to resettle in the United States. Iran has banned the Baha’i religion, which was founded in 1844 by a Persian nobleman considered a prophet by followers.

US officials had been interviewing the candidates in Austria because they cannot do so in Iran. But the United States suspended the so-called “Iranian Lautenberg Program” in recent days, according to Austrian officials, who in turn stopped Iranians from reaching their territory. It’s unclear when the program might restart.

The end of the program, named for former Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, could have broad implications for religious minorities in Iran.

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society said on its website that ending the US-Austrian partnership “puts people seeking religious freedom in danger and sends the wrong message about the pervasive violations of religious freedom in Iran.”
A side effect of Trump's crackdown.
In The Times Of Israel Iran’s Rouhani to Trump: ‘Not the time to build walls’
“They have forgotten that the Berlin Wall collapsed many years ago. Even if there are walls between nations, they must be removed,” Rouhani said at a tourism convention in Tehran.

His remarks came after Trump ordered construction of a wall along the US-Mexico border and imposed tough new controls on travelers from seven Muslim countries, among them Iran.

Rouhani did not comment directly on the visa ban, but said Iran had “opened its doors” to foreign tourists since the signing of a nuclear agreement with world powers in 2015.

With more than a million Iranians living in the United States, many families are deeply concerned about the implications of Trump’s visa ban, which also affects citizens from Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

On Thursday, one of Iran’s most popular actresses said she would boycott next month’s Academy Awards in protest at the ban.
Nasty woman!
May well not be a real choice to boycott, is it even possible for Iranians to travel to the US now?
In The Times Of Israel Western navies said planning major drill off coast of Iran
Exercise “Unified Trident,” which will reportedly involve a simulation of a confrontation with Iran, is intended to “enhance mutual capabilities, improve tactical proficiency and strengthen partnerships in ensuring the free flow of commerce and freedom of navigation,” according to US Naval Forces Central Command.

It will be held near the coast of Bahrain by Combined Task Force 50, and will involve aircraft carriers, destroyers and frigates from the three nations.
Such a reassuring name.
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