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The Trump presidency

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Asking the internet what the word globalist means didn't help much.

Into the freedom of the corporate person to extract wealth from anywhere on the planet unconstrained by pesky democracy or environmental concerns and believing yourself to owe nothing to any population? Globalist.

Shame it doesn't mean International social democracy and human rights really, I'd be all for it. It's one of those abducted words I suppose. For all we know rightwing loons probably just mean blacks, jooz and gays or something. I may have to stop using the term now.
Optimism... what on Earth... :confused:

Anyway, Lady Camouflage is Polish and according to her the general mood in Poland right now is not one of fear and loathing towards Russia, you'd certainly think that if anyone had a grudge against the Rus it would be the likes of Poland. More worryingly it's the West and what they think of as our 'liberalism' the Pols are spending more and more time having a go at. I say worrying as this is involved in their ugly shift to the right, increasing islamophobia and homophobia and of course the ever present looming darkness of the strip-women-of-body-sovereignty Katolic Church. The West has really fucked up in that part of Europe if Poland is anything to go by, the neoliberalism, the attempt to dump the victims of our various interventions on them, not to mention the economic-migrant victims of the general squeeze on the economies of the Global South. Anyway not to thread-jack, but according to one Polish person I know taking the mood of the folks back home and the Polish media generally the thinking is "The Russians think like us really, it's them Westerners we have to watch out for". No doubt that will eventually filter through Polands prevailing well-monied pro-NATO faction and what happens then... who knows. It could all have been so much better. It continues to get right up my nose when people refer to the Globalist Right as "Leftwing/Progressive" in comparison to Trumpian/Farage/LePen-ish Nationalist Right. Really it only makes sense to call the crap Clinton was dishing out "Liberal" if you mean the Liberty of Wall Street. If it's not addressing poverty, and all the racism/sexism/homophobia/stress-migration that poverty empowers then what the fuck has it to do with Liberty in social terms? Anyway, rant stop and back to your er... points.
There is a new pro-Russian party in Poland and there have always been pro-Russia voices. It's rather suspiciously fond of Kremlin agitprop and strongman adoration like a lot of far-right and occasionally (very strangely) far-left European parties.

You'll find Orthodox Churches, Russian speakers and lots of dodgy Russian money sloshing about. One of my Polish mates liked to point out if he'd been born a little further East he'd be a Popski not Popko and his first language might be Russian. He had nothing against the Russian people, rather saw them as oppressed kin, it just the awful bastards ruling various Russian empires over the centuries that he had a problem with.

I've worked with young Poles for a couple of decades and often am in Warsaw. I naively expected them to bitter about the Nazis but they tend to look on that as a passing storm and see the Germans as friends. It's been pointed out to me more than once that they would have been better off siding with the Nazis in WWII as Poland nearly did. They are often unforgiving of the Russians and with very good reason relating to family grievances when you ask them why.

This is a recent poll.

Russia’s current image problems are especially bad in Poland. Poland has had a long, painful relationship with Russia, having been invaded, dismembered and occupied by a series of Russian and Soviet regimes. Thus it is hardly surprising that just 15% of Poles have a favorable view of Russia. But the Poles have not always despaired of their ties with their neighbor. As recently as 2010, 45% of Poles had a favorable view of Russia – three times the current share. Just as striking, in 2010 only 11% had a very unfavorable opinion of Russia. Now more than three times that number, 40%, intensely dislike Russia.
Support for NATO in Poland is at about 80% and rising. I'm getting increasing signals of alarm off Poles as we enter the strange era of the new Putin fancying God Emperor.
I dont know, suspicion of Russia still runs deep, its a core platform at the heart of the current government, and a small expression of it was the warm public welcome (well, thats how it was widely reported) given to recently arrived US troops . That matches my expectations. Suspicions about Russian sabotage around the Smolensk plane crash were still a live factor in the last elections IIRC.

That the election where the current lot came to power with their ideas that bought thousands of Polish women out in "Black Marches"?
There is a new pro-Russian party in Poland and there have always been pro-Russia voices. It's rather suspiciously fond of Kremlin agitprop and strongman adoration like a lot of far-right and occasionally (very strangely) far-left European parties.

You'll find Orthodox Churches, Russian speakers and lots of dodgy Russian money sloshing about. One of my Polish mates liked to point out if he'd been born a little further East he'd be a Popski not Popko and his first language might be Russian. He had nothing against the Russian people, rather saw them as oppressed kin, it just the awful bastards ruling various Russian empires over the centuries that he had a problem with.

I've worked with young Poles for a couple of decades and often am in Warsaw. I naively expected them to bitter about the Nazis but they tend to look on that as a passing storm and see the Germans as friends. It's been pointed out to me more than once that they would have been better off siding with the Nazis in WWII as Poland nearly did. They are often unforgiving of the Russians and with very good reason relating to family grievances when you ask them why.

