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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

Wow. You're really making me re-think my position here. :rolleyes:

I think you're too far gone and have invested too much of your own self and identity into this now to have your mind changed by anything rational or factual though. You have no idea how much of a idiot loon you come across as though, it's quite sad. You're in a cult and you don't even realise it.

I do find it quite weird you can be on forums like this, have people explain why they find what you're saying bollocks, and yet you seem to show absolutely no awareness or willingness to sit back for even a minute and consider you might be wrong and/or people might just have a bit of a point.
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^^^ We don't have even that.

1. Oppose the status quo and do no damage and offend no one.
2. Oppose the status quo and do damage.
3. Oppose the status quo and offend the wrong person.

2 and 3 will get you into trouble, 1 won't, offering you the illusion that everything is OK.

Nothing you've said constitutes an opposition to the status quo. Mugs like you are ten a penny. You don't oppose capitalism or institutional prejudice.

Nope. I laugh and watch as over and over again, people are being ripped off by a financial system and the "solution" is always to "trust that other cunt instead" when the real solution doesn't involve trusting anyone in the first place.

The extreme irony in this situation is that it's the "no trust" folks who get ripped off the most, because they're the ones who try to make their money through hustling bullshit and get-rich-quick schemes, instead of actually earning it through hard work like most people.
^^^ We don't have even that.

1. Oppose the status quo and do no damage and offend no one.
2. Oppose the status quo and do damage.
3. Oppose the status quo and offend the wrong person.

2 and 3 will get you into trouble, 1 won't, offering you the illusion that everything is OK.
Define "get you into trouble". Because I have a feeling you're setting a very low bar here...
I think you're too far gone and have invested too much of your own self and identity into this now to have your mind changed by anything rational or factual though. You have no idea how much of a idiot loon you come across as though, it's quite sad. You're in a cult and you don't even realise it.

I do find it quite weird you can be on forums like this, have people explain why they find what you're saying bollocks, and yet you seem to show absolutely no awareness or willingness to sit back for even a minute and consider you might be wrong and/or people might just have a bit of a point.
He's not here to learn. He's here to tell the sheeple how they've got it all so very wrong, and how much better than us he is.
I'm actually starting to think free speech is overrated, looking at where it's brought us. I don't really understand how 'citizens being able to express without legal sanction political views that oppose the status quo' (which is how I understand the idea of free speech) has degenerated into 'I get to say whatever I want at any time no matter how untrue it is or how harmful the effects of my words might be for other people'. Which is less free speech and more stroppy teen speech. We're like an entire society of stroppy teens who can't abide being told 'no' and who revel in the selfishness of 'I can say and do whatever I want and you can't stop me nyah!' It's laughable, or it would be if it weren't to fucking toxic :facepalm:

Byung Chal Han who I have wanged on about so much recently on here is good on this. He says we have moved from the Foucault punishment society, where everything was "should", to a post technological world of "can". I can do this. I can do this. I can say this. I can get this. I can. Han calls both these modes oppressive, controlling and inauthentic - Foucault's models is terrifying because the human is surveyed and co-erced into inauthenticity and oppression, where as in the "can society", the individual signs up for their own oppression by beliving they have infinite choice and freedom. When they don't. They really don't. And where as before in the Foucault model you would be isolated from say the church, or the village pub, now we have an internal imprisonment because all our "can" desires are never met so therefore...we have internal burnout. Exhaustion. No I can't is actually an age old path to liberation - popular in so many religious and spiritual traditions. The total acceptance of our own inner limitations. A giving up. Han in an interview i saw of him was asked "so what's your soltion?" he answered "any solution i have will lead to more problems. so there is only really salvation." in true buddhist framing.

Never before free speach has been so available, widespread, and - with just a few markers off limit racism, noncery, threats of violence etc - no where in my time i don't think have people whinged and wailed about being so oppressed because they don't have it, when they do, like never before. Human misery at the moment is caused not by lack of free speach but because late stage capitalism is on it's arsed and shafting us all and our communities daily.
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Nothing you've said constitutes an opposition to the status quo. Mugs like you are ten a penny. You don't oppose capitalism or institutional prejudice.

The extreme irony in this situation is that it's the "no trust" folks who get ripped off the most, because they're the ones who try to make their money through hustling bullshit and get-rich-quick schemes, instead of actually earning it through hard work like most people.

