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The Trump presidency

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worth remembering that working class women south of the mason-dixie have largely been priced out of an abortion and face absurd hurdles to get one from the very few places there that will do it. But the minute you have a child and no independant/other means to support that child you are a 'welfare queen' who just has kids to mug the system for money. See also: the common 'has babies to get a council house' trope beloved of our own press
Anyone else watching the press conference? Trump is answering questions on behalf of May.
May/Trump presser just got to the questions...
It was relatively undisastrous in the end. I'm disappointed. I thought he was going to do or say something so awful that we'd be duty bound to declare war on the USA.

He got what he wanted, though. He gets to meet the Queen. I seriously imagine that's all he really gives a toss about.
It was relatively undisastrous in the end. I'm disappointed. I thought he was going to do or say something so awful that we'd be duty bound to declare war on the USA.

He got what he wanted, though. He gets to meet the Queen. I seriously imagine that's all he really gives a toss about.
It appears she got what she wanted, too - the statement about NATO.

And the little dig at other countries for not spending enough on bombs. MOAR BOMBS please, vicar.
It appears she got what she wanted, too - the statement about NATO.

And the little dig at other countries for not spending enough on bombs. MOAR BOMBS please, vicar.
you'd think she'd be happy just shotting more weaons to the KSA so they can keep bombing yemeni schools.
At one point I believe he actually managed to pay at least slight attention to one of the rules about mixing his business interests with the presidency by referring to his golf course only in very vague terms.

He was beyond wooden when reading his statement at the start.
But has she sold him the NHS? :( (I'll take a look later but I'm cooking supper so it's quicker to ask urban.)

Not directly, explicitly or immediately in that appearance. But, I believe we're not allowed to even start negotiating trade deals until we're properly out of the EU. At which point we'll presumably want something quick and will sign up to whatever version of TTIP is presented to us by President Ivanka and her fleet of flying monkeys.
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One of the biggest things that Trump does have authority on, Obamacare repeal, comes with no real replacement and a whole set of impossible for Congress to fulfil promises. That does look hasty and potentially politically suicidal.

EDIT - longer version from a proper keyboard.

Obama took the Republican "Romneycare" healthcare plan from Massachusets and proposed a pretty much identical system for the whole nation. Republicans couldn't be seen to agree with a (black!) Democrat president or they'd face the wrath of their increasingly rabid base. So the plan was watered down to the ACA, which is a horrible flawed compromise, but still an imporvement. And all the time, Republican lawmakers had to be seen to ridicule it and call for its repeal.

So now the Republicans have all the power, they're in a bind. There is no "more conservative" option that isn't even worse than how things were before the ACA. Anything "better" will be more progressive.

A meeting of Republican senators/congressmen on the topic was secretly taped and leaked. They're tying themselves in knots.

Behind closed doors, Republican lawmakers fret about how to repeal Obamacare

Congratulations, GOP, you played yourself.
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This is just so shitty.

New US Envoy Says Trump Goal at UN Is to Show US Strength

So, it's no longer the United Nations, it's the "US UN" and this idiot seems to think she's taken it over.

"We have the backs of our allies, and will make sure our allies have our back as well. For those that don't have our back, we're taking names."
That is jaw-dropping.

Where's Casually Red? Still think Trump's a good bet for peace?
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Does anyone else read the title of this thread as "The Turnip Presidency."

Mebbe need to go to Specsavers! :D
Obsessed with the size of things, looks like he's had someone make his hand look "more bigly" for a promotional photo :)

This is supposed to be the way Trump sees the world, isn't it?

Everything is "transactional" and about deals in which somebody (thus far lazy, no-good foreigners) wins out over somebody else (recently, lazy corrupt Washington swamp suckers who don't care a damn for honest, hard-working Americans). Donald can see this. Donald is good at deals. Donald will make it all OK.

And, of course, nobdy does anything for nothing. I think most foreign policy probably operates largely in that way already, but Trump is a much more naked admission of this.

His lot hate the UN in any case. One of his executive orders is to look at (I think just look at so far) taking away funds from loads of international organisations, and Republican politicians have tabled a bill to withdraw from the UN and effectively kick the organisation out of America.

Having looked around at a fair amount of pro-Trump commentary (amateur, below-the-line stuff) in the past weeks, I can say that some Americans are absolutely fucking jaw dropped that ANYTHING IS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN IN THE WORLD THAT HASN'T BEEN PRE-APPROVED BY THE WHITE HOUSE. I mean that literally, and that's what many of them mean when they talk about Obama's "weakness". Why is there a war in Syria that's causing bad things to happen? We shouldn't have allowed that to happen. Why is China not serving American interests? That's what countries do, isn't it? We should stop that. Why does Iran...?

Of course, this is before you look at Trump's plans for the Middle East, which seem to boil down to sending his son-in-law along because, a) he's Jewish, and b) because he's a good kid, and everyone loves him. Really special guy, Jared. Thus will there be peace!
It was relatively undisastrous in the end. I'm disappointed. I thought he was going to do or say something so awful that we'd be duty bound to declare war on the USA.

He got what he wanted, though. He gets to meet the Queen. I seriously imagine that's all he really gives a toss about.
Well, yeah. In the pussy-grabbing stakes, that has to be the Big One. And it's not like he's much bothered if they're married or not...
Useful summary of Trumps actions during his first week in office.

Forgot about the threat to send troops into Chicago, though.

Oh, and cutting the FHA mortgage fees for first time and low-income borrowers.
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EDIT - longer version from a proper keyboard.

Obama took Mitt Romney's healthcare plan from Massachusets and proposed a pretty much identical system for the whole nation. Republicans couldn't be seen to agree with a (black!) Democrat president or they'd face the wrath of their increasingly rabid base. So the plan was watered down to the ACA, which is a horrible flawed compromise, but still an imporvement. And all the time, Republican lawmakers had to be seen to ridicule it and call for its repeal.

So now the Republicans have all the power, they're in a bind. There is no "more conservative" option that isn't even worse than how things were before the ACA. Anything "better" will be more progressive.

A meeting of Republican senators/congressmen on the topic was secretly taped and leaked. They're tying themselves in knots.

Behind closed doors, Republican lawmakers fret about how to repeal Obamacare

Congratulations, GOP, you played yourself.

Needs email for access, could you expand, it sounds revealing.
There's now footage of them holding hands as they walk through the White House gardens. Doesn't seem all that voluntary on TM's part and looks incredibly weird.

"I grab em by the hand... When you're a star you can do anything...".
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