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The stupidity of the anti-vaxx nutcases

Earlier on, you made a claim that the vaccine does not prevent the spread of disease. That claim underlines your apparent ignorance of how mass vaccination works: it's not a magic bullet that instantly eliminates all possibility of transmission. Now you're demonstrating your apparent ignorance of how mass vaccination works by claiming (or pretending to) that if one party is vaccinated, it is some kind of magic bullet that instantly eliminates all possibility of transmission.

Vaccination doesn't work like that. It reduces the possibility of transmission, and reduces the severity of disease in most who have been vaccinated. So, by vaccinating as many as people as possible, we improve outcomes overall, and reduce the spread of the disease across a population.

So many of those who criticise this vaccination programme appear to be doing it from a premise of individual freedom. Which is all very well, but vaccination is about trading individual choices for a societal benefit, and as long as people go on thinking that it should be more about their choices than the overall benefit to the community of their getting vaccinated, we're pissing in the wind.
Better start reasoning with people then.
My views on the actual vaccines would matter so far as a debate if I was arguing that you should or shouldn't take them. I'm not. So I don't understand why I would need to back up my views on the vaccines, if I'm not pro or anti-vaccine.

Please get this into your head. I couldn't care less, who takes the vaccine or who doesn't - all I really care about, is that everyone has the right to take it or not, including doing their own research, without having to combat censorship.
We've seen plenty of people like you before. People who insist that they're not on one side or the other, and use that as the excuse to not back up their claims, while all the time tilting the argument in favour of their preferred view - which is pretty well exclusively an anti one, whatever disclaimers they might mouth along the way.

You're not fooling anyone except, possibly, yourself.
Even in a 'perfect society' where overt coercion had been eliminated, milder relatives of those same forces would still be a part of what made that society a society in the first place. Whether dressed up as actions necessary for 'the greater good' or any other variety of such thoughts, its a real thing, it matters, its part of life as a social creature, and the ridiculous attitudes of the likes of Ayn Rand were incompatible with how human life actually works.

Given the burden this virus imposed and how far they had to go with non-pharmaceutical measures in the pre-vaccine era to keep the numbers within limits the system could even begin to cope with, the impetus to get as many people vaccinated as possible was hardly a surprise. Nor were the methods used unsurprising or at odds with how the world is currently ordered.

These days people have a sense that we have gone beyond the acute phase of the pandemic. And so some of the people who were happy enough at the time to go along with that momentum now have the luxury of looking back and quibbling about some of that stuff, of 'having regrets' etc. That such luxuries are available is a sign of the success of the original approach, of how far we've come. But a lot of those conclusions that could be reached now are bogus, are only possible to come up with now by divorcing the details of what people were compelled to do with the high stakes that were in effect at the time.
My views on the actual vaccines would matter so far as a debate if I was arguing that you should or shouldn't take them. I'm not. So I don't understand why I would need to back up my views on the vaccines, if I'm not pro or anti-vaccine.

Please get this into your head. I couldn't care less, who takes the vaccine or who doesn't - all I really care about, is that everyone has the right to take it or not, including doing their own research, without having to combat censorship.
imagine me going to astrophysicist and saying "give me a few years mate on google.youtube and facebook and i will be up to speed". it's what pretty much these dumbasses are saying. Sure there;s nothign wrong with deep diving, but when it's coupled without single shred of humility its disturbing.
has a word been so cheapened as the word "research?"
I think we should make two words. We could repurpose the version pronounced "RE-search" to mean "I watched a few 2 hour Youtube videos and went to a load of sketchy websites", and the one pronounced "re-SEARCH" to mean "I looked up some peer-reviewed publications, cross-checked some ideas from other peer-reviewed publications, and checked the authenticity and credentials of the sources cited".

We could even spell the Youtube variety differently, maybe "reeserch"?

No I am not.
Outing yourself as a Peterson cultist now then?
Everyone is in favour of state intervention. If you broke into my home, I would rather the state interverned and arrested you, because It would talk me a long time to clean up your splattered blood off my walls.

But we don't need the state to intervene with youtube. We should simply use decentralised competitors more and more.
Insert David Brent you're hard gif here
I think we should make two words. We could repurpose the version pronounced "RE-search" to mean "I watched a few 2 hour Youtube videos and went to a load of sketchy websites", and the one pronounced "re-SEARCH" to mean "I looked up some peer-reviewed publications, cross-checked some ideas from other peer-reviewed publications, and checked the authenticity and credentials of the sources cited".

We could even spell the Youtube variety differently, maybe "reeserch"?
the process of becoming a true expert is beyond these guys comprehension. for my degree we spent about 3 months on just how to research the topic we were given before the research even began. and that was on just one topic of a very broad degree subject.
Peterson is being silenced now. The Canadian board of psychology or whatever they're called has threatened to strike him off if he doesn't attend social media training. And all he ever did was tell people to kill themselves and call doctors who provide gender affirming care criminals.