For those who wisely haven't gone into the Crypto thread, Web3 is Going Just Great gives a good overview of the scams out in crypto land and the estimated $11 billion the scammers have appropriated from their marks.
Byung Chal Han who I have wanged on about so much recently on here is good on this. He says we have moved from the Foucault punishment society, where everything was "should", to a post technological world of "can". I can do this. I can do this. I can say this. I can get this. I can. Han calls both these modes oppressive, controlling and inauthentic - Foucault's models is terrifying because the human is surveyed and co-erced into inauthenticity and oppression, where as in the "can society", the individual signs up for their own oppression by beliving they have infinite choice and freedom. When they don't. They really don't. And where as before in the Foucault model you would be isolated from say the church, or the village pub, now we have an internal imprisonment because all our "can" desires are never met so therefore...we have internal burnout. Exhaustion. No I can't is actually an age old path to liberation - popular in so many religious and spiritual traditions. The total acceptance of our own inner limitations. A giving up. Han in an interview i saw of him was asked "so what's your soltion?" he answered "any solution i have will lead to more problems. so there is only really salvation." in true buddhist framing.

Never before free speach has been so available, widespread, and - with just a few markers off limit racism, noncery, threats of violence etc - no where in time in my time i don't think i have people whinged and wailed about being so oppressed because they don't have it, when they do, like never before. Human misery at the moment is caused not by lack of free speach but because late stage capitalism is on it's arsed and shafting us all and our communities daily.

BUT BLOCKCHAIN! :facepalm:
^^^ We don't have even that.

1. Oppose the status quo and do no damage and offend no one.
2. Oppose the status quo and do damage.
3. Oppose the status quo and offend the wrong person.

2 and 3 will get you into trouble, 1 won't, offering you the illusion that everything is OK.

I don't know who you mean by 'we', as nothing you've posted here speaks to me or makes me feel included. Who is your 'we'?
looks crap. it's not. i had for many years been looking for a philosopher who had got a handle on teh digital age and he is one of the best ones i have found.
Nothing you've said constitutes an opposition to the status quo. Mugs like you are ten a penny. You don't oppose capitalism or institutional prejudice.

The extreme irony in this situation is that it's the "no trust" folks who get ripped off the most, because they're the ones who try to make their money through hustling bullshit and get-rich-quick schemes, instead of actually earning it through hard work like most people.
So my circle of loons has sadly increased to five now. None of them bad people, just gullible. So gullible that one of those five has lost upwards of £100k to fraudsters, not once, but twice. A second one has been persuaded to part with a large some of money to invest in a backpacker hostel in West Africa from some internet acquaintance - his friends tried to do a bit of due diligence for him and pointed out that no one in their right mind would stay there as there are much nicer hotels a couple of hundred yards away that are far cheaper and would be a much better draw for any visitors, but something, something crypto and he spunked his savings. He's out in Africa now trying his hardest to make the thing work.

Two others have been bamboozled by abusive, gaslighting, narcissistic partners, to the point that covid conspiracies actually sound realistic compared to the bullshit they believed form their ex's (e.g. One caught an STD from her ex, yet believed him that she must have caught it from bedding in a hotel they stayed in a month before).

The fifth as far as I'm aware hasn't invested his savings into anything yet, but as he lost his well paying job for not having the common courtesy to wear a mask in customers buildings during the hight of the pandemic he may not have any money to be rinsed of.

this twat keeps going with this until page 139 and beyond so around 30 pages of repetitive shit in all - you can safely skip to page 139 or even further. :thumbs:

Nope. I laugh and watch as over and over again, people are being ripped off by a financial system and the "solution" is always to "trust that other cunt instead" when the real solution doesn't involve trusting anyone in the first place.

All your bank notes under the mattress then :thumbs:
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For someone who doesn't give a fuck, you do seem to be expending a lot of your fuck budget on this thread.
I've always got time to expose "cuddly liberals" for the authoratron fascists they really are. Admit it. You want the government to have full spectrum control over most people's lives, because "everyone else is the problem".

You're the fucking problem. Fuck off and live in North Korea.
And he does all his own food safety testing.
Doesn't work because that would mean trusting his employer to pay him.
Doesn't pay rent because that would mean trusting his landlord.
Doesn't sign on because that would mean trusting the government.
Doesn't do bitcoin because that would mean trusting some unnamed shady fuckers in an indeterminate country on the interne ... oh wait :(

Not trusting anyone is possibly his most stupid statement among a hoard of stupid statements. He trusts people without even knowing who he trusts.
Anyway....back to vaccinations.....

My position is, good for some people, not so good for others.

Want to change my mind? Reason with me.

And the best way to reason with me, is to convince me you're reasonble.


If vaccines are good. Fine, that's a valid view to hold, of course ... but how far is too far in getting citizens to have vaccines?

It's a question pro-vaccine people need to answer to prove they are being reasonable.

It's a two way street. There's give and take. It's all very well slating anti-vaxx nutters, but an anti-vaxx nutter is different than someone with genuine concerns about vaccines.