This is a recent poll.

Support for NATO in Poland is at about 80% and rising. I'm getting increasing signals of alarm off Poles as we enter the strange era of the new Putin fancying God Emperor.

Mm. My Polish friends are quite dismissive of Russians. And any Russian I've met have been more than dismissive of Polish people, if not downright racist and hostile. :(
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There is a new pro-Russian party in Poland and there have always been pro-Russia voices. It's rather suspiciously fond of Kremlin agitprop and strongman adoration like a lot of far-right and occasionally (very strangely) far-left European parties.

You'll find Orthodox Churches, Russian speakers and lots of dodgy Russian money sloshing about. One of my Polish mates liked to point out if he'd been born a little further East he'd be a Popski not Popko and his first language might be Russian. He had nothing against the Russian people, rather saw them as oppressed kin, it just the awful bastards ruling various Russian empires over the centuries that he had a problem with.

I've worked with young Poles for a couple of decades and often am in Warsaw. I naively expected them to bitter about the Nazis but they tend to look on that as a passing storm and see the Germans as friends. It's been pointed out to me more than once that they would have been better off siding with the Nazis in WWII as Poland nearly did. They are often unforgiving of the Russians and with very good reason relating to family grievances when you ask them why.

This is a recent poll.

Support for NATO in Poland is at about 80% and rising. I'm getting increasing signals of alarm off Poles as we enter the strange era of the new Putin fancying God Emperor.

welp, data is data.
But in the end Obama had no choice as he didnt have the votes in Congress -unlike Trump.

Many of the things he has signed can only happen if Congress approves the money .Imo for a while they will let him carry on,playing to his supporters, but eventually some Republicans will dig in and refuse to support.When and over what we will have to wait and see.

Obama had Democratic majorities in the House and the Senate when he came to power, just like Trump has GOP majorities now, seems like he's the one who set the precedent for this flurry of first-week Trump orders - though unlike Trump, Obama's orders probably weren't drafted in the comments section of Breitbart.com.
I use Daesh, rather that than call those maniacs by the name of a Mesopotamian (i think) goddess, a particular insult considering their attitude to women. Not to mention the trouble it's caused for people and businesses called Isis.

Major deity of the Egyptian pantheon (with her cult spreading to the Greco-Roman world). Goddess of magic, motherhood and other stuff. Consort of Osiris.
Major deity of the Egyptian pantheon (with her cult spreading to the Greco-Roman world). Goddess of magic, motherhood and other stuff. Consort of Osiris.

Isis is basically a nice name, the media probably like calling them that because it's got that supervillain league-of-evil sort of charm that a name like SPECTRE has. It would be better if the media had just settled on the awkward and uncool ISIL (sounds like firm that specialises in widget logistics) or better yet Sunni Hardliners Into Terror Everywhere.
Into the freedom of the corporate person to extract wealth from anywhere on the planet unconstrained by pesky democracy or environmental concerns and believing yourself to owe nothing to any population? Globalist.

Shame it doesn't mean International social democracy and human rights really, I'd be all for it. It's one of those abducted words I suppose. For all we know rightwing loons probably just mean blacks, jooz and gays or something. I may have to stop using the term now.

i'm afraid for all my non american friends:(
Several of my US really went off the rails when the anti-Bush Obama came in after a Bush they'd given four more years but then lost faith in when Capitalism went tits up on his watch.

Went from somewhat reality based Reagan worshipping Clinton hating Republicans/Libertarians to Teapers, Climate Change Deniers, Birthers, Truthers and Preppers out in the woods running wild with black rifles like a bunch of sugar crazed four year olds dreaming of a new Confederacy or some such codswallop. And I'm talking comfortable fellas with the odd PHD's and big incomes. All former eager foot soldiers of the globalist frigging elite.

Next thing Trump bullshits his way to the Whitehouse and The Economist that at least one of them subscribed to is downgrading the US to a "flawed democracy". With Trump just as a symptom of a nation that's almost reached peak barmpot.

It's not really his fault but it seems a liberal fella getting to be the boss of them broke America. Now the anti-Obama a joyfully divisive Trump is about to inflict much the same derangement onto those Americans of a liberal tendency.
What's their beef with Planned Parenthood, is it because of contraceptives or abortions or what?

All of the above, with the added insult of being a liberal organization. They are bent on destroying anything that supports progressive politics. You might recall an organization called "Acorn". It was falsely accused of enrolling voters that they knew were fraudulent. The charge stuck enough that it ran them out of business. They've also tried to destroy unions because they tend to support more progressive candidates. They want to do the same with PP.
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