Peterson just makes me uncomfortable these days, I think he has untreated bipolar or possibly even schizophrenia (a psychiatrist he visited claimed this but he rejected it because he's a great thinker and can self diagnose or something) and I think the induced coma in Russia and cold turkey benzo withdrawals have given him brain damage. But the marks keep on throwing money and adulation at him so the grift goes on...
Peterson is being silenced now. The Canadian board of psychology or whatever they're called has threatened to strike him off if he doesn't attend social media training. And all he ever did was tell people to kill themselves and call doctors who provide gender affirming care criminals.

Peterson just makes me uncomfortable these days, I think he has untreated bipolar or possibly even schizophrenia (a psychiatrist he visited claimed this but he rejected it because he's a great thinker and can self diagnose or something) and I think the induced coma in Russia and cold turkey benzo withdrawals have given him brain damage. But the marks keep on throwing money and adulation at him so the grift goes on...
The fan boys think he is "the greatest intellectual of our times" which is hillarious. and a sign of our times. a dumb person's idea of a smart person
Peterson just makes me uncomfortable these days, I think he has untreated bipolar or possibly even schizophrenia (a psychiatrist he visited claimed this but he rejected it because he's a great thinker and can self diagnose or something) and I think the induced coma in Russia and cold turkey benzo withdrawals have given him brain damage. But the marks keep on throwing money and adulation at him so the grift goes on...

I think there's a fair bit of that among those types, I saw a Russell Brand video the other day and he came across as a bit unhinged tbh. It's the same as some of the 'followers' of these types, there's a good amount of vulnerable people drawn into it all. It's all quite sad, and a bit of me feels like that with this person here now, he's like someone completely unaware of how they come across to most other people, and probably with some narcissistic personality disorder traits.

(After seeing that RB video it's pretty horrifying what then gets shown to you by YouTube as suggested viewing. Just been shown a video about how everyone is going to get letters from their government about making their house carbon neutral and if they don't it'll be taken from them, all part of the NWO Great Reset etc etc. Millions of views ffs. I find this stuff really quite scary politically.)
I think there's a fair bit of that among those types, I saw a Russell Brand video the other day and he came across as a bit unhinged tbh. It's the same as some of the 'followers' of these types, there's a good amount of vulnerable people drawn into it all. It's all quite sad, and a bit of me feels like that with this person here now, he's like someone completely unaware of how they come across to most other people, and probably with some narcissistic personality disorder traits.

(After seeing that RB video it's pretty horrifying what then gets shown to you by YouTube as suggested viewing. Just been shown a video about how everyone is going to get letters from their government about making their house carbon neutral and if they don't it'll be taken from them, all part of the NWO Great Reset etc etc. Millions of views ffs. I find this stuff really quite scary politically.)
I watched a series by an experimental psychologist (Cass something her name was - she's really good) on Peterson's books and ever since I keep getting deranged far right shit in my YouTube - Joe Rogan interviews Ben Shapiro type shit but also much worse stuff like Andrew Tate, Holocaust denial, race realism etc. Fuck knows how I get it back to normal again. And if that's what you get just from looking at a critique by a fucking scientist imagine how bad it gets if you start to get sucked in. Genuinely fucking terrified and I do get a feeling of there but for the grace of God go I - I was once a kid looking for answers and I found communist uncles and eventually the swp (however bad they were, it's fucking better than this) I reckon if I'd been born 20 years later I could easily have ended up in that swamp.
I watched a series by an experimental psychologist (Cass something her name was - she's really good) on Peterson's books and ever since I keep getting deranged far right shit in my YouTube - Joe Rogan interviews Ben Shapiro type shit but also much worse stuff like Andrew Tate, Holocaust denial, race realism etc. Fuck knows how I get it back to normal again. And if that's what you get just from looking at a critique by a fucking scientist imagine how bad it gets if you start to get sucked in. Genuinely fucking terrified and I do get a feeling of there but for the grace of God go I - I was once a kid looking for answers and I found communist uncles and eventually the swp (however bad they were, it's fucking better than this) I reckon if I'd been born 20 years later I could easily have ended up in that swamp.
Measured, boring analysis, often at the very heart of a subject or any sort of truth, whether your perspective is coming from the right or left, doesn't cut it on youtube. Anyone grifting knows that they have to keep things "interesting" so that normally involves pissing off the other side as much as possible whilst providing as much emotional validation to their followerers as possible. Who the hell wants to make a youtube video 4 hours long when just as much money - and it can be an incredible amount of money - can be made from a video that is 10 minutes long?
Measured, boring analysis, often at the very heart of a subject or any sort of truth, whether your perspective is coming from the right or left, doesn't cut it on youtube. Anyone grifting knows that they have to keep things "interesting" so that normally involves pissing off the other side as much as possible whilst providing as much emotional validation to their followerers as possible. Who the hell wants to make a youtube video 4 hours long when just as much money - and it can be an incredible amount of money - can be made from a video that is 10 minutes long?
Fortunately Cass Eris does (that's her name - remembered it now!) but yeah completely agree. If you look at the nominally left wing ones theyre up to the same shit (albeit less damaging or lucrative) - people like Hasan Piker, Vausch, majority report. Most of their content is 'look at the deranged shit the far right is talking about on the web lol' - mirror image of the look at the woke snowflakes shit the right does.
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