Nothing can be improved without critisim and some people on the pro-vaccine side are a bit too ideological to see that.
Doesn't work because that would mean trusting his employer to pay him.
Doesn't pay rent because that would mean trusting his landlord.
Doesn't sign on because that would mean trusting the government.
Doesn't do bitcoin because that would mean trusting some unnamed shady fuckers in an indeterminate country on the interne ... oh wait :(

Not trusting anyone is possibly his most stupid statement among a hoard of stupid statements. He trusts people without even knowing who he trusts.
They are people are have to trust because at this time, I don't have better alternatives at this time.

Can we conitnue this on the bitcoin thread or a new thread please?
They are people are have to trust because at this time, I don't have better alternatives at this time.

Can we conitnue this on the bitcoin thread or a new thread please?
Indeed, glad you admit you were talking bollocks.

Could you post some figures to demonstrate that vaccines don't work?
I've always got time to expose "cuddly liberals" for the authoratron fascists they really are. Admit it. You want the government to have full spectrum control over most people's lives, because "everyone else is the problem".

You're the fucking problem. Fuck off and live in North Korea.

The most scholarly of the Decepticons.
I've always got time to expose "cuddly liberals" for the authoratron fascists they really are. Admit it. You want the government to have full spectrum control over most people's lives, because "everyone else is the problem".

You're the fucking problem. Fuck off and live in North Korea.

You've been accusing us of this kind of shit for a while now. But you haven't actually quoted anyone supporting anything like that. I asked you earlier on what basis you called me a fascist. What was your answer? Silence. You know that you're just full of shit.
I think you're too far gone and have invested too much of your own self and identity into this now to have your mind changed by anything rational or factual though. You have no idea how much of a idiot loon you come across as though, it's quite sad. You're in a cult and you don't even realise it.

I do find it quite weird you can be on forums like this, have people explain why they find what you're saying bollocks, and yet you seem to show absolutely no awareness or willingness to sit back for even a minute and consider you might be wrong and/or people might just have a bit of a point.

Cults are something that are difficult to get out of because of peer pressure, with a whole load of peer pressure using emotional pressure to get me to believe certain things.

My beliefs are formed through research on the internet, not from joining any online communities ... ironically, over the past 3 months or so, this is forum is the closet thing to an online community I have been using and many of it's particpants are using emotion rather than facts in attempts to change my thinking.

If I sold all of my crypto holdings tomorrow, there wouldn't be one single email or phone call from anyone questioning my decision, hardly a cult.

I don't know how the tokenecomics of crypto would take corruption out of big pharma, but if anything will, a crypto blockchain based economy will.
You've been accusing us of this kind of shit for a while now. But you haven't actually quoted anyone supporting anything like that. I asked you earlier on what basis you called me a fascist. What was your answer? Silence. You know that you're just full of shit.

But you support going in that direction, saying nothing wrong with this, that or the other, but this that and the other are the building blocks of a framework to survey and control.

Centralised power corrupts and there are ways of doing things where power can be decentralised back to local communities.
Anyway....back to vaccinations.....

My position is, good for some people, not so good for others.

What does this mealy-mouthed nonsense actually mean though? Are you a qualified medical professional? What makes you think you can determine whether vaccination is suitable for someone or not?
But you support going in that direction, saying nothing wrong with this, that or the other, but this that and the other are the building blocks of a framework to survey and control.

Again, you have failed to actually back up your accusations with quotes, and have instead resorted to slippery slope fallacies.
What does this mealy-mouthed nonsense actually mean though? Are you a qualified medical professional? What makes you think you can determine whether vaccination is suitable for someone or not?

Who do you think is the best person to decide whether you should have the vaccination?
Anyway....back to vaccinations.....

My position is, good for some people, not so good for others.

Want to change my mind? Reason with me.

And the best way to reason with me, is to convince me you're reasonble.


If vaccines are good. Fine, that's a valid view to hold, of course ... but how far is too far in getting citizens to have vaccines?

It's a question pro-vaccine people need to answer to prove they are being reasonable.

It's a two way street. There's give and take. It's all very well slating anti-vaxx nutters, but an anti-vaxx nutter is different than someone with genuine concerns about vaccines.

Nothing can be improved without critisim and some people on the pro-vaccine side are a bit too ideological to see that.

You still not said why are you regret having them. But this question above is easy.

No one should be physically forced to take a vaccine.
Some areas of employment, for example, caring for vulnerable groups in residential settings, Should require having had the vaccine.
A bit like you know, you need a clean driving license for many driving jobs. Hardly a massive impediment to freedom.
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