Dennisr, your abuse is becoming increasingly irrational. Your refusal to distance yourself from the No2EU stuff & acknowledge that my analysis is basically correct worry me.
As it happens, I am the son of immigrants, my father came to Britain when he was 5 years old from India, my mother is of Irish descent. I have also supported local anti-deporation campaigns, your bizarre attempts to claim that I am an armchair activist or do nothing are wacky, I don't claim to be the most brilliant activist in the world, but I am fairly polticially active.
The No2EU manifesto has a section on workers rights that begins by implicitly suggesting that migrant workers are a huge issue in relation to workers rights and the situation of working class people today. Generally when I argue with people at work who come out with racist stuff about immigrants, I explain that this tiny minority of workers are not responsible for our society's problems, but rather the rich and bosses - No2EU is implicitly implying that a huge problem in our society is migrant workers. Why does the section on workers' rights begin by talking about foreign workers? It is not the experience of most working class people in Britain that the big problems they are facing are due to foreign workers being socially dumped here, though they may wrongly scapegoat them.
No2EU said:
The social dumping of exploited foreign workers in Britain is being carried out under EU rules demanding the “free movement of capital, goods, services and labour” within the EU.
No2EU tries to suggest that migrant workers are not to blame, they are just victims of the bosses, but the fact that a section on workers rights begins by talking about foreign workers rather than domestic bosses is pretty deplorable. The line that we need to restrict immigrants because they are exploited is not a socialist one it is a nationalist labour argument, the socialist argument is 'open borders' and equal rights for ALL workers. Essentially the implicit message of this section is that foreign workers are being dumped in Britain and exploited and we should oppose the free movement of labour.
No2EU said:
If ‘food-miles’ represent an unacceptably large carbon footprint, then ‘labour-miles’ and shunting human beings around Europe in the pursuit of profit is even more damaging.
Blaming immigrants for global warming is deplorable, is there actual evidence that significant numbers of people are being shunted around in pursuit of profit? Rather because of the capitalist system a large amount of people migrate in search of better opportunities & we should support them. This analysis can only implicitly lead to the idea that we need to restrict immigration and blame the victims.
Stop defending the indefensible, Dennisr